Effect of poor study abroad grades, strong home institution grades on admissions

While I studied abroad in the UK I got terrible grades. Partly because I wasn't able to adjust to having classes that had no graded assignments, projects, or anything and only one final exam. A few classes had NO ASSIGNMENTS and I thought that was very odd. I also learned, after taking the exams, that you were supposed to provide more detail in answering questions than just solving the questions.

Well, I received the equivalent of a 2.0 gpa while there. However, my official gpa is 3.73, since it doesn't factor in. I calculated the result of 31 credits on my gpa at 2.0 and it results in a drop to 3.3 ish. How will this affect my admission chances and how will it be viewed by mba admission committees? I know that almost all mba programs, after looking it up, require transcripts from all institutions, including study abroad grades.


Obviously it doesn't look great, but if those grades don't count towards your "actual" GPA then I would say you are fine. Regardless, nothing you can do about it now -- and you're are still in college...the last thing you should be worried about is grad school (well, maybe not the last thing). Focus on getting good/prestigious WE and on the GMAT, then see where you're at. Good luck.

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I'd say that, unless your school factors your study abroad GPA into your regular GPA (the official one put out by school; my uni has one at least), don't even mention it. Keep it off your resume completely and only bring it up if they specifically ask for it. I'm involved in my schools study abroad program and personally feel my semester abroad was the best semester of my life. That is because of the holistic experience I received living immersed in a foreign country around students of a bunch of different nationalities, not because I was taking classes in a different country.

I am very upfront about the fact that my GPA on my resume doesn't include my study abroad GPA (my study abroad GPA sucked) and absolutely nobody I've interviewed/talked with cares. It's a well known fact that studying abroad is more of a chance to enjoy yourself than anything else.

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I studied abroad as well, haven't received my grades yet but I'm expecting my GPA to fall from a 3.7 to a 3.4ish (my study abroad grades are applied towards my home institution GPA). Would a firm pull an offer because of this? I didn't lie about my GPA and it's technically a 3.7 as we speak, but it will likely change over the next month or so.


Nope. Same thing if you transferred schools into the one you graduated from. They only ask for your transcripts from the one you graduated from.

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I would include the official transcript and just explain your situation. Include a note saying that your study abroad grades have not been transcribed to your official record. You can either A. ask your study abroad office for a transcript from their registrar or B. do what you did, put the grades in a note and explain that official statements are forth coming when available.

I think most people would appreciate your situation.


It really depends on how your study abroad grades are done. If you are taking the course as a guest student at a different university, then on your transcript it will show as a transfer credit on your actual schools transcript and it won't have an affect on your GPA.

If your study abroad course is through your school you attend full time and you pay your tuition for that course to your actual school then the grade will go on your transcript and will affect your GPA.

To sum it up: If you pay the tuition to the study abroad school it won't affect your GPA, if you pay it to your normal school it will affect your GPA.

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