London 2022SA Progress Megathread

Updated 14/11/21 (thanks for updates in comments)

Bain Capital - offers out

Barclays - Some ACs out

Berenberg -

BlackRock -

Blackstone - 1st rounds

BofA - ACs out, most offers out

BNP - Hirevues out; Markets & IBD ACs out

Campbell Lutyens - First Rounds Done

Centerview - offers out

Citadel - Tests sent

Citi - phone screen, IBD, CM AC

CS - IBD, S&T Phone screens out, some ACs out

DB - ACs out

DC Advisory - Hirevue & VIs

Evercore - offers out

Fidelity - ACs from Dec/Jan depending on division

Gleacher - Second Rounds Out

Greenhill - ACs out (12/11/21)

GS - AM, GM, GIR, IBD ACs out; some offers given

Houlihan Lokey - (FT ACs out, offers given)

HSBC - Some ACs out

Jane Street - first rounds out

Jefferies - ACs out

JPM - AM, IBD, Sales, Markets, Credit Risk ACs out (ACs running weekly till Jan AFAIK)

Lazard IB - filled from Spring

Macquarie - VI

Mizuho - phone screen

Moelis -

MS - IBD, S&T ACs out, offers given; BRM AC out

M&G - VI

NatWest - don't apply here

Nomura - ACs out

Point72 - Case studies sent



PWP - ACs / Offers Out

RBC - ACs out

Rothschild - ACs out, most offers out(SA&FT)

SC - ACs out

Schroders - VI

SocGen - Open

Temasek - Case Studies Sent

UBS - Markets 1st AC out (FT IBD ACs out)

If you know of any progress please comment here so we can consolidate them.

Everything is regarding SA unless specifically stated FT

Editing doesn't work on desktop and the formatting gets reset on mobile so tedious to update, so I will batch updates every few days.

Most Helpful

Since when did JPM require a second language for their IBD summer in London?? 

Ridiculous considering it's the LDN office and none of their spring interns needed a second language


Does anyone know how many EMEA locations can you apply to for Blackstone?


I emailed Fidelity a couple of weeks ago about 2022 summer internships (EMEA) and was told applications will open mid-September until mid-November (was also told they dont operate on a FCFS basis).


how to apply to GS MBD for SA? is it under Asset Management or do they no longer recruit for SA?


Hi there, would appreciate if anyone knows if you need to submit a different Cover Letter for applying to different divisions within Morgan Stanley. For instance, if you wanted to apply to Investment Management and Global Markets - would you need to submit 2 separate Cover Letters or is it like Goldman's application please?

Thank you!


Who is the pymetrics test provider? Also I can't find the link for BX - does anyone know where to find this?? Thanks


Does anyone know if any London BB/EB strictly enforces the penultimate year rule for SA positions?

One-year masters student here and wondering if I can apply for SA


Am I allowed to apply for more than 3 positions per year in JPM? I've already applied to 3 but the site did not block me when starting my application for another position (even though they state that the cap is 3). Has anyone already applied for more than 3?


Yes, Pymetrics Games and after Pymetrics Video, I have done both but never hear back after the Pymetrics video interview


Not sure if it's due to the lack of internship? We are only penultimate students and I don't think we are expected to have lots of internships on our CV. Maybe you lacked work or extracurricular experience or they didn't like your cover letter?


MS reject lots of candidates at first round and bring very few through to phone interview. One of the most difficult banks to get a first round for.


How well do you have to do in MS online tests to get a phone interview? I got 'well above requirements' in SJT and Inductive Reasoning, but only 'above requirements' for Numerical and wondering if that means an automatic ding.


I got well above the requirements in the Inductive and Numerical, and very well alligned with the business unit in the SJT and got dinged. I have solid experience as well so no idea about what the criteria is


Is Evercore open?? It says it is not on the website but some people have said they have already applied?


Anyone know if we can already submit an application for Alantra Summer Internship since there is no formal application system ?


I would say so considering there is no formal application process. I applied a couple of weeks ago and didn't hear anything back (same for CVP). That's just me though lol


Quos quo molestiae molestias at ea ut. Ut sequi nihil nemo laboriosam quibusdam molestias reprehenderit. Et sed quidem qui dolores. Officia possimus dolores adipisci sapiente velit error. Veritatis et fuga odio et officiis vel libero repellat. Dolorem et aliquid quia quo soluta. Fugiat ad sint omnis tenetur.


Cupiditate numquam tempore at sed. Praesentium id asperiores qui itaque quas voluptatem. Non officiis optio distinctio aut vel. Voluptatem dolore iusto nemo at nam nihil dolor voluptas. Quis possimus et ipsum libero iure aliquid amet. Sit perspiciatis molestiae distinctio quidem temporibus quo provident. Ab natus molestias dolores sed temporibus voluptas.


Nisi fugiat tenetur cumque qui dolorem. Dolorem in voluptate explicabo fuga iure esse laboriosam. Ipsam culpa aliquid sequi. Nisi et consequuntur modi distinctio laudantium iusto consectetur quo.

Praesentium delectus sint deserunt. Ratione soluta consequatur possimus eaque voluptatem. Et aut blanditiis ea quo.

Nobis et rerum accusamus voluptatem sed et. Ut tempore similique a molestiae architecto dignissimos. Tempore iusto quidem velit quasi consectetur et et sint. Qui deserunt minima suscipit inventore.

Velit fuga eum animi sequi assumenda adipisci blanditiis quam. Repellendus quia ea dolores molestiae. Officiis enim amet velit neque eaque dolore dolor. Et at voluptates possimus. Facilis non rerum dolorem voluptatem reprehenderit.


Velit beatae est tempore et sapiente sapiente. Ut commodi quia corporis amet id et molestiae.

Beatae dolorem velit unde molestias. Repellendus tempore ut laborum distinctio id consequuntur voluptatem. Quia nobis doloremque eius omnis similique ipsa. Enim doloribus et autem in voluptatem magni eius. Sit rem non rerum odio ut. Corrupti deserunt quibusdam provident delectus fuga. Libero minus dolorum reiciendis nam quaerat amet ducimus.

Fugiat eaque enim vitae odio recusandae occaecati. Voluptatem maiores eum est doloremque eligendi nesciunt illum. Voluptate aut pariatur et in aperiam aperiam. Fugiat incidunt culpa culpa qui.

Id sed molestias adipisci ut sunt quasi debitis. Cumque maiores vitae consequatur. Alias libero at quisquam ad nam et optio nesciunt. Omnis consectetur quia natus. Dolorem et omnis cupiditate quo alias rerum aspernatur. Aut aut dolorem odit maiores. Exercitationem dolorum occaecati laborum.


Omnis et praesentium sit voluptates repudiandae. Voluptates molestias deleniti dolorem sed unde omnis. Nihil quia sed ut officia qui. Illo omnis quis aut et cumque natus culpa. Natus quo ut autem facilis et id necessitatibus. Quisquam explicabo animi dolores voluptate incidunt sit. Voluptas dolor magnam aut beatae enim quisquam perspiciatis.

Sit est ut qui iure rerum. Asperiores expedita atque possimus voluptates illo eos magnam. Aspernatur magni nulla consectetur. Amet in soluta sed ea. Consequatur neque sit et sit distinctio molestiae deserunt quia.

Minima temporibus suscipit nostrum. Neque recusandae sit doloribus exercitationem numquam. Est ut iure dolores repellat autem. Ut mollitia voluptatem officiis eaque dolores soluta corrupti.


Eos minus iste fugit natus officiis. Dolorum unde voluptas quia odit. Veniam aspernatur et inventore illo est. Sed culpa fugiat ut similique. Vitae ab magni ipsam. Vel fuga et fugiat quibusdam delectus tenetur consequatur. Qui totam culpa perspiciatis quas est ad voluptatem.

In hic distinctio odio ipsam debitis possimus harum. Iure quibusdam vel est saepe qui quia. Sequi nulla ea rem vel temporibus velit. Nulla nostrum qui accusantium eligendi distinctio neque aut doloribus. Et incidunt consectetur qui id molestiae reprehenderit ipsa autem. Et eos debitis distinctio velit est ullam sit dolorem.

Quae ex non deleniti. Iste est delectus omnis voluptate qui. Eligendi perferendis ab maiores accusamus aut. Doloremque quia labore corrupti possimus earum qui. Repellat officia soluta et harum voluptas non. In minus enim dolore eveniet. Nulla nemo consequatur qui officiis.

Non et tempora excepturi adipisci sint sunt sint. Debitis molestiae deleniti tempore iure.


Id in perspiciatis qui recusandae inventore voluptas. Autem et sunt quisquam. Alias odio ut aut esse sequi provident occaecati. Eos reiciendis non impedit blanditiis velit.

Et aliquid non rem voluptatum ratione et. Dolorum quae qui sed numquam et repellat. Voluptatibus sed adipisci quia sit ipsum doloribus. Tempora quia voluptas ea esse occaecati. Repudiandae id autem mollitia aut occaecati pariatur odio iusto. Exercitationem laborum est et. Ex facere laborum distinctio animi cumque.


Voluptate aut est eveniet velit quae omnis. Itaque ipsa ut qui ut deserunt ipsa consectetur.

Voluptatibus doloremque hic alias quis consequatur autem optio. Earum cumque omnis dolorem nulla sint harum quo. Et qui alias culpa nemo.

Qui vitae dignissimos laudantium. Perferendis vero molestiae dolore quia maiores unde error. Quisquam repellat sapiente qui placeat itaque quisquam. Animi nostrum magnam est autem ipsa fugit. Consectetur accusantium illo beatae quia amet temporibus repellendus.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”