Given the details you've shared, let's break down your profile and assess your chances at a Top 20 MBA program, focusing on aspects like academic background, GMAT score, professional experience, and extracurricular activities.

  1. Undergraduate GPA: A 2.87 overall GPA is below the average for Top 20 MBA programs. However, an upward trend in grades, especially in major-specific classes, is a positive sign. Highlighting this improvement in your application or optional essay can help mitigate concerns about your academic capabilities.

  2. Graduate GPA: A 3.27 in your MSBA program shows improvement and a better grasp of your field of study. This, combined with your undergraduate upward trend, demonstrates your ability to handle rigorous coursework, which is a plus.

  3. GMAT Score: A 515 is below the average for Top 20 programs, where scores typically range from 650 to 730. Your plan to retake the GMAT is wise. Even a score increase to around 600, while still below the average, coupled with a strong application, could improve your chances. Highlighting your strong verbal and integrated reasoning scores can also be beneficial.

  4. Professional Experience: Your experience with developing a profitable trading algorithm and running a successful business that handles international return consolidation is impressive and unique. These ventures demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit, business acumen, and success in tangible projects, which are highly valued by MBA programs.

  5. Extracurricular Activities: Your summer spent traveling around Europe, including participation in an applied research program, adds an international dimension to your profile. This experience, along with your entrepreneurial ventures, showcases your initiative, leadership, and ability to thrive in diverse environments.


  • Strengthen Your Application: Focus on crafting compelling essays that highlight your unique experiences, entrepreneurial success, and the lessons you've learned from your academic and professional journey. A strong narrative can significantly impact your application.

  • Retake the GMAT: Aim for a higher score to improve your competitiveness. Even if you can't reach the 650+ range, every point above your current score helps.

  • Seek Strong Recommendations: Letters of recommendation that attest to your professional achievements, leadership skills, and personal qualities can bolster your application.

  • Explain Academic Challenges: Use the optional essay to explain the circumstances that led to your lower undergraduate GPA and emphasize your academic improvement over time.

  • Research Alternative Programs: While aiming for your ideal schools is important, consider also applying to a few programs where your profile might be more competitive, ensuring you have a range of options.

Given the competitive nature of Top 20 MBA programs, your application may face challenges, particularly with the lower undergraduate GPA and current GMAT score. However, your unique professional experiences and upward academic trend provide compelling elements to your profile. With a strong application strategy, including a retaken GMAT, you can improve your chances. Remember, admissions committees look for diverse cohorts, and your entrepreneurial success and international exposure are significant strengths.

Sources: How do I get my kids into top 5 schools?, Chances of Top 20 MBA?, High what? AM career??, Ask mbaMission about Business School Admissions, State School Undergrad = NO CHANCE FOR M7???

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