UMich vs Notre Dame

I'm currently debating between UMich and Notre Dame for my undergrad with an investment banking career path, but I'm unsure what the correct step is. Based on past posts on the forum, people seem to say UMich is better but I'm unsure why that would be? I looked at their respective career outcomes and Notre Dame Mendoza seems to be just as good, if not better, than UMich Ross. ND placed 3 times more to GS (15 to 5),  3 more people to BofA, the same amount to JPM, and just 2 less to MS. On top of that, ND places very well to elite boutiques, including 5 to Evercore, 3 to Lazard and Moelis, and a couple others to Greenhill and PJT. They also send a couple to the buyside, including 4 to Blackstone
Beyond that, UMich requires you to be in ultra competitive clubs for recruiting whereas ND is lauded for their alumni network. Am I missing something here? Why is UMich considered such an easy favorite over ND with all of this in mind?

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Both are great schools. Umich benefits from strength in numbers… if you can get into the top clubs, you are a target since it’s pretty selective.

ND is a smaller school where everyone knows each over. As a result, everyone is rooting for each over and there is less competition to get into various clubs/positions.

You can’t go wrong with either.


Umich recruits HEAVILY at boutique firms over bulge brackets and this years numbers even with the market are much higher than ND's. Either school is great it seems to be a more of a preference of experience (EB/BB) and probably a difference recruiting timelines as well. something to also note is that umich recruiting class is much smaller than it seems as its mostly ross kids and not umich class as a whole


Umich recruits HEAVILY at boutique firms over bulge brackets and this years numbers even with the market are much higher than ND's. Either school is great it seems to be a more of a preference of experience (EB/BB) and probably a difference recruiting timelines as well. something to also note is that umich recruiting class is much smaller than it seems as its mostly ross kids and not umich class as a whole

Based on their own data, Michigan has 4 more EB placements than ND (17 vs 13). On the other hand, Notre Dame has 66 BB placements, whereas UMich has 57. It seems pretty square to me. 


Data is not accurate at all. BBA only and doesn't include dual degrees or non BBA. 17 for EB is extremely low. Some Orgs on campus by themselves have classes with 10+ EB offers. Take a look into LinkedIn and it will say another story. I also believe it might be based off voluntary reporting


I'm currently trying to make this decision as well. Which school did you end up choosing? I'm leaning toward Ross because I'm in-state and would be cheaper, but I feel I fit in with the Notre Dame vibe more.


Both of these schools can get you where you want to go. Pick based on which culture and school experience you’d rather have instead.


Minima voluptates nihil non maxime magni molestias ipsam eos. Explicabo esse ipsum et non. Sint inventore et temporibus omnis. Rerum eos iusto rem ullam minima minima. Voluptatum quia eius dolorum quos. Ut voluptatibus enim libero quisquam.

Sed aperiam deserunt quis adipisci quasi ut qui. Necessitatibus iste magnam ipsum sit. Eius repellat praesentium et.

Atque eaque consequatur cumque quis quia nesciunt et est. Dolores distinctio cumque sit mollitia aut quis magnam. Qui ad amet et aperiam qui unde molestiae dolorum.

Amet repudiandae quas ratione architecto alias nulla. Dolorem velit quas cum recusandae adipisci maxime et.

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