Why don't Al Sharpton and his "constituents" go get a real job and lift themselves out of adversity rather than just protest someone else's free speech.


It's all about advertisers. They pull out, show gets pulled. Trust me, someone else will sign him in a few months and he'll be back on the air. Maybe satellite radio, but he'll be back nonetheless.


Al sharpton needs to apoligize to the DUKE Lacrosse Kids ASAP. I think Sharpton is a complete tool. He does not help any causes, all he does is create conflict in situations that don't warrant it. He is more racist then Imus, he hates white people


Yeah, agreed...Sharpton goes on the air with Imus for him to apologize about something he said about the Rutgers Women's bball team....

...WTF does he have to do with the situation?!


He's a race baiter. And also one of the most disgusting looking, stuck-up, ignorant, and just plain stupid people around. While I agree that what Imus did was absolutely wrong, there is no reason for Sharpton to get involved. I wonder, is that who the black community of America actually wants as their representative?? I'd love to hear an actual black person's thoughts on this. Check out Al Sharpton's wikipedia profile - he views every negative interaction between a black and white person as about race, and starts screaming racism.

Also, why wasn't Isaiah Washington let go after his homophobic tirade? Is there a double standard here?


I hate when people yell "Free Speech". Do you not know what free speech is? It’s being able to say what you want without persecution from the government. It's not being able to say what you want without getting fired. I don’t see the government getting involved in anything that has happened to Imus. He’s not going to jail for what he said but his employers have the right to fire him if he’s presenting an image that they do not approve of.

Al Sharpton does get on my nerves and I feel that he sometimes creates situations where there is none (but sometimes he is right) but I’m not going to cry for Imus. They are both idiots.


mma imma imma imma flirt soon as i see ya walk up in the club imma flirt winkin eyes at me when i roll up on them dubs (imma flirt) sometimes when im wit my chick on the low (imma flirt) and when shes wit her man lookin at me damn right (imma flirt) so homey dont bring ya girl to meet me cause (imma flirt) and baby dont bring your girlfriend to eat cause (imma flirt) please believe it unless ya game is tight and you trust her then dont bring her round me cause (imma flirt)


What everyone forgets is that Imus is a massive douchebag. I could care less if he's on the radio. He said a horrible thing... but listen to Jonesie in the morning on Hot 9-7. If I had a nickle for every antisemitic comment they make on that show, I wouldn't be typing this from THIS job.

I know thing are different for making comments about under-represented minorities, but why is that?

Anyone saying they like Imus is just a g-d damn lier though. He absolutely sucks. Look at him. His face looks like my ballsack.

-------------- Either you sling crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot

I think firing Imus was a business decision, not a legal one, so I agree that this has nothing to do with free speech. Imus called those girls "nappy headed hoes". Where the hell did that come from?

Although I strongly believe we need visible leaders. I think Al Sharpton is a relic, and african american leaders have earned the capacity to be more sophisticated in their approach. In short, we need new leaders to grab the mic.

Obama for president!

I think firing Imus was a business decision, not a legal one, so I agree that this has nothing to do with free speech. Imus called those girls "nappy headed hoes". Where the hell did that come from?

Although I strongly believe we need visible leaders. I think Al Sharpton is a relic, and african american leaders have earned the capacity to be more sophisticated in their approach. In short, we need new leaders to grab the mic.

Obama for president!

Clearly you have never watched nor listened to his show. It is a shock jock type show. I'm sorry but that was indeed a funny comment. I was laughing my ass of when I heard it. YouTube it.


Wow. I just watched it on youtube. Unfortunately, it was exactly as i imagined it. He is going to be 68 on july 23. He was 27 years old when MLK was shot. Clearly the ease with which he made those comments places him in a suspicious category. Imagine don imus calling Tiger Woods a slant eyed thug right after he won the masters. ... suspicious


The market should sort it out. I am sick of these race pushers. If people are so upset dont listen. We don't want a society were a select few assholes control what goes over the air. I am so fucking sick of perpetually offended individuals.


Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have actually made me more racist than I would have been since everything little thing becomes a race issue.

Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have actually made me more racist than I would have been since everything little thing becomes a race issue.

This is a weird thing to say. So then every minority should become more racist towards white people because of what Imus said...?


Seanc you are free not to like Sharpton but by using a racist term to describe him I think you are giving him more fodder and proving his point.


While I think his joke was in poor taste and utterly inexcusable, I don't Imus should have gotten fired for his comments regarding the Rutgers women's basketball team. However, Mr. Imus knows full well that if he made such a comment the outcome (his firing) should come as no surprise. What I find interesting is that people don't complain when rappers refer to women as "ho's" no one seems to care about it...When was the last time Al Sharpton ever made a big deal about one of his fellow African-Americans making such a comment...Total and utter hypocracy...

O don't lie. His joke was funny. Peole who say it wasn't funny are simply not telling the truth. It was hillarious. His show was hilarious.

Or... maybe people don't find the same shit funny that you do. Imagine that!

To the people that claim he should not have gotten fired: What exactly was CBS supposed to do when their major advertisers start pulling out?

Best Response

It seems that some of the people posting on this topic have more on their minds than Imus getting fired. "Al Sharpton and his "constituents" go get a real job..." -dacarez "Sharpton is the biggest scumbag on the planet, he's such a coon." -seanc etc.. While I understand the sense of loss that you may feel, when someone who represents you in popular media gets fired. Maybe, instead of whining you can wake up to the 21st century, where that kind of wild west humor can be bad for business.

As for, the current state of hip hop... what can I say? Maybe I can naively attempt to sum up what happened. During the 80's and most of the 90's hip hop was more of a mix between political poetry and party music. However, as it moved from an artfrom to an industry, the demographics of the audience changed. And SIMULTANEOUSLY, the quality of the music, as well as the content of the lyrics changed. Some of us here, may say that this is mere coincidence. But I would hope there are others here with a more keen eye for the business behind the music. Hip hop is now just a caricature of its former self, or to me, a carcass. I say, let it burn. Or maybe I should say. I hope it gets IMUSed.


The "wild west humor" that you refer to was Imus' shtick, and something that CBS probably mad tons of money off of for years. It almost seems as if he got it worse than Michael Richards, even though Richards used a word, which I think we can all agree upon, that was much worse than "nappy headed ho." Imus made comments about different ethnic groups for years, so the real question is, why are blacks, specifically "leaders" such as Sharpton and Jackson, so sensitive to some tongue-in-cheek humor that was not used in a demeaning way?

As for hip-hop/rap, it goes much further than just saying "ho." It seems interesting though that only Eminem (as lame as his punk ass is) has ever really been taken to task for his misogynistic lyrics. Do other rappers, 98% of whom are black, use similar lyrics in reference to women? Of course they do, but for some reason its ok for them. Perhaps society sees this as an artistic outlet for the underpriveleged and impoverished urban youth. All I know is that if people, specifically blacks in this case, want such apparently harmful and demeaning words to no longer be used by whites, be they racially charged or in jest, then perhaps said words should be eliminated from their own lexicon first, so as to provide an example and remove any possible argument of a double-standard or hypocrisy.

The "wild west humor" that you refer to was Imus' shtick, and something that CBS probably mad tons of money off of for years. It almost seems as if he got it worse than Michael Richards, even though Richards used a word, which I think we can all agree upon, that was much worse than "nappy headed ho." Imus made comments about different ethnic groups for years, so the real question is, why are blacks, specifically "leaders" such as Sharpton and Jackson, so sensitive to some tongue-in-cheek humor that was not used in a demeaning way?

As for hip-hop/rap, it goes much further than just saying "ho." It seems interesting though that only Eminem (as lame as his punk ass is) has ever really been taken to task for his misogynistic lyrics. Do other rappers, 98% of whom are black, use similar lyrics in reference to women? Of course they do, but for some reason its ok for them. Perhaps society sees this as an artistic outlet for the underpriveleged and impoverished urban youth. All I know is that if people, specifically blacks in this case, want such apparently harmful and demeaning words to no longer be used by whites, be they racially charged or in jest, then perhaps said words should be eliminated from their own lexicon first, so as to provide an example and remove any possible argument of a double-standard or hypocrisy.

Its ok because this provides an outlet for black people..? blacks should stop using "ho", "n**ga" to provide an example...? HIP HOP IN ITS ORIGINAL FORM WAS THE EXAMPLE.

I am the first to agree with you that black people should take control of their industry. Suggestion1: educated black people should do hostile take overs of all the major companies funding this industry. Suggestion2: all white owners in hip hop that push this racist mutation of hip hop to the world should willing sell their companies to the actual artists that started this industry. Hilarious right. Lets all laugh together now at the sad sad state of the black man. OK stop.

Thought experiment: if there are insensitive people out there(mainly marketers) willing to construct a product(modern sambo), do you think there is a pool of ready and willing people(poor disenfranchised) that would be willing to do it? Hmmm

If I could find a grass roots new american musical form that was white in origin(i need help here) that had mass market potential. Maybe I could twist it into some type of homo erotic tattoo ridden travesty to the human race(Think Glam Rock, but to the Nth level) where white people called eachother horrible names or something, i dunno. I wouldnt have the power, funds, or market to sustain that industry. I would venture to say, nobody could.

Who loves this smut. This is a function of american society at large, because the beauty, significance, and intelligence of the music while it was still sustained within the black community cannot be missed by ANYONE. And the truth of american society and its persistent manipulation of black people just cannot be missed. Just look what happened. LOOK! Use Basic Logic!

This gets me angry because I really enjoyed that music and it was really significant to my generation, and it has been destroyed. And then the finger is pointed at black people, with shouts of hypocrisy when white people can't call them N***RS or nappy headed hos. Are you serious!? This is a function of american society. Yeah, black people just came up with destroying their own culture. Do you see the twisted logic. These are images white people have enjoyed since blackface minstrelsy, or the coon as Seanc prefered to put it on Ibankingoasis.com a couple days ago. I bet you he likes hip hop. That's right.. dance. Screw your face like you are a gangsta. Its so funny and fun. "I'll bust a cap in you." Those stupid black people. Enjoy.


Yeah it is like that comedian said, " People are so antiracist nowadays that they our afraid to say black people to the point of looking ridiculous."


Apparently you and I don't see eye to eye on much goldstandard.

Do you honestly think that a bunch of white fat cat record execs pushed for more use of the N-word and derogatory terms for women? Sure Run DMC and Digital Underground and the like were not vile the way the majority of rap artists are today, but what about other early rappers (esp. West Coast) like NWA and even Public Enemy? They were some of the original purveyors of the genre as well, and I don't seem to remember them being very clean.

This is not to say other genres of music aren't as crude, but the African-American community seems much more sensitive to the words they use themselves. I'm not trying to justify using the N-word as a white person, but simply saying that blacks can't reasonably expect people to forget the word and get it out of use when they themselves use it.

To answer your last question directly, no, I don't see the twisted logic. If rap music was truly destroying black culture as you say, why haven't people such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton been more vocal against the constant use of words they proclaim to oppose when they are used by blacks? By my estimation, they only come out of the woodwork to harass corporations and extort money when a white person happens to use a word or phrase that can be misinterpreted as being racist - which is a word whose definition has become as perverted as much as you seem to think black culture has been. Hell, you can't even compliment a black person anymore without it becoming contorted into something completely different (calling Barack Obama "eloquent"). Your arguments also showcase a growing weakness in the black community as well as America in general: a lack of personal responsibilty. Not everything in this world is a massive conspiracy "keep down the black man". That 19 year old on the corner doesn't have to sell crack. He could easily work at McDonald's. Sure, its not a glamorous job that will allow you to buy an Impala with 24's and a soundsystem, but its a job that won't leave you dead on the streets or in jail. That's the reality of the situation, not that white, corporate America is still trying to oppress blacks.


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