Company Email Addresses Guide

Hey fellow monkeys,

It seems like we get posts every month about the email address of certain banks. I decided to make a list of all the banks/hedge funds/prop shops.

standard company email format database

While this offers the standard email format for all the below listed banks - it is important to note that often times there can be differences. For example, this could happen if there are two employees with the same name.

The Investment Bank Email Addresses

Using John Smith

Goldman Sachs: [email protected]

Morgan Stanley: [email protected]

JP Morgan: There are a couple different formats here [email protected]
[email protected]

Bank of America Merrill Lynch: [email protected]

Deutsche Bank: [email protected]

UBS: [email protected]

Credit Suisse: [email protected]

Citi: [email protected] or [email protected]

RBS: [email protected]

Barcap: [email protected]

Boutique Investment Banks Company Addresses

Jefferies: [email protected]

Rabobank: [email protected]

RBC [email protected]

Macquarie: [email protected]

Nomura: [email protected]

BNP Paribas: [email protected] or it goes by country of employee. For instance sometimes
Trader in Hong Kong’s email address will be [email protected]

Societe Generale: [email protected]

Credit Agricole: [email protected]

Mizuho United States: [email protected]

TD Securities: [email protected]

Grupo Santander : [email protected]

HSBC: [email protected] or if John Smith is working in the US [email protected]

Standard Chartered: [email protected]

Westpac: [email protected]

RW Baird: [email protected]

Key Bank: [email protected]

BMO: [email protected]

Wells Fargo: [email protected]

Stifel: [email protected]

Oppenhemier: [email protected]

Piper Jaffray: [email protected]

Raymond James: [email protected]

Stephens: [email protected]

Wedbush: [email protected]

Imperial Capital: [email protected]

Brown Brothers Harriman: [email protected]

Cantor Fitzgerald: [email protected]

Gleacher: [email protected]

Company Email Addresses for Hedge Funds

Citadel: [email protected] or [email protected]

DE Shaw: [email protected]

SAC: [email protected]

Prop Shops Email Database

SIG: [email protected]

Peak6: [email protected]

IMC: [email protected]

Optiver: [email protected]

DRW: [email protected]

First New York: [email protected]

Wolverine: [email protected]

Chicago Trading Company: [email protected]

Also for fun

KKR [email protected]

I have a couple for email addresses so if you want to know any more just ask.

Decided to Pursue a Wall Street Career? Learn How to Network like a Master.

Inside the WSO Finance networking guide, you'll get a comprehensive, all-inclusive roadmap for maximizing your networking efforts (and minimizing embarrassing blunders). This info-rich book is packed with 71 pages of detailed strategies to help you get the most of your networking, including cold emailing templates, questions to ask in interviews, and action steps for success in navigating the Wall Street networking process.

Networking Guide


Great post, although the people I know at Merrill Lynch use I've never seen the email address.

Wall Street leaders now understand that they made a mistake, one born of their innocent and trusting nature. They trusted ordinary Americans to behave more responsibly than they themselves ever would, and these ordinary Americans betrayed their trust.

Another thing on Merrill Lynch emails, they also use underscores. So, the ones I've seen are:

[email protected]

If there is another John Smith, he will be

[email protected]

although there are so many employees that I can see them using baml and "."s quite frequently

Wall Street leaders now understand that they made a mistake, one born of their innocent and trusting nature. They trusted ordinary Americans to behave more responsibly than they themselves ever would, and these ordinary Americans betrayed their trust.
Nice work, very helpful to a lot of people.

Regarding JPM, many people have a middle initial ([email protected]), and emails won't go through without it. Can make things pretty tricky, unless you know their initial or just blast out 27 emails.

i can verify this--i have 3 contacts at JPM all of which have a middle initial in their email.

oh, and your Credit Suisse email is incorrect. i have also spoken with 3 people at credit suisse, all of which were so [email protected]

edit-whoops...that got covered above me as well!


Never understood the point of compiling these huge lists

Shouldn't you already have the email or someone you want to email? Cold emailing rarely results in a response and personally, I think they come off as rude/invasive

Never understood the point of compiling these huge lists

Shouldn't you already have the email or someone you want to email? Cold emailing rarely results in a response and personally, I think they come off as rude/invasive

Brother, I literally just landed my dream job today from a cold email. Now, I'm not a 21-year-old punk college student, but nevertheless, it can work if done properly and the stars are aligned.

Best Response
Dances with Dachshunds:
Never understood the point of compiling these huge lists

Shouldn't you already have the email or someone you want to email? Cold emailing rarely results in a response and personally, I think they come off as rude/invasive

Brother, I literally just landed my dream job today from a cold email. Now, I'm not a 21-year-old punk college student, but nevertheless, it can work if done properly and the stars are aligned.

Ha! 6 years later. Wow. Ya know what's funny about this? I accepted the job offer from this company for my "dream job" and then turned down an offer from another good company for another good job because I had landed my dream job, right? Well, 2 weeks later my job offer was rescinded because the company's board of directors had never approved the position in the first place--the hiring manager went rogue and decided to hire for the job. BOD slapped him down and rejected the position entirely. They came back to me hat-in-hand and told me, "Sorry..." I went back to the other firm and they said they had already filled the position with the back-up. I was living in the Midwest where the job market sucked and was unable to find another job, despite looking for another 4 months. My lack of success in finding another job forced me to move back to Washington, D.C.

It's funny how fate seems to work. Destiny did not want me there--it wanted me here.


Mutual funds are much more serious about keeping this stuff secret than firms dealing with mostly institutional clients. You don't want 10,000 retail investors emailing the PM every time the fund has a down day. I've had some luck with CapIQ. I'm guessing Bloomberg would be useful too but I haven't had access to it for a while. Another thing I noticed is a lot of mutual fund families (even big ones) have email formats that don't follow a standard procedure.


You guys are right about Credit Suisse being, my mistake.

Also you guys are right about the middle initial in JP Morgan

Here are some more smaller banks/boutiques.

Natixis [email protected]

Scotia Capital [email protected]

CIBC world Markets: For Canada [email protected] For United States:

ANZ: [email protected]

KBW: [email protected]

Sandler O’Neill: [email protected]

FTN Financial John.Smith@ftnfinancialcom

Knight: [email protected]

Duncan Williams: [email protected]

Southwest Securities: [email protected]

For the oil traders!!!!!

Trafigura: [email protected]

Glencore: [email protected]

Vitol: John.Smith@vitol or Jmiddle [email protected]


Here's what you do:

  • In the LinkedIn search function, you can see an outline of the person's present/past positions.
  • Copy and paste one of the positions and Google it
  • There's gonna be a link to their public LinkedIn profile, which usually has his or her full name
  • Find out e-mail format of the firm and network away

This is also useful if you want to view a person's profile, but don't want them to know you viewed it. If you didn't know, if you enabled the "Who's viewed your profile" function, people will know if you checked out their profile.


This is also useful if you want to view a person's profile, but don't want them to know you viewed it. If you didn't know, if you enabled the "Who's viewed your profile" function, people will know if you checked out their profile.

Just something to think about........if you're contacting the person, it does not matter if they know that you saw your profile. They can connect dots of how you know where they work etc without the look who has viewed your profile. But completely agree with what he said


None of the analysts/associates I've worked with took cold-emails seriously.

VP's/MD's even less so with students from their alma mater.

But I guess it's worth a shot if you absolutely have no in. I still think there are definitely other, more fruitful ways to network.

None of the analysts/associates I've worked with took cold-emails seriously.

VP's/MD's even less so with students from their alma mater.

But I guess it's worth a shot if you absolutely have no in. I still think there are definitely other, more fruitful ways to network.

not sure if you went to a target or not but cold emailing is essentially the only way for us non targets to break in, and it has been pretty well documented that it CAN work. maybe not as well at targets, but finding people from your alma mater at a non target can pay some pretty solid dividends if they are kind enough to respond. i know if i am able to leverage my SA gig into an established FT position ill be more than willing to help out (deserving) others from my alma mater if they reach out to me--i got help, and there is no reason for me not to pay it forward

None of the analysts/associates I've worked with took cold-emails seriously.

VP's/MD's even less so with students from their alma mater.

But I guess it's worth a shot if you absolutely have no in. I still think there are definitely other, more fruitful ways to network.

Mind sharing them with us?

"Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them." - Bud Fox

Get the secretaries email and figure it out that way. If it is a small company the dude might be on the website records. Go to Godaddy, plug in the address and see the ICAN or whatever it is called.

None of the analysts/associates I've worked with took cold-emails seriously.

VP's/MD's even less so with students from their alma mater.

But I guess it's worth a shot if you absolutely have no in. I still think there are definitely other, more fruitful ways to network.

I got two offers at BBs through straight cold emailing.

Edmundo Braverman:
Yeah, that's a good call. Here's where you go to find WHOIS information:

If nothing else, the whois information should list an IT contact for the company, who you can just call and say "Hey, I just tried to send an email to Joey Whatshisnuts and it bounced. What's the best email address for him?"

IT nerds don't have near the gatekeeping skills of secretaries.

Great idea - that is fantastic advice for trying to contact anyone high profile.
- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham

Happypantsmcgee suggestion would be highly appreciated. I am fairly new in this forum.. Sorry for long message did not know how to approach it..


The length of your message is fine bro no worries. Just be patient and people will answer you in time, shit I would answer now if I thought I had a good response for you.

Just a side note though, I once called a boutique pretending I was from a school paper to get someone's name and title so there are many paths to get what you want

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Kevin, I'm pretty sure LinkdIn doesnt openly display email address etc and if he is just using the name from a database, requesting a connection is probably ill advised

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Kevin that too much money regarding

I already have my resume and cover letter tailored through a class I took in Investment Banking and have over 1000 firms in Investment banking and Hedge fund. I am strictly looking how to search for Manager and VP name. I normally search using Bloomberg professional and hover online database, and find through company website of person name if they provide. My question was looking for key contacts when apply for a particular job online, but more important don't want to send to wrong person. I mean in the database search in Bloomberg example Fortress Investment Group, Large Hedge fund, gives maybe 300 people, and maybe 60 in north america users for bloomberg. out of that it list managers name, VP, Board of directors and Chief officers, but does not provide for that particular department I applied, cause I can not filter it. So if I apply to all the manager it looks bad, and do not know who to send to..That is what I mean


I just wanted to add something. A few of guys are saying that cold emailing doesn’t work and there are better ways to target people. With regards to my own story I come from a complete non-target. Cold emailing was/is my only way of networking. I have sent thousands of emails and I have had some great success . I got a phone interview with one of the hedge funds that I listed above by emailing a pm(I was unqualified for the position and didn’t get the internship but still at least I got an interview). I also have gotten interviews with the BB’s by emailing the MD/Global heads.

This may sound kind of cheesy but Wayne Gretzky says “You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take” I live by this quote and so far it has done wonders for me.


BB: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] is standard template [email protected] sometimes works [email protected] works too worst case scenario, brut force: first.a.last… first.b.last… first.c...

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Boutiques: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

LOL, like networking will help for these: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

None of the analysts/associates I've worked with took cold-emails seriously.

VP's/MD's even less so with students from their alma mater.

But I guess it's worth a shot if you absolutely have no in. I still think there are definitely other, more fruitful ways to network.

I guess you worked for Dicks & Assholes, LLC

The Phantom:
I guess you worked for Dicks & Assholes, LLC

Phantom, do you happen to have the email template for D&A? I've been looking for months, hear they have a really good culture!

Is it just [email protected] ?

Thanks for the help.


“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

I might be a little biased since OCR is top-notch at my school but cold-calling, from the little that I've done, is just a low return proposition. If you can leverage any "in" even from a friend, relative, former boss, etc... one that can set up even an intro then that's infinitely more productive than just blind emailing alums.

I guess you worked for Dicks & Assholes, LLC

not quite... but very few people will give a random alum the time of day. you might get lucky obviously with a nice guy but it's pretty much the norm to not expect a response, no?


Yeah, man. The response rate is low for cold emailing, but not everyone is a student at a target with "top-notch" OCR. The economy is still abysmal. People are successful cold emailing literally every single day. I recommend getting a 4.5 GPA at a magnet school, going to Harvard, interning at Goldman Sachs and landing a job through OCR. For the rest of us mere mortals, we have to scratch and claw for everything we get.


I am having real trouble finding emails for some of these prop shops. I have tried the companies' websites and Linked In but I've had no luck... Does anyone know any of these emails: I am sending a couple cold emails and am having trouble finding emails for some prop shops: Spot Trading Eldorado Gelber Group Chopper Trading TransMarket Group Tower Hill Trading Infinium Capital Management Group One Chopper Trading Liquid Capital Markets LLC Trillium Trading Grosvenor Capital Management Hard Eight Holdings LLC XR Trading CMZ Trading TradeLink Ronin Capital Sunrise Futures Cardinal Capital Management Feis Trading Corp. BlackEdge Capital Traditum Group Eagle Seven Trading Belvedere Trading Headlands Technologies Charlesworth Trading Valkyrie Trading LaSalle Trading Group Eckhardt Trading Company Quantitative Risk Management I would appreciate if anyone could let me know. Thank you.


Error est ratione sed voluptatem rerum vel ea. Magnam ut non quisquam eligendi dolorem voluptas non. Quis doloribus quaerat dolorum dolorem hic explicabo. Molestiae ad voluptatem repellendus nihil cumque voluptatibus. Eaque ratione iste saepe vitae sequi recusandae.

Voluptatum optio eius quidem ea et in possimus ad. Eum soluta repellendus omnis autem ut pariatur et. Velit ut id quasi voluptate. Odio dolorum quo error dolorem. Saepe incidunt eum cupiditate officiis quia excepturi odit. Voluptatum omnis sed molestiae dolores earum. Id nam nihil provident aperiam nulla possimus.

A in delectus et et animi vitae quasi magnam. Autem rerum velit omnis est placeat eos vel dicta. Sed dicta eaque est est aspernatur reiciendis adipisci. Optio ducimus non non et et. Et minima fuga id libero.


Aut ducimus velit molestias qui architecto. Error qui nihil nesciunt modi blanditiis voluptas voluptas. Est enim praesentium quia. Qui deleniti voluptates optio est. Ut libero veritatis nam voluptatum soluta voluptatibus nihil odit. Blanditiis harum id tempore qui et occaecati. Odit et quo unde aut nobis odit.

Velit atque eaque est ut. Esse ipsum occaecati qui quae. Vel distinctio molestias sint. Possimus nulla quidem omnis praesentium quia qui rerum. Qui dignissimos consequuntur velit doloribus.

Hic nemo molestiae quisquam sit facere eveniet. Iusto et magnam aut deserunt dolorem. Corporis consectetur nihil qui aliquid sapiente quo magni. Non nulla laborum maxime.

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”