J.P. Morgan HireVue Interview Questions: What to Expect

I applied for an analyst position at J.P. Morgan. I immediately got an automated reply telling me to continue on HireVue. I did some digging through WSO and I still have some questions.

  1. Are you allowed multiple tries? It seems J.P. Morgan allowed this for the Wealth Management Jr. Analysts, but I'm not sure if they've changed it.
  2. Would it be just behavioral questions, or will there also be technical questions?
  3. Is the timer 30 seconds or 90 seconds? I found conflicting information on this.

Also, if anyone remembers the type of questions they had that'd be super helpful. I'd also love questions that weren't from HireVue, just for practice. I'm looking to actually record myself and practice tonight.

JP Morgan Hirevue Interview

First, it is important to note that different divisions/regions have their interviews structured differently.

WSO user who interviewed for several divisions for JP Morgan and claimed that:

The interview was the same for each interview. I was allowed to record each question 3 times and faced 5 questions.

Here are a couple interview tips from Hire Vue.

For interviews that you are able to re-record answers, you can pause and review after each attempt. You can pause for an unlimited amount of time. Previous guidelines were 30 seconds for each question, with three minutes total.

There's a practice sample question then you get one attempt with each actual question (all behavioral and timed).

Hirevue Interview Practice Questions

Below are some practice questions you can use:

  1. Why this position? Why are you a good fit for this position? Why this company?
  2. Talk about a time you dealt with a difficult coworker/customer, and how you handled the situation.
  3. Talk about your experience in changing roles quickly to achieve an object.
  4. Why are you a great fit for this position?
  5. Tell me about a current event that interests you and why?
  6. What unique experience or expertise could you bring to our team?
  7. What leadership experience or extracurricular activity on your resume is most important to you and why?
  8. What efforts do you make to stay on top of the markets on a regular basis?

Offical JP Morgan Hirevue Sample Questions

This is not an exhaustive list.

  • Why J.P. Morgan?
  • Which skills did you gain during your internship that will make you a good fit for this role?
  • Can you tell us about a time you’ve acted as a leader?
  • Why do you think you will succeed in this role? What makes you a good fit?
  • What has been your greatest challenge? How did you overcome it?
  • What are your best qualities?
  • Can you tell us about a time you worked in a team to solve a problem?
  • Can you tell us about a time you had to resolve a conflict at work? How did you achieve that? What happened?
  • What interests you about current affairs now? Why?

Example Answer to "What are your best qualities?

If facing 30 seconds you should touch on two qualities so that you have time to do a brief SOAR method with them. Read more about the SOAR method in our sample finance interview questions.

I think that one of my best qualities is that I am very receptive to feedback. During my internship last summer, with a local wealth management firm, I was tasked with giving a "mock client" presentation based on request data from the client over the past year. During my first presentation, I made a slide deck and spent 15 minutes talking at my client. After the session, my managers gave me positive feedback on the content but emphasized that I needed to make it more of a conversation in order to find out what their needs were as clients. Going into my next presentation, I was able to make it more conversational and gain a better understanding of the client's needs.


Depending on your division of interest, you will have 5 - 7 questions with 30 seconds to respond. Depending on your division of interest you may have one or three attempts to record your responses.

As digitial interviews increase in popularity - review guides to the J.P. Morgan, UBS, Barclays, BlackRock video interviews.

Learn More About Getting A Job With JP Morgon On WSO

Preparing for Investment Banking Interviews?

The WSO investment banking interview course is designed by countless professionals with real world experience, tailored to people aspiring to break into the industry. This guide will help you learn how to answer these questions and many, many more.

Investment Banking Interview Course Here


Alas, you caught me! I'm just nervous about the minimal feedback you get from such an automated process. HireVue itself also scores you via algorithmic machine learning nonsense. I'd like to make it to the actual phone interview and at the very least gain some human interaction (+ networking contacts) out of this.


To my immense frustration, no. Not even. Having said that, this position seemed to be a fresh graduate / entry-level position. I also think my GPA + work experience buzzwords generated an automatic invitation for HireVue.

For other new/incoming graduates: It seems that Goldman Sachs adopted the same process for all entry-level applications. I think this will become a pretty common thing for IB in the near future.

Best Response

There's a practice sample question then you get one attempt with each actual question (all behavioral and timed).

These are the questions I practiced and wrote down: 1. Why this position (why are you a good fit for this position?) / why this company? 2. Talk about a time you dealt with a difficult coworker / customer, and how you handled the situation. 3. Talk about your experience in changing roles quickly to achieve an object. 4. Why are you a great fit for this position? 5. Tell me about a current event that interests you and why? 6. What unique experience or expertise could you bring to our team? 7. What leadership experience or extracurricular activity on your resume is most important to you and why? 8. What efforts do you make to stay on top of the markets on a regular basis?

Good luck.

There's a practice sample question then you get one attempt with each actual question (all behavioral and timed).

These are the questions I practiced and wrote down: 1. Why this position (why are you a good fit for this position?) / why this company? 2. Talk about a time you dealt with a difficult coworker / customer, and how you handled the situation. 3. Talk about your experience in changing roles quickly to achieve an object. 4. Why are you a great fit for this position? 5. Tell me about a current event that interests you and why? 6. What unique experience or expertise could you bring to our team? 7. What leadership experience or extracurricular activity on your resume is most important to you and why? 8. What efforts do you make to stay on top of the markets on a regular basis?

Good luck.


Hi...i have a HireVue interview for an IB Analyst role? Can anyone post the questions from their interview...would be awesome if you could.


Can anyone speak further in regard to the recruitment process now? It used to be that networking with alums (and they went well) ensured your resume was forwarded in receiving a phone interview. But it seems that the pre-recorded interviews are now replacing the phone interview and the next round afterward is super day. Does networking now help with getting a super day then? It just seems like the resume submission and phone interview have now been clumped into one


Cant comment on that specifically...but i got the video interview invite only after I got an employee referral for th positions. So, networking probably helps land the invite..


I would say both. I came from a non target, networked A LOT. Met people, talked over coffee, got introduced to more people from netowrking, etc. Funny story is I ended up getting a job offer from a position I applied online without even knowing anyone in the bank. However, I can say, that in the banks I knew people in who forwarded my resume, or just by emailing HR with my resume for a certain position, that process to hear back for an introductory phone interviewer was much faster.


Pierpont did you get any updates after hirevue, and can you pm me a template of your resume please, will be really helpful (probably increase my chances from a negative to like +1% or something), I think my chances are really less/negligible since I am from a double non core.


Yeah, I'm having the same issue. Apparently it's common and yello/JPM helpdesks are aware (though you might want to get in touch so they can see the scope of the problem)

University of Chicago

Anyone get asked to fill a tax credit a week after submitting the video interview? Also, I applied for the Tech IB Analyst role in SF; doesn't training usually start in July/August? The schedule seems really delayed


"We are looking for a 1st Year / 2017 Analyst to join the team. J.P. Morgan's Investment Banking Technology Group provides a full range of investment banking services to various clients based in the U.S" and the description says people with a year's experience in banking or a related field are preferred so I'm not sure


For many of the positions I applied to at JPM, the hirevue was sent immediately after I finished submitting the app. The hirevue is usually pretty behavioral, so just be yourself (or dont). It's a good way to distinguish yourself and help recruiters see you as more than your accomplishments on a piece of paper. Next step after a week to a couple of weeks to a month, recruiter reaches out, pretty easy HR phone interview, then in person interview and final offer. Usually the process for these things.


Hey you mentioned you were from a non-target/networked a lot, were most of your networking "info interviews"- I feel like info interviews always seem to be such a failed approach for me, or if it is just supposed to pay off in the long term?


I've read that it's usually 30 seconds to answer each question, not sure on the prep time. As mentioned earlier, this seems to be the norm for BB firms, and may catch on with the whole IB industry in the future


To those that have applied to FT positions with JP Morgan: was the application through your school/an invitation or did you just apply to the positions on the JP Morgan careers page? I've heard that applications for FT analysts in most divisions will open in August, but it seems like plenty of people have already applied. Just wondering if I missed it because most US FT positions are currently closed on the website.


Applied today for investor relations analyst position, got an email with the link to complete the digital interview on hirevue immediately after submitting. anyone know if the behavioral questions are the same across the board for entry level positions? or has anyone done the hirevue for anything in the Asset Management program?


Just ran through the HireVue interview, here's what I got asked: - Why are you changing roles? Why JPM? - Describe your IB experience and why it makes you a good fit for the position. - Three main financial statements - What are the benefits and negatives of raising equity and debt? - What was one of our recent transactions that interested you and why?

Each question had it's own timeline as well, but never less than 90 seconds. Hope this helps!


Veniam repellat sint vel ipsa culpa velit consequatur. Tempore hic aspernatur similique accusamus.

Quos minima doloremque laudantium minima veritatis. Voluptate consequuntur sunt amet culpa beatae laboriosam sit. Modi quidem ducimus quas molestias aut. Soluta consequatur voluptatem aliquid vero assumenda quasi consequuntur.


Eius enim mollitia in aut. Qui vel perferendis quia maxime. Ratione aperiam porro asperiores minus ea.

Officiis labore beatae odio asperiores. Repellendus sunt in laudantium architecto aliquam aut ut. Autem sapiente et unde nostrum. Tempora assumenda exercitationem molestias cum.

Nihil rerum id ad enim delectus incidunt praesentium. Optio voluptatibus laborum saepe autem. Necessitatibus voluptatem sint omnis labore. Eligendi numquam maiores voluptatem iure.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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