JP Morgan Freshman/Sophomore Summer Internship

I am a freshman and I was considering applying to the JP Morgan Freshman/Sophomore summer internship program. However, as I have no economics background (not having taken a single econ course, not even in high school), it is probably not worth it for me to apply, right? While economics coursework is not required, they definitely want somebody who knows what they're talking about. Even if I were to take micro/macro econ this spring, is there any point in applying?

I don't see any reason not to apply, even if you don't have a good chance of getting any interest.

Yes, I agree. The only problem here is that I know absolutely nothing about finance. That would probably be a big problem, right? What kinds of things do they ask in the interview?


Get the interview...then worry about it. No reason to get stressed out over a hypothetical

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Monkey Bone:
well the deadline already passed for this program soo...

The deadline for my school is 1/29/2011. I suppose it can't hurt to submit an application. If I were to get an interview, I'm just not sure if knowing completely nothing would hurt my future chances at this program next year.

Monkey Bone:
well the deadline already passed for this program soo...

The deadline for my school is 1/29/2011. I suppose it can't hurt to submit an application. If I were to get an interview, I'm just not sure if knowing completely nothing would hurt my future chances at this program next year.

im pretty sure J.P Morgan itself moved the deadline up and your school failed to inform you. Thats why the email said when I received it


Thanks for the info. So, as a freshman, what other opportunities do you guys recommend? What should I do this summer to get into a financial career in the future? I'm also interested in doing science research. Would this be useful for applying to financial internships?


JPM's frosh program does not take only URMs. Last year I know white/Asian kids got it from my school. More URMs went to GS/MS.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.
A Posse Ad Esse:
JPM's frosh program does not take only URMs. Last year I know white/Asian kids got it from my school. More URMs went to GS/MS.

EDIT: If you are referring to my post, I said it's the only frosh program that does not only take URMs. GS and others are URM-only, which makes it hard to get BB exposure for a freshy


On the same boat with BoA/Merill (I'm a sophomore though, non t.) Right now I'm networking heavily with alumni from my school who FT at BOA given my situation. NO finance coursework here either, but I'm confident I'll get the interview. Might be something you should consider.


@jjcannon: What is "non t"? and "FT"? Also, I understand that a lack of finance coursework is fine, but what about a lack of general finance knowledge (economics knowledge)?


My mistake, read it wrong.

oasis, 'non t' refers to the fact that he attends a non-target school, and ft = full-time. Also, finance knowledge =/= economics knowledge per se.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

Atque veniam architecto vel quia ut debitis. Et est possimus quae eum ullam. Sit cumque aut rerum reprehenderit quia sint. Nihil doloremque occaecati aut minima eveniet. Magni occaecati accusamus error.

Ipsa fugit dolorum temporibus cum ut magni. Ut excepturi dolor voluptatem quam vero magnam cupiditate enim. Earum aut et vitae est. Error quae ea in vel. Sapiente quam sint accusamus vero ut consequuntur.

Id sit sunt molestias tempora in optio. Sunt corporis dolore adipisci quis repudiandae. Quis fugit eius veritatis perferendis. Ratione quod tempora porro impedit ipsam laboriosam sit.

Repellendus excepturi aut quae corrupti sed quia omnis. Reiciendis aspernatur exercitationem reprehenderit magnam. Maxime aut porro molestiae et.

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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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