How long before uni name doesn’t matter?

At junior level there is a big emphasis on uni brand name, but is it like this all the way through your career?

I imagine when you get to VP level for example people couldn’t care less where you are from, and focus more on your work history.

Or does a no-name always come up short against a brand name when it comes to promotion or switching to an industry like PE?

I’m from a really no-name U.K. uni, currently working at a boutique, and am just wondering how long this shit will stick with me


Just gonna be real. I’m 5 years out and people still ask me about my college quite often. I’ve also come to realize that these aren’t the people you want to work for.


Honestly some (academically) shit-tier schools have social prestige (ASU, Bama, UCSB, UMiami, UMich, any big 10), so they're as "recognized" as top privates like ivies.

When I see a guy from a meritocratic top school (Stanford, MIT, Caltech) I think he's some antisocial geek who's just a code/math bitch. 

When I see a guy from a legacy/nepotism top private (Dartmouth, Wharton, USC) I think he's a WASP whose dad has a MASSIVE rolodex. 

When I see a guy from ASU/Bama/UMiami, I think he's some frat chad with amazing social skills, suited for front office roles even if he's mentally slow.



Ranked between 50 & 60 in the university league table, so pretty much barely a degree lol

Just frustrates me that a decision I made 5 years ago now, before I even knew IB existed, would hold me back today.


Not having a good brand name hurts in getting into the job market. This is something that I am actively trying to keep in my mind when I screen for interns - that Uni name does not matter if they have a good profile. However, if someone from my uni does apply its like a known commodity for me where there is a base assumption on the capabilities.

However, 2-3 years out if you're a solid performer no one will ask you about your Uni. A job is different from an internship. In a full time position what matters is "can you get shit done". If yes then no one cares where are you from. 


Once you get to the VP and above level people don’t really care. Which sucks if you went to Ivy but awesome if you went to a crap school. Your work experience becomes way more important as time goes on, don’t sweat it.

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