At what point

Is there ever going to be a point where the CDC or anyone else influential comes and says that after you're fully vaccinated you can go back to normal life? I feel like I'm living in a parallel fully vaccinated...continue wearing a non-essential travel, etc? I do not think they're ever going to say "if you're fully vaccinated you're good to go." Going to prolong this forever.

I thought the vaccine was the end goal - it seems like there are going to be mandates and precautions forever, especially in places like CA and NY. This has become a complete charade. Of course, you can play devil's advocate forever and say "well we don't know if you can still catch it" and whatever else, but that has become a really stupid exercise. 

Is anyone here still legitimately concerned about something happening to you after being vaccinated? It's time to move on...Is there even an example of someone being hospitalized or dying from COVID after being fully vaccinated? 

Most Helpful

Consider this. 9/11 was 21 years ago and the likelihood of another attack on that scale is basically zero. However, the post-9/11 national security state, airport restrictions, and civil liberty infringements remain in place and have become permanent (in fact they've become worse). We will never go back to the pre-9/11 world.

Furthermore, 21 years after 9/11 and the deaths of both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, the US remains embroiled in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has been expanding into new wars in Yemen, Libya, Syria, and potentially Iran.

The same people who said that after we defeated the terrorists we'd go back to normal are the same people who told us that the COVID-19 restrictions would only be temporary. Why would you believe them this time around? The people who imposed these restrictions got a taste for unbridled power and they aren't going to give it up.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

What was the likelyhood of a 9/11 style attack before 9/11?

Pretty sure it was also close to zero.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Not at all, there were attacks throughout the 1990s, and officials literally expected an attack to happen. The President’s Daily Brief for 6 August 2001 was titled “Bin Laden Determined To Strike in U.S.”


Yankee Doodle

Consider this. 9/11 was 21 years ago and the likelihood of another attack on that scale is basically zero. However, the post-9/11 national security state, airport restrictions, and civil liberty infringements remain in place and have become permanent (in fact they've become worse). We will never go back to the pre-9/11 world.

Furthermore, 21 years after 9/11 and the deaths of both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, the US remains embroiled in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has been expanding into new wars in Yemen, Libya, Syria, and potentially Iran.

The same people who said that after we defeated the terrorists we'd go back to normal are the same people who told us that the COVID-19 restrictions would only be temporary. Why would you believe them this time around? The people who imposed these restrictions got a taste for unbridled power and they aren't going to give it up.

This is what I've been saying since May/June of last year. As evidenced by Fauci saying that even after getting the vaccine people still need to wear masks and socially distance, their push for the "vaccine passport" which would essentially cement a dual-tier citizenry based on those who comply and those who don't, all the language from the World Economic Forum, the media's perpetual demonization of anyone who disagrees with the "experts" even when they're coming from previously lauded backgrounds. This is a massively coordinated power grab that grew out of a crisis, as they usually do, and we're all along for the ride.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Ok, this will actually help us garner conversation. Michigan has fully vaccinated 2mm people and this article says 200 have tested positive for COVID. Is this not a win? I guess that I am mistaken that there have not been any hospitalizations due to COVID after being vaccinated, but are we going to continue playing devils advocate with this forever? 

Is the idea since it is apparently still possible to contact Covid after being vaccinated that we just continue down this path forever?


The three deaths were "all persons 65 years or older, and two of which were within three weeks of completion of vaccination," she said. "While the majority of the population develops full immunity within 14 days of completion of their vaccine series, a small proportion appear to take longer to mount a full antibody response. CDC is actively working to better understand the risk characteristics of this group."


It stopped being about keeping people safe 2-6 months past the "two weeks to slow the spread" speech and became about seeing how far they can push the boundaries of control before people start pushing back. Never waste a good crisis!

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Really supports me trusting every word they've said since then. Not at all disheartening. I thought college had red-pilled me but wow did 2020 do a number.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Don’t worry, I have already reported that person (unsure of their pronouns) to the proper authorities (read: FB, Instagram, Twitter). They will be eviscerated from the internet shortly. Hate speech will not be tolerated in my thread. Period. Full stop. 


One of the issues now is that states have bailouts (and NY still managed to raise taxes) so they genuinely do not care about their economies since their ideas have no economic consequences (to state revenue at least).


I agree with you, however I'm not planning to travel to any developing countries in the next 2 or so years just to be safe. 

Was planning to go to Tanzania and Mozambique after I was vaccinated but will just stick to more developed places for the time being. Chances are that I'd be fine going to either of those places but I wouldn't want to have to deal with even relatively minor health issues in either place as a tourist. 


There are a shitload of diseases in Tanzania and Mozambique that are more likely to kill you than COVID. The tap water alone might give you dysentery. 

Travel and see the world. Take risks and stop living in fear.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

They still recommended to only travel if it is essential. Until there is a more unequivocal “after you get the vaccine things will be fine” people are going to continue living in this weird twilight zone.


It is a recommendation not a law. I think the vaccines from PFE and MRNA are not fully transmission blocking, so this may be for the benefit of the many unvaccinated people still travelling.


Yeah that’s more or less what it seems like. I’ve spent the last few months in FL and recently returned to my liberal shithole state and it’s really palpable.  


Same I grew accustomed to FL and it was such a culture shock going back to lib central. It was so refreshing seeing restaurants and bars packed with people of all ages all having a good time and simply living their normal lives


I have friends in Scottsdale and it never really shut down at any point during the pandemic. There was maybe a 1-2 week period where everything was closed but talking to the people I know there their weekly routines (going out to clubs Thursday, Friday, Saturday, etc.) was never interrupted for any meaningful amount of time. Honestly surprised that Scottsdale didn't get some of the love Florida is getting especially since November-March there is perfect weather. 


About the same time I traveled to a red state and was on a roadtrip through the rural areas. I still remember being so shocked at how happy people were. People were eating, drinking, socializing, laughing and genuinely seemed happy. Some elderly people were wearing a mask, but still talking. Country shops and restaurants were all open. I even saw a few "now hiring" signs. It was unbelievably different from my city where people go on and on about the "new normal", wanting to have college/WFH online forever,  have tape to limit where people can walk or stand, 100% masks (obvious), people recite Fauci as if he's God or something, and many are suffering with depression due to everything going on.


as I understand, you can still transmit the virus while you're vaccinated, so they want to wait until everybody, who wants to get a vaccine, gets fully vaccinated, and then reopen. otherwise, you put people, who haven't had a chance to get a vaccine yet (which is the majority of population) at risk.

most of the people I know either haven't got a jab yet or only recently got the 1st shot, and you need to wait 3-4 weeks for the 2nd one, and then 2-3 more weeks for the full immunity to develop. so, keeping restrictions for another 2-3 months makes sense. but they need to go after that, which I hope will happen.


There is no logical argument for lockdowns, and there never has been one. Masks/social distancing? I'd leave that one to the way things are in the city although I'm not a fan of 100% mandates. Telling a mom and pop shop it has to be shut, but Walmart can run at limited capacity? Curfews? Telling me who should be in my house and to cancel the holidays? Absolutely absurd. 



as I understand, you can still transmit the virus while you're vaccinated, so they want to wait until everybody, who wants to get a vaccine, gets fully vaccinated, and then reopen. otherwise, you put people, who haven't had a chance to get a vaccine yet (which is the majority of population) at risk.

most of the people I know either haven't got a jab yet or only recently got the 1st shot, and you need to wait 3-4 weeks for the 2nd one, and then 2-3 more weeks for the full immunity to develop. so, keeping restrictions for another 2-3 months makes sense. but they need to go after that, which I hope will happen.

Nah fuck that, lib.


Btw, if you really want to get paranoid about this, start following the WEF. They are promoting ''articles'' saying that the ''planet benefited from lockdowns'' and that we might need ''a climate lockdown every 2 years or so''.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

I think that we've set a dangerous precedent here. The government closed certain businesses and not others, apparently 30% or more of NYC businesses are permanently shuttered. 


The exercise of power was shocking but not at the same time. Newsom keeping his own winery open through lockdowns???? HUH


As an American citizen, I no longer consider myself a loyalist to the U.S. After our egregious Covid response (similar to the EUs) stripping the citizenry of its basic rights at the behest of the citizenry, I consider myself a man with no nation. I no longer view China as an enemy--an enemy of what? A nation I do not respect? I feel the same way about Russia now and, to a lesser degree, Iran. The U.S. is spending itself into poverty at the request of the citizenry, our citizens hate liberty, our culture worships everything depraved. The government isn't the problem in America--it's our pathetic, disgusting, vile generation of Americans. They sicken me to my very core.

I can't even imagine how a good citizen of an EU nation must feel today. It is apparently several times worse there than here.


The newer generation is obsessed with being controlled, it's very strange. They are highly skeptical of government but at the same time love it more than anything else and invite government into all aspects of life.


This guy gets it. The American-led liberal global order is an authoritarian nightmare.

Not that Russia or China are much better, but at least they're honest about it.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

Imagine a future where governments around the world put us in lockdowns to offset carbon emissions in an attempt to tackle climate change. These current lockdowns may just be a glimpse of what is to come.


First we have to wear masks and then what? What's next? We're forced to have gay sex with gay people???


I think they will over the next several months but boy will they do it grudgingly. I think they've been way too conservative this whole time and it has consequences.

A lot of people are (wrongly) hesitant to get the vaccine. We need to give people an incentive to get the vaccine because it is the only way out of this thing. If you tell people that they still have to mask, social distance, and restrict business/travel/leisure after getting the vaccine, why bother even getting it?   

Also, seems to me like transmission is very difficult post vaccine. Not a scientist, but how can the virus replicate in you allowing spread if it's not able to replicate due to you being vaccinated. Maybe there is a small window of possibility or variants, but it seems unlikely. Then again, I'm shooting from the hip here.


I am going to echo the above and say that it’s going to vary across the country, with liberal, urban areas taking years to return to “normal”, if ever. I know people who have had both the vaccines for over a month now that still triple mask, religiously social distance, practically duck and cover whenever they hear a cough.

Additionally, a number of individuals who religiously follow these suggestions have developed a “hero complex” where they actually declare themselves superior to those who died fighting in wars. They have never felt this much pride and do not want to surrender that.


I saw people on twitter posting their tattoos to signal they are vaccinated, thus on the side of ''science and truth'' against ''ignorance and bigotry''. Narcissism running wild.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Been living like it's normal for a few months now. I think of mask rules like jay walking rules in open public areas -- they're rules but idgaf. Indoors I'm fine wearing a mask if that's what the rules are. Indoor wise at gyms, people already put their masks beneath their chins when doing a heavy set etc. Same goes for restaurants... soon as I get my glass of water the mask comes off. It's like it's not even there. 


In the same boat. Don't wear a mask at all when I'm outside, but will follow rules at a restaurant, store, etc. Have yet to come across some peon telling me to wear a mask in public but I do get stares sometimes. Kinda like someone else said, these people have hero complex and will push it on you regardless. But hey, I'm not trying to be saved!

And yeah that workout comment - how the fuck am I supposed to breath when I'm maxing out on the elliptical?  


Wearing a mask outdoors makes absolutely zero sense. In the off chance that it prevents infection by 1 in a million.... you gonna bubble wrap yourself too every time you step in your car? 

If you're worried about getting infected by corona while taking a stroll outside, you better be eating 100% organic vegan tofu for every meal cuz heart disease killed double what covid did last year. Don't wanna hear it


I live in the south but go to school in NYC. The sheer contrast in lifestyle is insane. In the south, COVID hasn't existed since like the beginning of last summer (2020). Everyone has gone back to normal and is doing really well. In the city, restaurants just returned to near-full capacity like 2 weeks ago. Everyone still wears masks outside even though they're like 10ft away from the nearest person. It's so depressing I often question why I didn't just transfer to a school in the south while I had the chance. Btw, my NYC school is still fully online while all my friends' SEC schools are fully in-person as of last semester. It's depressing af. Like why would you choose to do this to yourself and impose all these restrictions? I just want to live my life, man

Analyst 1 in S&T - Equities

Is anyone here still legitimately concerned about something happening to you after being vaccinated? 

I mean I was never concerned about COVID in the first place because I'm not a little bitch and don't live in fear (and also take care of myself). This charade needs to come to an end. The dems are going to drag this on as long as they can.  

Shouts to TX and FL, you the real MVPs. 


I'm legitimately concerned there is no end, certainly not a definitive one. By end I mean no more 'mandates' or whatever this shit is being called. I think lib states never get back on track. 


I'd disagree. Just because Covid isn't killing people doesn't mean it isn't leading to serious long term effects. 14 months after Covid proliferated across the world, we are seeing recurrent issues in many people infected like heart problems and even dementia. These new variants are even worse. The scary part isn't dying (which is highly unlikely), its your brain being too fogged up after Covid that you can barely create a DCF anymore.


I’m hoping you saw Rand Paul saying that to my lord and savior Dr. Anthony Fauci recently. 


I think the reason we're still locked down is that the people who get vaccinated are still able to spread the disease to the high risk population. I know that the elderly and vulnerable were supposed to get vaccinated first, but maybe a large number of them haven't gotten it yet?



I think the reason we're still locked down is that the people who get vaccinated are still able to spread the disease to the high risk population. 

I don't think this is actually true. I keep hearing people say this, and yet from what I understand, the vaccine works well enough that even those infected carry low virus loads, making it very unlikely they are spreaders. Also, the vaccine is very effective in reducing symptoms of the infected, and the symptomatic are the most prolific spreaders. The reality is, if you're vaccinated you do not need to wear a mask.


Sunt eligendi possimus omnis minima hic numquam sint. Quo animi itaque esse aut eum et blanditiis. Assumenda dignissimos cumque veritatis id voluptate perspiciatis.

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

Optio quia est ut tempora fuga quo et. Et est omnis asperiores molestias dicta voluptate omnis voluptatem. Veniam officia magnam eaque cum.

Voluptatibus culpa assumenda eligendi id quaerat. Pariatur qui deserunt perferendis et cupiditate quaerat deserunt aut. Neque temporibus qui distinctio.

Quia harum dolores et et labore. Harum error enim illo dolorem minima perferendis. Possimus rerum facilis nesciunt ad facere officia. Vero saepe fuga qui omnis. Assumenda nihil nam impedit libero qui a totam. Quasi et corporis sint dolore nemo cupiditate adipisci. Assumenda ullam tenetur ducimus sit perferendis consequatur. Quasi beatae aut ea voluptatem delectus earum.

Dignissimos assumenda aut assumenda nostrum rem. Sunt voluptatum aut maiores tempora mollitia aut corporis. Eaque aut fugiat rerum dolorem cumque. Consequuntur nihil est veniam amet adipisci nihil odio eum.


Non sed iusto quaerat quia ducimus. Quidem unde quia rerum voluptate non. Veritatis eum nesciunt eos numquam. Aliquid aliquid qui magnam recusandae veritatis nihil. Reprehenderit autem aliquid deserunt quasi ducimus voluptatem laborum.

Quo nostrum deleniti fuga. Qui molestiae maiores et dicta ipsam voluptas qui doloribus. Unde aliquam sit est doloremque est rerum.

Magni et tempore et molestiae nesciunt nobis. Dolorem voluptatem eos quos tempore est quas. Et architecto et aperiam. Error sunt dolorem pariatur ea reiciendis itaque. Vel ut eos temporibus sunt praesentium est omnis. Ut officiis placeat nemo et.


Culpa ut dolor ex distinctio modi. Qui similique velit dignissimos dolorum aut. Ratione omnis nisi culpa nihil qui. Consequatur rerum voluptatem dicta quia magni. Debitis explicabo consequatur soluta dolore enim. Suscipit rerum fuga et dolorum explicabo et officia sit. Laboriosam nobis id reprehenderit omnis.

Iure et eius occaecati dolor nesciunt rerum consequatur non. Voluptatum sed excepturi nam debitis nobis delectus fuga. Consequatur quos minus sit aut id. Modi qui recusandae in voluptas consequatur nihil. Dolorem et qui maxime sit et non.


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