USC Marshall vs Vandy Econ for IB

Hello Monkeys,
I am a freshman who decided to enter the transfer process from a non-target. I've recently been accepted to USC Marshall and Vanderbilt's Econ program. Vanderbilt and USC basically met my full financial need, so now it's a matter of deciding where I want to attend. On one hand, I know Vanderbilt has a lot more prestige, but they don't have an undergraduate business school: only Econ. On the other, USC has prestige (granted not the same as Vandy) and an undergraduate business school. both schools are pretty Greek life-heavy and have baddies, so the social scene balances out i think. Vandy placed lights out at Evercore this recruiting cycle and USC placed a couple at Centerview and other great firms. I want to target NYC, and I know both schools place pretty good for New York. Vandy is a consulting school and has less IB competition, but also a smaller alumni base. USC has a big alumni base but a lot more competition for IB. I wanted to see if anyone on here could offer advice for my decision, and if one school has a significant advantage over the other I'm not considering. Thanks guys

USC Marshall vs Vanderbilt Econ for IB

USC Marshall
29% (8 votes)
71% (20 votes)
Total votes: 28

Based on the most helpful WSO content, here's a breakdown to help you decide between USC Marshall and Vanderbilt's Econ program, especially from the perspective of breaking into investment banking (IB):

  1. Location and Placement:

    • Vanderbilt: Stronger placements on the East Coast, particularly in NYC. Given your target location, this could be a significant advantage.
    • USC Marshall: Known for stronger placements on the West Coast, but also places well in NYC. It's one of the target schools for West Coast banks.
  2. Program Focus:

    • Vanderbilt Econ: While not a business school, the Econ program can provide a strong theoretical foundation in economics, which is valuable in finance. The smaller alumni base in IB might mean less competition but also fewer networking opportunities.
    • USC Marshall: Offers a more direct focus on business and finance, which might provide more practical skills and direct preparation for IB roles.
  3. Alumni Network:

    • USC: Has a larger alumni network, which can be beneficial for networking and job opportunities. However, this also means more competition among alumni for the same roles.
    • Vanderbilt: Smaller, but potentially more tight-knit alumni network, which could mean stronger individual support and less competition.
  4. Recent Placement Success:

    • Vanderbilt: Noted strong placement at Evercore, especially in the recent recruiting cycle.
    • USC: Successful placements at Centerview and other prestigious firms, indicating strong industry connections and effective career services.
  5. Social and Cultural Fit:

    • Both schools have vibrant social scenes and Greek life, which you noted balances out. This should allow you to have a fulfilling university experience outside of academics at either institution.

Given these points, if your primary goal is to target IB roles in NYC, Vanderbilt might offer a slight edge due to its stronger East Coast placement and less competition in IB. However, if you value a more direct focus on business education and potentially broader networking opportunities, USC Marshall could be the better choice. Consider also where you might want to live post-graduation, as school networks tend to be stronger in their respective regions.

Sources: USC Marshall vs Vandy Econ

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

Went to USC and ended up in New York FT. Can tell you for sure school doesn’t place well in NYC and alumni don’t help as much as you would expect. Great school but nothing crazy


Oh and btw a couple of Centerview hires happened during hiring boom. Just to say I wouldn’t take them into account when analyzing USC’s placement


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