RSM vs EDHEC for Private Equity

I want to pursue a career in PE as an associate and I need some input as to which masters degree would be the most suitable for the job.
I have a background in Economics and Business Administration

I am choosing between RSM's MSc Finance & Investments Advanced and EDHEC's MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking. Both 1yr

RSM pros:
* The programme consists of a small class, so networking is easier, and the relationship with the professors seems more personal.
* The Advanced programme has great placements, but it's chiefly in IB
* The programme is a CFA partner program, which means the curriculum is similar to that of the level 1 CFA exam, making it easier for me to do both the level 1 CFA and the degree at the same time.
* The programme is also a CAIA partnership program, which means the curriculim is also similar to the CAIA exam.

* There are no dedicated courses for PE, LBO, or M&A. The course descriptions say LBO analysis is part of a 4 ECTS course in valuation, and M&A is part of a case based course that does not primarily focus on M&A .

EDHEC pros:
* EDHEC was ranked nr 1 in FT's Masters in Finance Pre Experience 2017, although the ranking lists their MSc in Financial Markets, but I would assume that the MSc in Corp Fin would be about the same academic level.
* There are dedicated courses for PE & LBO and M&A
* As the school is ranked higher, I would assume this draws more companies to networking and recruitment events
* The career centre services seem great on paper with quote "personal career coaching during your studies and for the duration of your professional life"

* I don't think I would be able to do both the the level 1 CFA exam and the degree at the same time if I choose this programme.
Con? There is no ethics or sustainability course.
* I have no knowledge of the placements

The RSM Finance & Investments Advanced class has not yet been ranked in the FT ranking because it doesn't have enough years of Alumni yet as the Advanced programme is rather new. Judging by the placements and quality of the programme I can only assume that their ranking would turn out to be higher than the what regular programme was before the introducement of the Advanced programme.

I have never heard of the CAIA designation before, is there an obvious choice between the CFA and the CAIA when it comes to PE?

Most Helpful

I do not think the CFA or CAIA should go into your consideration given your interest in private equity.

These charters are most useful for people trying to make a career change or get into AM/HF.

If you are going into one of these programs and not an MBA, then you will be starting in PE as an analyst.

The FIA program does not offer courses specifically in PE, LBO, and M&A, but the courses are very practical and the corporate finance and related courses go through these three aspects of relevant private equity material.

I would recommend EDHEC MsF over RSM FIA any day of the week, particularly if you do not have the desire to stay in the Netherlands or work in London/FFM as a Benelux centered analyst.


Thanks for the information about the charters, I'll admit I might have slightly overvalued them.

Personally I have no preference for staying in NL or working as Benelux centered analyst, I'm rather mobile and I'll pretty much go wherever my career will take me.

I feared as much that going for a specialized Finance degree as opposed to a Business Administration or Management degree would most likely yield me an analyst position. Is it unconventional though for PE analysts to become PE associates, or would I have to do an MBA at a later point in time perhaps?


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