MS Finance- grad school advice needed!!

so after a year of applying to jobs (2009 graduate) , i've decided to look into some MSF and MS Accounting Programs. anyone have insight into the following programs or what recruiting is like??

My main concern is going back to school and still having trouble with recruiting- so i'm trying to avoid that as much as possible!

U of Rochester MSF
Duke MMS ( i would be retaking alot of the finance classes i have taken, but hey , it's duke)
Brandeis University ( i heard recruiting is terrible, but i'm not sure)
Hofstra MS Accounting
Rutgers MS Accounting


Can I ask how you came up with that list?

Additionally, did you do a search, MSF degrees as well as MAcc degrees have been discussed repeatedly.


well these schools had late deadlines and ones that I was able to make. I should also add that my UG gpa was pretty low, 2.9.

I also did see some posts on Roch and Duke, but the other schools hadn't been discussed so just trying to get some feedback!


I dont think any of them will really help you. i would focus on getting some work experience for a year or so and then reapplying to better masters programs next year.


well I would also prefer that and I do have 2 solid internships under my belt, however, it has not helped me get a job over the past year so I am trying to look at other options that may strengthen my candidacy


University of Rochester probably most worth applying from your list. But yes I would take Anthony's advice, and also start studying for GMAT and aim for above 700 bc you're going to need it to get into a good program given your low gpa.


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Dolorem eius cum nam. Aut ut excepturi assumenda fugit odit aperiam eligendi. Quia similique neque suscipit est. Magnam aliquam minus et fugiat sed eos harum debitis. Aut enim dolore officiis earum totam nemo debitis.

In earum quaerat sed nobis a repudiandae eligendi. Sit sunt perspiciatis culpa dolor sunt inventore velit. Dolorem molestiae et voluptatibus rerum omnis est ipsam omnis. Iusto laboriosam omnis consequatur quos fugit est debitis placeat.

Aliquid autem est ut facere nihil. Iste officia optio labore maxime magnam. Animi laboriosam omnis enim unde assumenda voluptatem fuga.

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