Financial Statement Notes

A report in every accounting period to show the progress and problems in that time duration.

Author: Reham Maher
Reham Maher
Reham Maher
Studied Banking diploma at (EIBFS), a degree in BBA in Accounting from Liwa college (LC)
Reviewed By: Savan Sabu
Savan Sabu
Savan Sabu
Savan Sabu was brought up in Dubai, did Bachelor of Commerce Professional from a prestigious college (Christ College) in India. Later on, he worked as a Finance Research Analyst intern and was promoted to Editor In Chief with WSO where he developed working skills in multi-cultural environments, multi-tasking, improved research, and coordinated teamwork. Also, I could learn different concepts in finance and participate in bootcamps. Currently, pursuing a post-graduate degree in Supply Chain & Logistics.
Last Updated:May 28, 2024

What Are Financial Statement Notes?

Financial Statement Notes are supporting disclosures that provide readers with additional details and disclosures about the primary financial statements.

Companies prepare a report in every accounting period to show the progress and problems in that time duration. It is approved by others how well the business is doing to attract investors.

Accountants use them to report the state of a company's finances, what the accountants present, and what is in it.
This is why it is inferred that the report is made with all the essential financial statement notes with light information and is easy to read.

The main purpose of writing it is to see how the entity performs at the business and acts as an organization. It is to see improvement, adapt to issues, avoid problems, and gain good cash from running the business.

This will attract investors who are looking for a business to invest in, as approving your enterprise is secure and offers a great return.

One of the accountant's responsibilities is to prepare them for every accounting period with all the important information.

Many different statements are used in accounting, and all have an important rule to complete and show which part is weak and which part is getting better.

Showing off the company statement impresses the public and spreads a positive image in front of the investors. Strong skills in preparing it prove to the industry that they are qualified as a corporate entity.

A balance sheet is one of three key components of a Compilation of Financial Statements (the other two are income statements and cash flow statements).

It displays, or records, what a business owns, owes, and values as assets, debts, and equity.

The Balance Sheet is a statement of a business's assets, liabilities, and owner's equity; as such, it is a glimpse of the firm's financial health at a particular instant in time, which makes it more secure.

It illustrates the beginning and end of the company's financial year and its financial position at any given time during that period, in addition to being presented on an Income Statement.

It furthermore can be found on the face of an Owners' Capital Stock Certificate or in register A with any stock exchange company.

They are filing financial statements with their filings as a good impression of the company name.

Key Takeaways

  • Financial statement notes, also known as footnotes, are supplementary explanations and disclosures provided alongside the main financial statements.
  • The primary purpose of financial statement notes is to enhance the clarity and comprehensiveness of the financial statements.
  • They provide additional details about accounting policies, methodologies, and specific financial statement items, helping stakeholders make informed decisions.
  • Financial statement notes provide investors, analysts, and other stakeholders with critical insights that are not apparent from the face of the financial statements alone.

Understanding Financial Statement Notes

Notes are usually found at the end of financial statements. They tell you what the company owes to others and owns. Normally they are found at the end of the report as additional information to look upon.

They provide supplemental information about certain aspects of an entity's financial actions to add extra data.

The financial entity is not apparent from other parts of the income statement or balance sheet. These statements can highlight important details like lawsuits, debt defaults, or changes in debt agreements that affect an entity's creditworthiness.

It is also common for companies to list future events (such as changes in control) that may have an impact on their financial status in the coming years rather than submitting them as amendments later on.

These are, in a way, a business's biography; they tell investors everything they need to know as they provide a clear view of the economic performance for a given period for the company. 

Usually, an investor will need to do some digging through company financials to find these hidden gems, which takes significant time and effort.

They are not only something that CFOs and investors review so that they can make decisions about a company's investments for the future.

But they can also be aesthetically pleasing in design and construction. It mostly documents all the financial movement and behavior.

This pack visualizes all of this with creative graphs (no math needed), intuitive charts (switch colors), and bright colors.

A neon light embodies the feeling of the numbers displayed on the tabular data below the visualization for those easily bored by numbers.

Companies can show that they are professional and excellent at work through statements that state how prepared they are, how knowledgeable they are, and how outstanding they are at work.

What Are Financial Statements?

Statements are the most important documents in accounting and finance. They provide a clear view of the economic performance for a given period. 

Balance Sheet

The Balance sheet statement highlights two key components: assets (components owned by a business) and liabilities (the amount borrowed or owed by a business). These two components are usually separated into two sections or subtotals.

Assets can be further divided into current assets (capital assets and inventory) and fixed assets (property, plant, and equipment; investments in other enterprises). Assets simply mean what they own.

Liabilities can be defined as liabilities for which a business is legally liable to pay. They include financial obligations that the business must pay outside of its cash flow and operating activities.

Financial liabilities include non-financial obligations such as debt, and liabilities are also known as creditors' claims against a business's equity (ownership).

A Liability Accrual Basis (LAS) company that uses the accrual method of accounting for it. And recording all revenue and expenses in the month in which they are earned (not when cash is received).

Under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). A LAS company also records all revenue and expenses every month instead of on a quarterly or annual basis.

Many companies prefer this method because it distinguishes between profit or loss and cash or non-cash transactions.

For example, if a company incurs $100 worth of liabilities but makes only $95 worth of sales, this would be recorded as an account receivable that is due on demand and equity at one particular moment in time.

Income Statement

The income statement is one of the most widely used measures of a company's performance. It is also called an "income and expense" or "profit and loss statement."

It draws the attention of managers and investors to get basic knowledge of the entity's performance.

This report provides an analysis of a company's revenue or sales (top line) and cost of goods sold (costs associated with actually producing items).

Operating expenses (costs associated with running a business) and net income (profits).

In other words, it shows how much money entered the company and how much money left it in that specific period.

Cash Flow Statement

This statement reveals how evolutions in balance sheet accounts and revenue influence cash and cash equivalents. To make it easier to understand, it breaks the analysis down into operating, investing, and financing activities. 

There are three main elements of CFS

  • Cash Flow from Operating (CFO): Cash flow generated from the operating activities of the organization.
  • Cash Flow from Investing (CFI): Cash flows resulting from the acquisition or sale of PPE, subsidiary/segment, securities, and investments in other firms.
  • Cash Flow from Financing (CFF): Cash flows resulting from the distribution or retirement of company debt and equity, including dividends paid to shareholders.

Understanding More

Assets are resources maintained by the establishment, Liabilities are quantities owed to lenders and creditors, and Owners’ Equity the residual interest of net assets of a business (after deducting liabilities)

Financial equation:

Accounting: (A = L + OE)

Expanded accounting: (A = L + CC + ERE)

Or A = (L + CC +BRE + R – E - D)

Numerous statements can be formulated:

  • Statement of Cash Flows: Report enterprise cash permits and expenditures.
  • Statement of Changes in Equity: Reports portions and bases of differences in equity, investors, and investment in the firm throughout the duration.
  • Cash Flow Investing (CFI): Cash flows resulting from the acquisition or sale of PPE, subsidiary/segment, securities, and investments in other firms.
  • Cash Flow from Financing (CFF): Cash flows resulting from the distribution or retirement of company debt and equity, including dividends paid to shareholders.

Financial Statement Notes And Analysts

Writing the financial statement needs to be done according to criteria that make it much easier to read, as this helps with understanding the company's movement.

Financial notes are essential since they provide information about a company's revenue, expenses, profitability, and debt, letting investors and businessmen know what they will work with.

They offer information about the financial position entity that is valuable to current and future investors, lenders, and other creditors in making resource allocation choices.

They enhance the financial statements to understand the underlying better, providing a picture of a corporation's financial health and allowing one to understand its performance, operations, and cash flow.

Additionally, the Balance sheet, also known as a statement of financial status/condition, shows a company's financial standing at a specific point in time.

What Is MD&A/Management’s Commentary?

Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) discusses the core of the industry, past performance, and future observatory (components may be unaudited).

SEC demands discussion of trends and noteworthy occasions and hesitations that could impact a business's liquidity, capital or funds resources, and outcomes of operations.

Along with:

  • Consequences of inflation and changing costs of material.
  • Impact of off-balance sheet obligations and contractual obligations.
  • Accounting policies require significant judgment by management.
  • Forward-looking expenditures and divestitures.

Some Explanation you may need:

  • Audits: provides a reasonable assurance that the financial statement holds no material errors.
  • Clean opinion/ Unqualified: The auditor acknowledges the statements are free from material elisions and errors.
  • Qualified opinion: The statement makes exceptions to accounting principles; exceptions must be explained in the audit report.
  • Disclaimer of opinion: The auditor is incapable of conveying a sentiment.
  • Going concerned: the inference that the establishment will resume functioning for the foreseeable future.
  • Adverse opinion: statements are not submitted equitably or are materially nonconforming with the accounting standards.
  • Proxy: allocated to shareholders when a matter demands a shareholder voting.

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO): 

  • Protect investors
  • Ensure fairness
  • Efficiency
  • Transparency of markets
  • Reduce systemic risk

What Are Financial Reports?

Writing reports and statements is extremely important, as they can be a great source of data and knowledge about a company.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules need your company to file annual reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q with the SEC on an ongoing basis.

Reports that must be filed with the SEC: 

  • 8-Kannouncements occasions such as accessions and dumping of noteworthy assets or changeovers in administration and corporate management (content events).
  • 10-K: annual statement (financial reports/information about enterprise and administration, audited.
  • 10-Q: quarterly report (modified financial statements, exposure of certain opportunities (tolerated or modifications in accounting policies), unaudited.
  • S-1enrollment statement ground preliminary to the sale of fresh guards to the populace (possesses audited financial statements).

As the Flow of information can be in:

  • Journal entries: Record every transaction.
  • General journal: Sorts by date.
  • General ledger: Sorts by account.
  • Trial balance: Exhibits proportions per account—account balances from modified preparation balance informed in the financial statements.

  • Qualitative Characteristics:
    • Relevance: the details in financial statements can impact readers' economic judgments or evaluations.
    • Faithful representation: details are comprehensive, neutral, and complimentary from misconception.
  • Enhancing Characteristics:
    • Comparability: statement presentations are consistent among firms and across periods
    • Verifiability: separated spectators, utilizing the same techniques, acquire equivalent results.
    • Timeliness: information is available to decision-makers before the information becomes stale.
    • Understandability: users with a basic understanding of business and accounting should be able to understand the information in the statements.

  • Measurement Bases:
    • Historical cost: the amount originally paid for the asset.
    • Amortized cost: the historical or recorded cost modified for minimization, amortization, and depletion).
    • Current cost: a portion that would be paid today.
    • Realizable value: the quantity for which the enterprise could trade the asset.
    • Fair value: the amount at which two parties would exchange the asset.
    • Classified balance sheet: displays the current and noncurrent (assets and liabilities). To the last words of today's topic, gaining knowledge is great, and now you have a satisfactory amount of information that you can use.

Financial Statement Notes/Footnotes

Includes disclosures that supply further details about the information summarized in the financial statement. The notes may contain the basis of the presentation, such as the fiscal period covered by the inclusion of consolidated entities.

Information on accounting methods, hypotheses, and assessments used by the administration can be included.

Additional information on acquisitions, disposals, legal actions, worker benefit methods, contingencies, obligations, noteworthy customers, sales to related parties, and segments of the corporation.

Working in an enterprise would require strong and capable management to control any inquiries and deal with whatever the matter appears to be.

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