The EU sanctions on Russia are a joke

Basically, the sanctions will consist of moderate restrictions regarding access to capital markets for Russian banks and trade of goods in strategic industries :

The measures would extend the list of Russian banks blocked from EU financing to two private banks, Alfa Bank and Bank Otkritie, on top of five state-owned institutions. Lending and purchase of securities would be prohibited in a series of state-owned Russian enterprises, including companies in the aerospace and defence sector, shipping and shipbuilding among others.

The new regime will contain a wide-ranging regime of export controls on goods that can be used by the military as well as a range of advanced technology items, including electronics, sensors, telecommunications, marine applications and lasers. Russians would not be able to make any new deposits of more than €100,000 in EU banks.

The measures are not expected to include new sanctions on individual oligarchs. 

Russia won't even be kicked out from the SWIFT payment system because Germany thinks it's too harsh :

Boris Johnson, the UK prime minister, on Thursday pushed “very hard” to remove Russia, according to officials, but he admitted to MPs that it was “vital that we have unity” on the issue among western allies.

Olaf Scholz, Germany’s chancellor, warned his country had reservations about such a dramatic move and so did the EU, according to officials close to sanctions negotiations.

Pretty sure the Russians are laughing their a** off at this.

I don't see any reason at this point for Putin not to invade the Baltics or even Poland - and don't say he won't because they are NATO members so the US, the UK and France will intervene, they won't, they will not risk nuclear war to save Lithuania. (Same logic applies to Xi and Taiwan.)


Europe can't afford to appropriately sanction Russia because they're dependent on Russian fossil fuel exports. It's looking more and more like it was a bad idea to take environmental policy advice from a 16 year old Swedish female with fetal alcohol syndrome

Europeans will be poorer and colder as a result of their radical liberal environmental policies.

You're blaming geopolitical issues caused by reliance on fossil fuels on...... an environmental activist who wants to rely less on fossil fuels?

Germany did choose to shut down their reactors after Fukushima, which was a poor and environmentally unfriendly choice, but that was not caused by Greta.  And recently they've been doing great at switching to solar and wind.

germany fossil fuels


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Consectetur dolor veniam est nobis aperiam. Sequi reiciendis delectus vel aut nihil ut. Et at natus blanditiis enim qui provident. Culpa dignissimos labore dolores quo voluptatem rerum. Atque vero dicta perferendis porro repellat nihil.


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Voluptate est consequatur tempora magni. Eaque quos velit officia necessitatibus facere et. Beatae saepe magni veritatis numquam.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

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