Boy with 15 years old who want some advices

Hello, I'm a 15 year old Portuguese boy who dreams of working in the financial market in a big center like NY, London, Frankfurt, Zurich, Tokyo, etc. But I realized that the market here in Portugal (Southwest Europe) is weak and poor. Because of this I would like to study in the uk but my family is very poor by foreign standards and my parents have no money to support me. I know it's early but I think it was a good time to prepare, do you think there is any way to get a scholarship to study in the UK? I like math and economics a lot although I don't like physics. I am a smart guy for my age (I think) and I learn very easily. I know there are many questions but which projects would enrich my curriculum in the area of ​​finance and business. Thanks for listening.


First of all, never doubt what you can achieve. Someone I know came from India. He was dirt poor growing up. He got into Harvard and did so well that he went straight to a an MBA business schools">M7 MBA. Then he did megafund private equity up until he was a partner. Now he runs a hedge fund and is absolutely killing it. This is a guy who growing up had a very bleak future. Now he's filthy rich, and this all came from working every day of his life. I wish you luck, because that could be you.

And do you have any council for those who aspire to this?

Just get really good grades and ace the SAT. It's even harder for foreign students to get into American universities, but you could go to a semi-target too. Right now, the most important thing is for you to get into the best college possible in the UK or US


Absolute stellar grades. Start a mini biz on the side and/or do some social work. if you have the chance, be the best at some sport/music thing (national competitions, etc)

do a lot of research, check out specific foundations who sponsor scholarships, check the requirements of the universities, speak to Alumni who went the path if you can find them on LinkedIn.

Make a structured plan and measure your progress. Good luck!

Most Helpful

Keep in mind getting a visa/work authorization in the US will be much harder than the UK or Europe. Not that it cannot be done, but hedge your bets.

Starting early puts you ahead. Get great grades, start being involved in extra-curriculars on the side - school club, part time work, social work, ... They do not have to be finance-related, just do something you really like and excel at it. Also start talking to people about your interest in finance, that could be people you know who are in university or family friends who know more about it. Visit WSO (and other websites) regularly and gain from other people's knowledge. Being immersed in discussions about finance, markets, etc. will give you the beginning of an understanding of how the ecosystem works.

Finally, I would refrain from using personal info online; it's usually best to avoid old posts coming up, and I have the feeling your WSO user name might be based very closely on your name and date of birth.

Best of luck!


i think i will try to start a finance club at my school. You can tell me how to change or my username. I can't change I don't know why.


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