To All the Hillary Supporters that are allowing themselves to be spoon Fed by Main Stream Media…

Please read.

I'm not a huge fan of Trump but IMO he's a better option than Hilary.

Shit is so rigged... And Trump isn't like all the other puppets.


that's great man, the reality is whatever both of them say they are going to do won't happen. that's how it works most of the time..

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

there's a great article discussing politicians and their promises during campaigns, they deliver/ compromise (deliver some/most but not all) on their promises roughly 80% of the time.


I'm not posting in it again. Just providing some information for you all, not here to debate or argue on the intrawebs. So don't bother trying to debate/argue with me, hah

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

"I'm not posting in it again. Just providing some information for you all, not here to debate or argue on the intrawebs. So don't bother trying to debate/argue with me, hah"

Hah, guys, I'm so cool. I created this politically-based forum to spout my opinion, but I don't want to defend it, hah. Tangible arguments are dumb, hah.


Fuck the mainstream media. We're being censored like the Chinese. Media contributions were 27 to 1 in favor of Hillary.

I'm hoping there are more silent Trump supporters than the polls show. I will only be voting for candidates with private sector experience from now on. The GOP better find some fresh blood to run in 2020 because like many other Trump supporters, I will not be voting for any of the turncoats like Paul Ryan or John Kasich.


John Kasich never "turned" anywhere. He was pretty steadfast about not supporting your candidate from the beginning. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, could be appropriately called a turncoat since he went against his own word like the shill he is.


John Kasich never "turned" anywhere. He was pretty steadfast about not supporting your candidate from the beginning. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, could be appropriately called a turncoat since he went against his own word like the shill he is.

Incorrect. Kasich pledged to support the nominee. He has yet to endorse trump and refuses to support him. Especially in a tight battle ground state.

All butt hurt because he only won his home state after camping out there for a month. At least Rubio and Cruz had actual voter support.


the only media exposure i've had to all the coverage is npr. imo they attempt to cover things equally. i have nothing to compare it to so hard to say, but i feel fairly satisfied with their coverage

WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.
adapt or die:

Fuck the mainstream media. We're being censored like the Chinese. Media contributions were 27 to 1 in favor of Hillary.

I'm hoping there are more silent Trump supporters than the polls show. I will only be voting for candidates with private sector experience from now on. The GOP better find some fresh blood to run in 2020 because like many other Trump supporters, I will not be voting for any of the turncoats like Paul Ryan or John Kasich.

Russian state-owned press is better than our supposedly independent media.

Russian state-owned press is better than our supposedly independent media.

since we're throwing hyperbole and completely unsubstantiated nonsense out there, why not add this? Kudos.


Are you shitting me, do you follow the migration between former political staffers and media talking heads? It is pretty much a revolving door.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Glad you could join us now that the last period bell rang. I'm sure your liberal parents told you who to vote for (when you're old enough of course).

What part of my post is "batshit" exactly? Chinese censorship was a bit hyperbolic as Bob mentioned.

Classic Hillary supporter thinking that you shouldn't be able to hold a job if you don't subscribe to liberal political views.

adapt or die:

Fuck the mainstream media. We're being censored like the Chinese. Media contributions were 27 to 1 in favor of Hillary.

I'm hoping there are more silent Trump supporters than the polls show. I will only be voting for candidates with private sector experience from now on. The GOP better find some fresh blood to run in 2020 because like many other Trump supporters, I will not be voting for any of the turncoats like Paul Ryan or John Kasich.

I seriously don't understand their mindset when they've been in the game for such and such years. If Trump is our only nominee, then why the FUCK are they not supporting him? The mere idea of giving votes away to Hillary is so embarrassing. It's really sad how our conservative politicians are saving face and denouncing Trump in order to pander to the political correct beehive. They're no different.

Best Response

Yeah it is unfortunate how powerful the media is relative to the quality of their product. I've spent a lot of time combing through the wikileaks stuff this past week and just really shocked at the complete media blackout of the actual content of some of these emails. Reasonably sure that Julian Assange will end up like the High Sparrow. Unfortunately I think she will be elected. Her Parkinson's will kick up over the next couple years and we will literally only see her a few times a year for State of the Union and maybe one or two diplomatic trips. I just really hope she keeps her mental faculties about her, and she has enough sense to put in place a contingency plan should her state deteriorate further. We are fighting two major proxy wars at the moment (vs Russia and Iran), either one of which could result in a meaningful conflict that would dwarf the Iraq wars. Just very uneasy with all of it. Trump not much better but at least I think he will avert war and make some needed changes to the appointment lineup. Sec of State, SecDef, Fed, SCOTUS, Treasury all need his perspective more than they do liberal sycophants.


you think he will avert war but warhawks are his military advisers and he wants to grow the military.... hey man, you should spend less time reading conspiracy theories about HRC having Parkinson's and more time actually knowing who the fuck you're voting for. Smh.


you think he will avert war but warhawks are his military advisers and he wants to grow the military.... hey man, you should spend less time reading conspiracy theories about HRC having Parkinson's and more time actually knowing who the fuck you're voting for. Smh.

Jeez you sound exactly like my freaking wife. But yeah she's totally got Parkinson's or some other neuro-degenerative disease. Like 96% sure at this point, and I'm never that sure of anything...

On the war issue: "Speak softly and carry a big stick." I guess Trump isn't exactly known for speaking softly though. But I'd love to see some fucking muscle in our military instead of sending Dennis Rodman on diplomatic missions all day...


This idiocy makes me laugh, people who are avid Hillary supporters constantly say that Trump will start WW3. Yet never even look at how Hillary was the driving force behind three current war zones.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

The one thing I will say is how BS it is about how polarizing this election is. I have never quite seen anything like the hatred both parties have. Trump and Hillary had rallies in my hometown and there were fights galore at both. At Trump's rally people were chanting the "Fuck Donald Trump" rap. It was hilarious. The reason I think people hate Trump is because his problems are personal while Hillary's are more for political aficionados. The average voter doesn't give a shit about her email, benghazi, etc. etc. and believes her woman card bs while trump is a bigot and now an alleged predator from shit that is 10 years ago. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to vote since my state has voted for one party for over 40 years.

Also: how tf can people actually believe Hillary is pro-choice? She just randomly changed her mind?


Let's make this clear: if there is violence at the polls it would be the result of a candidate that has stoked his supporters already nutty conspiracies to a breaking point. Anyone who is educated knows that a national election isn't "rigged". Sure, media can be biased. Sure, a party (like the Dems) can work to get a certain candidate to be the nominee. Of course, without the votes it wouldn't matter (see: the Republicans who surely didn't want Trump and got him anyway). But your preferred candidate has taken the conspiracy theories to another level by suggesting a national election is somehow going to be stolen from him by way of fraud/ manipulation. Many of his supporters believe him. The irresponsibility of endangering the democratic process just because you need a scapegoat for personal failings is something we don't expect from a serious presidential candidate, but here we are. I seriously hope the violence is minor or nonexistent but Donald Trump has made major violence a possibility. Unless, of course, he wins.


I agree strongly about your down ballot comment, but I disagree that the Prez vote is immaterial. I get your point that it's more diluted, but it still matters, especially in a swing state, just look at FL in 2000. People who don't vote and say it's because it doesn't matter are pessimistic, lazy, imo losers for taking that powerful American right for granted.


So I have a question. If this election hinges on a somewhat close outcome (e.g. Hillz carries FL or OH by 1 or 2 pts) and Trump appeals to the Courts... what happens? Presumably this would work its way up to the Supreme Court as the Gore appeal did, but we are left with a 4-4 SCOTUS thanks to our do-nothing legislature. Isn't that sort of chicken-and-the-egg? You can't elect a President without Supreme Court weighing in, and you can't break the logjam in the Court without a President! So wtf? I guess probably some of the conservative justices go over to the side of preserving a more stable union...


I don't know about "all indications"... Certainly in the formal polls she's way ahead, but that data does not square with the 15-30k people per day who seem to want to come out to see Trump vs. Hillary on bed leave for 4 and 5 day stretches to get her meds stabilized. I don't know, allegedly the last week of wikileaks dumps will be John Kerry's emails so things still have room to shift given this is highly likely to lead to material and non-public revelations...

In any case, can't wait for the documentary to come out!


The same thing that happened in 2000 and 2004, we will hear people in the media constantly complain about how the election was "stolen and rigged", yet now these holier than thou assholes rip Trump about his claiming the political system is rigged to favor insiders, which it with out a doubt is. I'm just enjoying all of the insanity and people making themselves look like complete idiots.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

1)I couldn't help but notice the way Clinton begins statements with I. Some of them were appropriate- she will be making decisions so this is about her, but other times she sounded like a dictator the way she said things.

2)There is a serious issue with our media, the candidates and the fact that we are relying on wiki leaks for information/ someone else may be trying to influence the election. Regardless, THERE IS AS MUCH AN ISSUE WITH THE PEOPLE WHO CONSUME THE MEDIA.

3)Regardless of who wins i hope we have an appropriate system of checks and balances. I really want this to be good country to live in 50 years from now.

4)Why did all the decent candidates have to stop running/sell out? I haven't gotten around to researching this.

**How is my grammar? Drop me a note with any errors you see!**
Papa Harambe:

4)Why did all the decent candidates have to stop running/sell out? I haven't gotten around to researching this.

The DNC colluded against sanders. He got screwed.

As for the republicans, the wikileak emails show that the DNC colluded with the media to prop up Trump, Carson, and one other one. Trump won the primary because of the massive amounts of free press given to him which was a result of said collusion.


who was a decent candidate? john kasich? marco rubio? scott walker? please don't say bernie sanders, if there ever was an economic imbecile, it'd be him. here's the thing, there will never be a perfect candidate for prez, because you have to pander and be a chameleon to get votes and donations.

here's the thing, we've lived through shitty presidents, and even though I'm not voting for any of the candidates on my ballot (still voting though), I don't think either one would send us back into the dark ages. to echo what you said, we have checks & balances. the president has a lot of power to be sure, but that power is never unchecked.

this election will not worsen your livelihood 50 years from now, count on that. just vote for whoever you think will do a better job, or write someone in.

just to give you a bit of recent history, the biggest impact to my life from recent presidents is probably airport screening + client verification courtesy of the patriot act. then there's higher insurance premiums (ACA), and on top of that the fiduciary rule (coming out in 2017). but here's the thing: those aren't material changes that affect my ability to provide for my family. sure, things aren't the same, but you adapt to the environment you're presented, plain & simple. if you can't adapt, well that's your fault, cause the only constant is change.

the less you worry about politics, the happier you'll be. just do your research, cast your vote, and then shut the fuck up about it. these arguments on WSO the past few months are so tiresome. I don't know why people find it necessary to argue with strangers on the internet. what's the goal? to show how liberal/conservative you are? to change their mind? to prove a point? how is this such a popular topic? legit curious.

news flash: no one is going to change his/her vote based on a message board discussion, so give it a rest.


You are right. The starter of this topic was trying to persuade others, or vent his/her anger about Clinton supporters on the internet.

Your vent deserves a topic of its own- let your voice be heard.

**How is my grammar? Drop me a note with any errors you see!**

This one is a gem: last year the system was rigged, this year that's impossible even to suggest:

Or Barry, who recently told Trump to "stop whining," talking about rigged election possibilities in 2008:

Maybe things can be rigged, maybe they can't. But the fact that Trump's "I'll wait and see" answer is the 24/7 talking point now instead of any of the numerous Hillary scandals is solid proof of which direction the media is trying to tilt things.

Hugh Myron:

This one is a gem: last year the system was rigged, this year that's impossible even to suggest:

Or Barry, who recently told Trump to "stop whining," talking about rigged election possibilities in 2008:

Maybe things can be rigged, maybe they can't. But the fact that Trump's "I'll wait and see" answer is the 24/7 talking point now instead of any of the numerous Hillary scandals is solid proof of which direction the media is trying to tilt things.

Agree fully. Or how about all those sexual assault accusers? That story died fast.

The Wikileaks emails are real news. Russia moving a battle fleet into the Mediterranean Sea is real news. Hillary talking about a no fly zone is real news. None of this gets coverage.



I don't like either candidate.


I'm amazed when people don't understand why so many think the election is rigged. I guess it depends on one's definition of rigged.

One example: Not long ago, I actually used to think CNN, which many people consider to be the most center-oriented major news outlet, was relatively moderate. As this election goes on, most of the guests and anchors can no longer even hide their open disdain for Trump. It's crazy how visible their personal opinions are. I get it -- journalists have biases. That's fine. But your job, at least if you're on CNN, is to have journalistic integrity. This means making a full, conscious attempt to be non-biased. But that went to hell in a hand basket very quickly. If you think these biases don't affect anything, especially the stories the networks choose to report, you are gravely mistaken.

Other news networks are worse. Fox is obviously biased the other way, but that's Fox and we all know that. It's also just one major network and cannot counterbalance the major networks of the left.

Unless you are a strong supporter of Democrats, seeing that the the vast majority of the main stream media is biased towards the Dems isn't difficult. Even my pro-HRC and anti-Trump (3rd party) friends are beginning to admit that the MSM anchors and guests have very skewed views. The HRC-ers are happy about it, but they are rational people, which I hugely respect, and have begun admitting the biases. The 3rd partiers just hate everyone.

I also love the 'conspiracy nuts' name calling the left latches onto -- BobTheBaker case in point. Prior to Snowden, if someone came out and said that the government is spying on its citizens' emails and phone calls on a massive scale, the same people would have called that person a 'conspiracy nut'. When we see the media, the revelations such as the NSA's spying program withing our government, HRC's WikiLeaks, the recently released undercover tapes, do you really believe that people who think the election may be rigged are really all crazies? Some can be, and probably are because they believe everything is a conspiracy theory. But the non-crazies have valid concerns.


More government is almost never a good answer to anything. Think about it. We have all this government policing businesses and individual citizens. Who the hell is policing the government? That's my greatest fear of Hillary -- she will perpetuate the growth of the government without the necessary proportional growth in transparent checks and balances that ordinary citizens can directly influence. I came from a country in which people are afraid of their government, and the situation is absolutely miserable. I was so excited for the US, in which the design is for the opposite. Well, it seems we are rapidly accelerating in the wrong direction. The NSA leaks and recent HRC's WikiLeaks are great examples.

Anyway. I'm no supporter of either HRC or Trump; I just like to call things out the way they are.


I'll leave you with this good article to read:…


The media being biased does not mean a national election is rigged. this is a pretty simple reality. The media can be biased for anyone they want, the voters choose. The voters have always chosen and will choose who will be our next president in November. If the voters choose Trump he will win, if the voters choose Clinton she will win. Plain and simple. So no, I would not say the election is "rigged". The fact we are having such a conversation is evidence of the complete devolutionary state we are in dealing with Donald Trump as a serious candidate

p.s. yea, because the stuff about HRC having Parkinson's doesn't qualify as a conspiracy theory. the stuff trying to link HRC to her husband's sexual misdeeds isn't conspiracy theory. The Benghazi witchhunt hasn't led to conspiracy theories. The idea that HRC was actively selling out our government in her private email scandal isn't conspiracy theories. These are things reasonable, logical individuals subscribe to.


Actually, an email of HRC that was just leaked by Wikileaks seems to say that HRC had fore knowledge of the pending attack on the Benghazi consulate and gives appearances that the assassination of Ambassador Stevens was the intended goal. The email references Stevens and says that the "Libyan group is funded".

The more information that gets released about these kinds of things the more it looks like these "crazies" actually have far better analysis skills than anyone whose job it is to actually analyze these things.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne


I don't like either candidate.


I'm amazed when people don't understand why so many think the election is rigged. I guess it depends on one's definition of rigged.

One example: Not long ago, I actually used to think CNN, which many people consider to be the most center-oriented major news outlet, was relatively moderate. As this election goes on, most of the guests and anchors can no longer even hide their open disdain for Trump. It's crazy how visible their personal opinions are. I get it -- journalists have biases. That's fine. But your job, at least if you're on CNN, is to have journalistic integrity. This means making a full, conscious attempt to be non-biased. But that went to hell in a hand basket very quickly. If you think these biases don't affect anything, especially the stories the networks choose to report, you are gravely mistaken.

Other news networks are worse. Fox is obviously biased the other way, but that's Fox and we all know that. It's also just one major network and cannot counterbalance the major networks of the left.

Unless you are a strong supporter of Democrats, seeing that the the vast majority of the main stream media is biased towards the Dems isn't difficult. Even my pro-HRC and anti-Trump (3rd party) friends are beginning to admit that the MSM anchors and guests have very skewed views. The HRC-ers are happy about it, but they are rational people, which I hugely respect, and have begun admitting the biases. The 3rd partiers just hate everyone.

I also love the 'conspiracy nuts' name calling the left latches onto -- BobTheBaker case in point. Prior to Snowden, if someone came out and said that the government is spying on its citizens' emails and phone calls on a massive scale, the same people would have called that person a 'conspiracy nut'. When we see the media, the revelations such as the NSA's spying program withing our government, HRC's WikiLeaks, the recently released undercover tapes, do you really believe that people who think the election may be rigged are really all crazies? Some can be, and probably are because they believe everything is a conspiracy theory. But the non-crazies have valid concerns.


More government is almost never a good answer to anything. Think about it. We have all this government policing businesses and individual citizens. Who the hell is policing the government? That's my greatest fear of Hillary -- she will perpetuate the growth of the government without the necessary proportional growth in transparent checks and balances that ordinary citizens can directly influence. I came from a country in which people are afraid of their government, and the situation is absolutely miserable. I was so excited for the US, in which the design is for the opposite. Well, it seems we are rapidly accelerating in the wrong direction. The NSA leaks and recent HRC's WikiLeaks are great examples.

Anyway. I'm no supporter of either HRC or Trump; I just like to call things out the way they are.


I'll leave you with this good article to read:

I don't think it's fair to think that the MSM is rigged towards one side and specifically call out CNN while giving Fox a relative pass because "everyone knows Fox is biased". It's good to note that Fox's viewership is more than twice that of CNN and therefore their biased views reach more people.

Some online media outlets such as Breitbart & Alex Jones (people listen to this guy sadly, even more so after Trump himself praised the guy) are way more biased than the institutions you dislike. At least the MSM doesn't go to the extreme of calling out one of the candidates as the literal devil and anti-Christ.

Overall, there is bias everywhere and to call it "rigged" is absurd.


If you notice, I referred only to mainstream media outlets. I specifically left out places like Breitbart, Huff Post, Wash Post, Mother Jones, Yahoo, Google News, etc.

Fox is very biased. But everyone knows that. So people do not come to Fox to watch unbiased reporting. From what I understand, CNN is supposed to be the relatively unbiased news source. My problem is that it has become increasingly biased with this election. If I wanted to see bias, I'd just go to Fox or MSNBC, CBS, NBC, etc. This is why I called out CNN in particular.

Maybe the problem is in diverging definitions of the term 'rigged'.


The media being biased does not mean a national election is rigged. this is a pretty simple reality. The media can be biased for anyone they want, the voters choose. The voters have always chosen and will choose who will be our next president in November. If the voters choose Trump he will win, if the voters choose Clinton she will win. Plain and simple. So no, I would not say the election is "rigged". The fact we are having such a conversation is evidence of the complete devolutionary state we are in dealing with Donald Trump as a serious candidate

p.s. yea, because the stuff about HRC having Parkinson's doesn't qualify as a conspiracy theory. the stuff trying to link HRC to her husband's sexual misdeeds isn't conspiracy theory. The Benghazi witchhunt hasn't led to conspiracy theories. The idea that HRC was actively selling out our government in her private email scandal isn't conspiracy theories. These are things reasonable, logical individuals subscribe to.

somebody help this blind boy see please..

you understand how many sheep there are allowing mainstream media to help them form their opinions and make judgements right??

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

Refer to Dacawins post on distrust of the media. Media does not select presidents, the people do. You have a moron of a candidate on your hands that has alienated almost every demographic (my boss, a lifelong Republican is abstaining from this election) and you expect him to win? You expect the media not to cover the sensational stories he consistently feeds them? Get a grip.


Moron that went to one of the best schools and has created a billion dollar brand and business that employs people.

Compared to a person whose created no jobs, who lives off tax papers, whose failed policies have caused death and chaos in the middle east.

Bro, you're beyond a shill. Trumps brought more Republicans out to vote than Romney or Bush. He's reached out to union Democrats and pissed off the elites on both sides.

The media doesn't vote, but it influences. You're a perfect example of it. To say that biased news doesn't have an impact is to ignore fact and history.

Remember the Maine.


That poll was a complete joke, I looked into how it was conducted. They counted "distrust" as anyone who answered that they distrusted A media source, not ALL media sources. So someone who leans one way or another will distrust media from the opposite side of the isle, would count as someone who from the way the poll was presented as distrusting all media.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

It's crystal clear how biased this election is. Every fucking liberal media is out for Trump's throat and everyone is cowering under political correctness. When the general public are all contributing to a "mind bubble" and labeling every single fucking opposing argument as the antithesis of virtue.. it's beyond pathetic.

The whole liberal agenda of virtue aspects is so ironically humiliating. Their hypocrisy is bar none the worst.

Abortion is the "voice" of the mother in aspects of morals but ignores the "voice" of the unborn.

Welfare policies are just tools to obtain votes from the uneducated public. Anyone that takes a basic economic class and has a sense would more than realize 80% of the bullshit politicians spin when it comes to economic thought to policy translation.

Obama pulled America back to hard left in the political spectrum.

Clinton is so fucking corrupted. Holy shit at any finance professionals who are considering to vote for her.


EDIT: Keep the Monkey Shit coming! It's sad how thin-skinned and sensitive some people are.


good info on why the media "polls" are ridiculous and skewed, which makes sense, have been skeptical of the media polls for a while now

"Over the weekend we wrote about a Podesta email that clearly spelled out, in detail, exactly how to "manufacture" polling data by "oversampling" certain demographic groups that are overwhelmingly democrat leaning. Here are a couple of recommendations from the email:

I also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling.

  • General election benchmark, 800 sample, with potential over samples in key districts/regions
  • Benchmark polling in targeted races, with ethnic over samples as needed
  • Targeting tracking polls in key races, with ethnic over samples as needed

*******Obviously, the desired effect of such actions isn't to create a warm and fuzzy feeling for the Hillary campaign over polling data that they know is false. Rather, the intent is to use artificial polls, like the ABC / WaPo poll released over the weekend showing a ridiculous 12-point national lead for Hillary, to suppress the republican vote by convincing opposition voters that the race is already over."*********

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

What's maddening to me is how the media has literally done nearly no investigative journalism against Hillary Clinton. A week or so ago CNN ran a preposterous article stating that the WikiLeaks emails show nothing damaging at all about Hillary Clinton--just mundane administrative stuff. I couldn't believe the article I was reading! This after emails degrading Hispanics, showing journalist collusion, indicating poll rigging. It's just mind-boggling how intellectually dishonest the press has been this election cycle. It's on a level that I have never witnessed before in any election.


BTW, I did some research and the ridiculous amount of misinformation displayed in your post would be astounding, if you weren't a Trump troll/ sycophant:

1.) that e-mail is from '08 during HRC's primary run 2.) that e-mail regards internal (as in, only for her campaign) polling, where they sometimes over sample to get more information on certain demographic groups

Of course, you got bananas because of the sheep on these forums that automatically up vote anything that even remotely appears to validate their embarrassingly stupid conspiracy theories. carry on though.


BTW, I did some research and the ridiculous amount of misinformation displayed in your post would be astounding, if you weren't a Trump troll/ sycophant:

1.) that e-mail is from '08 during HRC's primary run
2.) that e-mail regards internal (as in, only for her campaign) polling, where they sometimes over sample to get more information on certain demographic groups

Of course, you got bananas because of the sheep on these forums that automatically up vote anything that even remotely appears to validate their embarrassingly stupid conspiracy theories. carry on though.

I'm sure your "research" involved finding the first Google results that confirms your preconceived notion.


BTW, I did some research and the ridiculous amount of misinformation displayed in your post would be astounding, if you weren't a Trump troll/ sycophant:

1.) that e-mail is from '08 during HRC's primary run
2.) that e-mail regards internal (as in, only for her campaign) polling, where they sometimes over sample to get more information on certain demographic groups

Of course, you got bananas because of the sheep on these forums that automatically up vote anything that even remotely appears to validate their embarrassingly stupid conspiracy theories. carry on though.

I feel like this is a dig at my Hillary = Parkinson's thesis. Happy to lay money on it if we could establish some decent ground rules. e.g. the media will never admit she has it, so let's lay $1,000 that she has >/= 4 falls or other instances of tardive dyskinesia captured on film over the next two years. Deal?


The fix is in dood!! Don't even bother voting, it's rigged!

the funny thing is, your the type of person that would be agreeing with me if all this stuff was happening to a democrat...

I just think our political system sucks don't favor either party and am pointing out how tainted/rigged everything is, which is truly sickening..

and I still think Trump is a better option than Hillary. She's been in office for 30+ yrs and everything sucks. Definition of madness is voting for the same outcome and expecting different results (things to change)....

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

FBI reopens Clinton investigation, interested to see how this affects the election. Markets took like a 100 basis point swing on the news lol. No doubt the same Trump sycophants who were questioning Comey's credibility will now be singing his praises.


FBI reopens Clinton investigation, interested to see how this affects the election. Markets took like a 100 basis point swing on the news lol. No doubt the same Trump sycophants who were questioning Comey's credibility will now be singing his praises.

Why would anyone sing his praises when he utterly failed at his job? Just because additional emails came to light and his hand was forced?

If he did his job we'd have Biden or Sanders running. Both would suck, but at least a criminal wouldn't be on the verge of being elected.


Like the Democrats who praised Comey for his judgement and are now attacking him? It goes both ways pal.

"Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence." - Thomas Sowell

Since I guess i am the resident conspiracy theorist here now, wanted to get WSO's level headed feedback on the current situation. My view is that the recent "reopening" of the FBI investigation by itself is still probably not enough to sway the election in Trump's favor, but I think things are getting much closer. The question is what happens next.

Up to this point everything has unfolded very similarly to what a anonymous poster suggested on Reddit a couple weeks ago w/r/t Wikileaks dumps and the path of newsflow. I can't find that post any longer and suspect our friends in Utah have taken it down long ago. In any case, the person said he worked in intelligence (not clear which agency) and said that the next round of email dumps would be from John Kerry and these would be released in the last week before the election (I think he said after Nov. 1 but again i only read his post once so memory fuzzy). The Kerry stuff has the potential to be extremely damaging to both HRC and POTUS. He suggested this had the potential to send multiple foreign governments into chaos. He also said we would start a war in Mosul and step up Syria positioning ahead of this (which has happened). Apparently whatever is in there has the potential to really ignite the situation with our proxy adversaries.

So... my theory (pure speculation). The FBI knows this email dump is coming. Assange has already sent out the "dead man's switch" proof that he has something linked to Kerry (as well as Ecuador and the UK FCO). They also know that it has the potential to be extremely destabilizing globally. My sense is Wikileaks is basically negotiating with the FBI here. They want Clinton charged for foreign corrupt practices/racketeering (or whatever the real issue is). They are probably commiting to not leak the Kerry stuff if the FBI takes action. FBI had no choice here. They also can't reveal what is in the emails because it would be too destabilizing to have this kind of information in the public domain. Hence Clinton campaign calling their bluff and saying "Release all info". Of course the won't / can't do that. It's going to be really interesting to see how Wikileaks proceeds. If we get the Kerry stuff later this week and it gets any press coverage, I think Hillary is done and DJT is our next President. If Wikileaks holds off and FBI leaves things vague with the intent to prosecute post election, I think we are likely to see HRC win, followed by impeached and ex-CIA agent Tim Kaine becomes our next President. Stay tuned.

Interested in alternate thoughts. Also interested if anyone has thoughts on the likely market impact of above.


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At consequatur velit voluptatibus tenetur. Quasi iste eveniet vero architecto est magnam illo. Deleniti et et et aliquam ullam at. Mollitia distinctio voluptatem sequi vel. Molestias occaecati voluptas iure rerum ea vitae impedit quis. Et voluptatum laboriosam nesciunt et iusto et.


Eaque qui unde sed reprehenderit optio qui necessitatibus. Delectus numquam ut tempore quis minima. Error repellat omnis illum et aspernatur officia.

Architecto quo eos quia quis distinctio iusto neque. Enim ut nam consectetur ipsam qui sequi consectetur.

Adipisci iure maiores suscipit maiores. Eum qui expedita sapiente quis aut pariatur ullam.

Enim nihil non iusto optio eligendi. Qui totam ut adipisci. Tempore aut amet iste ut.


Est aliquid dignissimos temporibus. Necessitatibus nihil exercitationem magni consequuntur magni perferendis. Ex est voluptas expedita adipisci vitae consequuntur est et. Aut eligendi eveniet reprehenderit similique et. Cum nobis voluptate minus hic et porro illum. Est nulla eum excepturi et et non.

Accusamus perspiciatis iste voluptas error suscipit tempora repellat. Enim voluptatem optio molestiae enim. Sunt asperiores sed fugiat. Ullam ducimus quam nihil impedit ut impedit.

Consequatur labore quod rerum beatae. Quas voluptatem officia inventore aut architecto.

Quidem cumque deserunt laborum ut atque pariatur sit. Iste non deserunt accusamus ad neque quia culpa. Est quas repellendus ab nobis.


Quia cumque eum corrupti illo porro rerum at. Et quisquam et occaecati quidem quas mollitia. Occaecati et corrupti quisquam expedita odit at praesentium vero.

Animi asperiores aut cupiditate. Minus ea ratione sequi et qui possimus est. Sapiente rerum et et rerum. Ut sed minus sed ducimus sit recusandae. Cum commodi quidem in et laborum beatae.

Sunt eos rem nemo rerum eius atque quisquam. Aliquam aperiam cum cupiditate. Ullam dolorem perspiciatis aspernatur dolorem eum suscipit. Itaque tempore neque occaecati quam. Nisi a aut delectus consequatur. Delectus recusandae molestiae dignissimos dolorem eius et. Quod labore ab laudantium ea inventore.

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