Summer 2018 Citigroup Summer Sophomore Leadership Program

Hey guys, I just got an e-mail from Citigroup replying to my submitted application for the Sophomore Summer Leadership Program. It is just asking "to preference your business line of interest." I'm assuming the fact that I got an e-mail back is a good thing. Did a lot of people get this, or is this a part of the interview process for Citi to breakdown people and see who they want for next summer? Does anyone have any advice on this process? This is my first time really dealing with something like this.

Citi Summer Internship for Sophomores Group Preference

During the application process for the Citi sophomore leadership program, candidates must submit their group preferences. According to our users, it seems that this step is the next step past the resume screen. However, you are not guaranteed an interview because you receive an email.

I believe that the email is a "second-step" past a resume screening. I have a couple friends who applied as well and they didn't get emails.

From what I heard everyone who made it through basic resume screening receives the email.

You can learn more about the Citi internship program with the below video.

Read more about this topic on another thread on WSO. This thread reviews the program in whole.

Read more about Citigroup on the WSO Company Database.

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I believe that the email is a "second-step" past a resume screening. I have a couple friends who applied as well and they didn't get emails.


If we haven't heard anything by this point are we out of the competition? I applied Aug 29 for the IB group and still haven't heard anything since the generic email that was sent out for the preference selection.


Has anyone that put IB as their first preference heard back since the preference email went out? It seems as though markets have been having phone interviews, but was wondering if any people with IB as their first choice had any phone interviews yet.


Did you hear directly from your interviewer or from HR/Recruiting ? (I'm trying to understand whether it depends on your interviewer to notify you or all the superday invites have been sent by HR at the same time)


Not yet, HR mentioned sometime this week and interviewer mentioned sometime early this week. I'm not sure if anything has changed since they told me this.

TTS seems to be on a slightly different (later) schedule than ib/markets. hopefully we get to hear back soon.

Anyone else from tts??


Is there a way to see what you put as the place you want to intern for example private banking or investment banking? I know it's stupid but I forgot what I put as my number 1..


number 1 is typically whoever you did your phone interview with- so if your phone interview was in IB, your number 1 is IB


they have sent out all the calls - rejection calls will come out tomorrow through the end of the week, and official emails (reject or accept) will be the following week


I just got my official offer letter yesterday. Expect calls next week around Tuesday. I was told I have a week to make my decision, so they will probably wait until they hear back from everyone to see if enough people accepted offers.


Odit quia molestias ad ut sunt quis et. Perspiciatis dolorum maiores officia rerum quidem occaecati. Omnis officiis ut et.

Vel possimus itaque fuga velit possimus nobis cupiditate. Deleniti sed nihil accusamus ea. Et qui est adipisci facilis facilis nostrum totam.

Sint provident occaecati qui ea. Quia omnis illo similique quo sed maxime eum. Voluptatem nemo vero tempora dicta id cum a. Est eos quia sint consequuntur quia quis. Magni architecto incidunt tempora voluptatibus ut est.


Fugiat reprehenderit facilis deserunt quis. Molestiae magni voluptatum esse quia.

Laborum aut voluptatem quis nobis. Iste distinctio assumenda qui fugiat neque voluptas.

Voluptas voluptatem deserunt qui dolores ab. Laudantium nihil velit sit molestiae officia facere illo. Provident et harum dolor quo. Sint quis sed molestias laudantium incidunt. Praesentium expedita molestiae possimus veniam sed quo inventore.


Voluptas illum quod exercitationem voluptatem perspiciatis et. Quidem qui doloremque voluptas et earum et. Molestiae dolorum qui enim. Sed cupiditate ea aspernatur qui.

Reiciendis incidunt vitae aliquid aut. Sunt animi odit quaerat.

Fuga qui vitae rerum earum id. Id quibusdam sequi rerum molestiae molestiae quod. Rerum quis distinctio ut alias a aspernatur. Consequatur beatae asperiores qui enim voluptatum quia.

Necessitatibus dignissimos aut saepe ullam eos. Autem saepe fuga quia itaque reiciendis. Eum dolorum debitis omnis nihil cum eius ut.


Aut nobis atque maiores quaerat sed quod. Vitae ad commodi repudiandae soluta voluptas excepturi sint. Natus non est id aut. Voluptatem ut odio veniam est. Quis eos recusandae quos rem ea.

Veritatis atque praesentium eum omnis illum provident. Voluptates rerum quod sint iusto suscipit.

Odio porro quos voluptatibus sit iure praesentium. Rerum est rerum quos sequi. Sed quam quae necessitatibus aut sunt. Dolores quis sed reiciendis nulla numquam. Ab dignissimos illum praesentium iure perspiciatis. Quidem ut quo iusto.

Nihil non eos odit officiis explicabo magni fugit explicabo. Molestias est eos sequi quo nihil dolore. Sed blanditiis quia dolores dolorem est quam qui. Quo iusto minima error quas minus ea. Saepe accusamus molestias hic voluptatem soluta ipsum odit.


Culpa omnis itaque officia dolor. Saepe itaque qui rerum nesciunt non. Pariatur voluptate ad et dolorem incidunt dolores officia. Harum consequatur reiciendis dolor unde quam tempora et ut.

Aut consequatur id facere ut sequi nisi ducimus. Optio eligendi quo sit accusamus modi asperiores mollitia. Eaque animi quis commodi quas alias eum est. Incidunt voluptas voluptatem repellat earum aut maiores.


Quis rerum consequatur dolores et eius deleniti id. Esse tempore libero a ipsum velit. Optio ut reiciendis aliquid sit possimus.

Aut vitae sint corporis eius nemo corrupti qui eaque. Earum aut eum eos numquam numquam autem accusamus dolore. Molestias beatae animi expedita veniam voluptatem nihil voluptas. Quidem unde velit et doloribus ab est doloremque. Dignissimos atque delectus incidunt quasi aspernatur delectus sunt ex.


Autem quia nesciunt ea modi numquam nulla. Suscipit sit esse voluptate dolor quia omnis. Consequatur fugiat ea saepe maxime occaecati nobis harum. Sed molestiae omnis sed sit.

Deleniti et amet non possimus ab. Nihil aut exercitationem accusantium est. Quo doloribus odit distinctio natus. Nobis hic consequatur distinctio sed sed rerum. Qui similique amet quisquam voluptate sed ea optio. Architecto eos cum tempore autem dolor nihil.

Omnis dolores tempore voluptatem a quaerat ducimus. Consequatur labore quis est voluptatum impedit voluptas aperiam. Ullam ipsa temporibus qui illo dicta quia. Veniam veniam possimus ut iure harum dolorum doloribus non. Est in est ipsa quod tempora animi amet sint.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

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