Where do I apply for MSc Fin? Frankfurt School of Finance and Management?

Hi guys, 

I'm an average undergrad student(20 yo) from an average uni in Bangalore, India. 

GPA - 7.5, 2 internships in wealth management ( not well-known firms), 1 on-going internship in quantitative finance( not a well-known frim). I'll be writing CFA L1, feb 2021. yet to take the GMAT, I'll probably get around 680-700.  I've completed a bunch of Insidesherpa virtual experience modules and I'm doing 2 courses on coursera ( python and investment management). I've recently started to trade penny stocks with a small sum, I'd like to take this forward too. 

I want to make big money in the comings years to help fam and buy homes and have my own family. I'll be moving to Germany next year for a Msc Fin but I am not sure where to apply or where I could get an admit with this profile. I thought frankfurt school of finance and management would be a good idea but I dont see that same here much and the comments where I see FSFM mentioned, they dont talk very well about it compared to WHU or St Gallen. 

What I would want to be doing 2-3 years down the line is working at Munich ( where my bro and his fam live) with a very attractive compensation( a great paying job in the investments industry).  so which Msc Fin program would you guys suggest? (I'd like to work while studying so i could sustain the expenses/fees). 

feedback/suggestions are most welcome


Well if you think of pursuing an Msc Finance in Germany, WHU is in the top of the game. Followed by FSFM, EBS, HHL.

You probably won’t have a problem getting a high paying job in Germany with WHU in your CV considering you know the german language. Also WHU also places its students in London banks as well. Thats something to think about.

The only con of WHU is its in a small town so there isn’t much for you to network. But there isn’t a shred of doubt that WHU is the best one yet than any other school on germany for work in a top bank or consulting


Do not got to FS. The MSc there is just a huge rip off. Way to overpriced for what you get. Studying in Germany you should not pay that much money. Go for the MSc programmes at Mannheim university or Goethe university in Frankfurt. Much better education, great placement and much much lower fees. If you want to live in Munich anyways also check out TU Munich (MSc in management) and LMU Munich.


Well, thanks for asking. It's been 3 years. I am now 23. I completed my undergraduate in 2021 and then joined a local VC firm as an analyst having built a deal sharing relationship with them for the previous 1.5 years or so. I attempted the CFA twice but failed because It didn't make sense to me as to why CFA would be required for an early stage VC role. After having worked for a year at the early stage VC, my interest in blockchains and Crypto grew. I quit my job and started participating in DAOs and focused on research/writing. Eventually landed an Associate role at a $75M Blockchain focused VC. As of now, I'm working as a researcher at a top tier crypto research/investment/consulting firm. I love my work beyond the confines of my job.


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Et totam hic velit quasi dolorum natus aut. Cum provident quia ab sint placeat voluptatum. Dolores sunt repudiandae natus quo quia veniam exercitationem. Saepe et aut ex nihil dolor ea commodi.

Similique nobis nulla veniam assumenda fugit. Reprehenderit accusantium voluptatem voluptatem qui. Ut qui eligendi quam incidunt a exercitationem. Quod consequatur sed commodi cupiditate.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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