My review of online dating sites

If you are a single straight guy living in NYC, you would be doing yourself a great disservice by abstaining from online dating. Yes, I used to look down on these apps as "beneath me," something only desperate losers use. That may have been the case in the past, but it is now the norm for young professionals in major cities. The convenience and quantity are unparalleled, and those who don't take advantage of it are Luddites stuck in the 20th century. Having extensively used most of these sites, I will provide a basic overview of my thoughts and experiences.


Love it or hate it. This site has revolutionized online dating by stripping the game to its bare animal essence: raw physical "I want to strip you naked and fuck your brains out" attraction. Tinder makes no pretense to helping you find a "soulmate" or a "serious" connection. I love the site's simplicity, and no-nonsense approach. The caliber of women is all over the map, but one should expect such variance from a site like Tinder. My main beef with the site is that the matches are often flakey, canceling dates at the last minute or not responding to messages. The few Tinder dates I did go out on ended up well since it was very clear what they wanted, and there was no ambiguity regarding either of our intentions. Overall, a fun site but don't take it too seriously.


The George Washington of online dating sites, the modern founder of the scene. If you want a serious relationship with a "good" girl, this is the site to join. The quality of women is pretty darn high (at least in NYC), and I really enjoyed the Match dates I've gone on. Unfortunately, too many of them are looking to get married and wanted a commitment after just a few dates. Easy there Nelly! No way I'm gonna fall for the trap of marriage. My freedom is too important to me.

OK Cupid

The guys who run this site are STEM whiz kids from Harvard and MIT, and their rigorous quantitative big data approach to dating clearly shows. Although I appreciate the wonkiness of the site and extensive questionnaire to calculate % compatibility with someone, the women on this site have been a huge disappointment. They have ranged from the hideous to the bizarre to the psychotic. One OKC date talked openly about her hatred of her ex-boyfriend and how she could kill him and his current girlfriend if she had the chance. I'm convinced that OKC attracts the freaks in NYC.

Coffee Meets Bagel

Created by 3 high achieving Korean-American sisters, this site brought something new to the table. Rather than allowing you to browse an unlimited number of people, you are given just one match per day, and that person is a friend of a facebook friend. By using facebook connection as the initial starting baseline, the site establishes credibility and comfort, which are especially important with women. And by just giving you one match per day, one can argue that it gets rid of the distraction of other sites by forcing you to just look at one profile at a given time. Another advantage is that unlike Match or OKC, you do not have to fill out a lengthy survey that seems to probe into every aspect of your life since birth. Rather, you answer a few basic questions, and you are allowed to post a maximum of 4 profile pics. The elitist background of the founders (Penn undergrad, HBS and Stanford GSB) show however because the site forces you to reveal your school and job in your profile. I first joined the site after moving to NYC and went on some very high quality dates with great women. Unfortunately, the site's quality has deteriorated massively, in large part due to the algorithm messing things up. I don't know who their chief programmer is, but it's pretty clear to me that he's not doing a good job.


Classmates urged me to join this site, and so far I have been extremely impressed. It's similar to Coffee Meets Bagel in that you only see profiles of friends of facebook friends. The quality of women is outstanding, and you get multiple matches per day, not just one. It seems like a lot of the smart attractive NYC women who are disillusioned with Tinder and Cofffee Meets Bagel have migrated to Hinge as an alternative venue. I have a few dates lined up through this site, and I'm excited to see what unfolds.


Quirky innovative app. Created by really smart tech guys who use GPS to track where you are at a given point. You then see profiles of people who were in that vicinity at a similar time as you. Sort of creepy in a way, but the site is easy to use, with a sleek platform. It's sort of like Tinder in that there isn't much of a profile, and all you see is pics. Unlike Tinder though, you do see some information such as their height, job, school, interests, etc. It's an interesting hybrid of sorts and a wild card. I just joined so don't have much to say, but I'm very curious to see how this site will compete with the others.


From my experience CMB has been by far the best with Hinge and Happn falling into second place. OKCupid and Bumble are mainly designed to feed bishes egos so best to stay away. Tinder was made to facilitate one night stands especially if you're two standard deviations above average in terms of looks and social proof, though recent changes to the app have made it slightly more in line with the other apps

But at the end of the day these apps are just an easier way to get a girl's number without having to go into a crowded noisy bar and run all sorts of game and theatrics, nothing more


Online dating is best for men who are either good looking (or photogenic) or who have low standards. I've got a really good looking AND photogenic male friend and he loves Tinder, Hinge, Match, et al because it's easy as hell. I've got another friend who's like, ya know, not traditionally good looking (to be kind) and he gets a ton of dates because most of the girls he dates are in that 5 on a 10 scale range (frankly, even some 3s and 4s…). Especially on sites like Tinder--I've seen some "studies" conducted and even exceptionally good looking males get swiped right like 5% of the time. I think average men are swiped right at a rate of like 1% or less, so an average man pretty much needs to spend 4 hours a day on Tinder for it to work at all.

I'm of average looks (which means I'm lost in the crowd of men) and have really high standards in terms of looks in a partner, so online dating has been really, really, really unsuccessful for me. School, work, political events, and friends of friends is how I date--kind of traditional, I suppose.


I'm also of average looks and very specific in what I'm looking for. So yes, I don't get that many matches, and the ones that I REALLY find attractive usually don't reciprocate. Nonetheless, I get enough decent matches that I'm able to go on dates and take things from there. I have yet to meet someone who I would like to be in a serious relationship with but not sure if that is an indictment of online dating or NYC women in general. I'm also more traditional in the sense that I prefer meeting people through mutual friends, house parties, school, work, events, clubs, but pretty much my only social circle here in the city is classmates. And business school is a god awful place to meet someone due to the ratio and the fact that most women are already taken. I think online dating is like OCR in the sense that both will get you looks from a higher number of girls/firms than you otherwise would get.


I'm also of average looks and very specific in what I'm looking for. So yes, I don't get that many matches, and the ones that I REALLY find attractive usually don't reciprocate. Nonetheless, I get enough decent matches that I'm able to go on dates and take things from there. I have yet to meet someone who I would like to be in a serious relationship with but not sure if that is an indictment of online dating or NYC women in general. I'm also more traditional in the sense that I prefer meeting people through mutual friends, house parties, school, work, events, clubs, but pretty much my only social circle here in the city is classmates. And business school is a god awful place to meet someone due to the ratio and the fact that most women are already taken. I think online dating is like OCR in the sense that both will get you looks from a higher number of girls/firms than you otherwise would get.

I live in Washington, D.C. where EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. has a college degree and a good job and pictures of themselves climbing mountains. There is literally nothing that a guy could put into a profile that would distinguish himself. However, one of my Persian friends pointed out to me a trick that made me lose faith in humanity--you increase your positive response rate by sending an absurd message to the girl. Example: "My farts don't smell bad." Incredibly, I saw that this kind of idiotic stuff increased POSITIVE response rates, but who wants to date a girl who would respond to that positively?? Although, as terrible as my experiences have been, I did get a date with an UNBELIEVABLY hot girl (I mean, otherworldly) and got to date #2 1/2 (it's complicated…) but she eventually lost interest in me, which brings me to an observation about hot girls.

Ya know what I've also noticed about HOT women in the online dating scene? They suffer--and that's the correct word--from paralysis of choice. They literally have so many choices from so many men trying to date them that it's extremely difficult for them to make a choice, even when they've been on several dates and like the guy. They are bombarded with text messages, profile messages, etc. from interested men. For a lot of women (women more than men), I think online dating is an albatross rather than a benefit to finding happiness. And then you've got these hot girls who do online dating for fun--they have a profile up just to confirm to themselves how attractive and desirable they are and MAYBE a rich, good looking doctor will contact her--then she might respond.

Another thing I noticed is that hot girls RARELY (not never, but rarely) reach out to a guy. I had a really kickass profile up a year or so ago and a TON of girls contacted me--and none of them were attractive at all. So I've found that the purpose of a profile is purely to get the girls you reach out to to respond. At least that's my experience.


The gap is easily narrowed. If you're using online dating without a professional profile picture, and with a hastily put together profile you're going to set shitty results.

It also helps to know your market. Know what you're into, what kind of girl likes you, and target your efforts around that. My market is good girls who are a little bit more sexually confident than the most church girl types and my profile was designed around that. I basically sold the dream of me being a family leader but put some language in my profile that subtly hinted at me being a dom.


I used to like TInder a lot more when it was first becoming popular. Nowadays any decently attractive girl gets swiped right 90%+ of the time, therefore only swipes right for a very small portion of males. I get a decent amount of matches but the majority of girls on Tinder are pretty flakey. I think CMB and Hinge solve a lot of these problems by making it more intimate and filtering out some of the less desirable options but I haven't tried these. I also imagine that these apps are probably at their best in NYC, Chicago, and LA. SF has such a bad guy / girl ratio its like B-School spread across the entire population.


I shudder at the thought of ever having to live in SF. The last time I visited, the ratio at the bars make b-school look like the playboy mansion.

Its an amazing city in a number of ways, girls is not one of them. Most attractive girls that want to live in large cities go to NYC or Chicago, where there are tons of marketing / fashion / retail jobs. SF is a great city for having a GF, not for trying to get laid as much as possible.


I shudder at the thought of ever having to live in SF. The last time I visited, the ratio at the bars make b-school look like the playboy mansion.

It's fucking terrible believe me.

The worst part is, all the older guys who lived here in their 20s/early 30s before the tech boom wonder why all of us aren't just tearing through the chicks


MBA and picking up girls talk. Who would this guy be?

On topic - I do not understand all the complaints about Tinder. Works perfectly well for me. Although I do think it will deteriorate fast with their new Tinder Plus feature where you have to pay around 10 dollars a month. There will be plenty of guys willing to spend 10 bucks a month on a dating app, but hardly any girls will do so.


MBA and picking up girls talk. Who would this guy be?

On topic - I do not understand all the complaints about Tinder. Works perfectly well for me. Although I do think it will deteriorate fast with their new Tinder Plus feature where you have to pay around 10 dollars a month. There will be plenty of guys willing to spend 10 bucks a month on a dating app, but hardly any girls will do so.

I thought Tinder Plus was only for people over 30 in order to discourage non-20 somethings (I'm actually surprised that the concept isn't illegal).


I've been using online dating sites with various degrees of success for the past 2 years and I'm based in London.

Overall I'd say that any site that makes you pay (like Match or Lovestruck) in order to send a message generally has higher quality matches because everyone is committed to not have their membership money go to waste and people will respond back more readily. On the other hand you can still have some luck on OkCupid or PoF which don't require a subscription to be able to spend messages, however the chances are considerably lower.

Tinder is pure luck I'd say. You go for a carpet bombing approach in the hopes that something will get hit. The best strategy is to get a girl's number as soon as possible and arrange a real life meet up. That way you differentiate yourself from the hundred other guys who are messaging her just like you. If you don't do this rapidly, you're lost forever.


Not a big fan of online dating. The stigma doesn't bother me at all and I never ever thought it was for "desperate losers" since a significant number of my friends who are outgoing and successful use these apps/sites. It just isn't for me.

The best way to meet people, in my opinion, is being a student in school (college, grad school/MBA, etc.) because of the environment provided that naturally facilitates meeting and getting to know people. The second best way, for working professionals, is through your friends (parties, birthday parties, weddings, mixers, etc.)

I guess that makes me a 20th century Luddite, but I genuinely feel that most people would have a lot more success through the latter as opposed to the former.


I agree with most of what you said here, but MBA is actually not a great place to meet women. Unlike college, med, or law school, the ratio is heavily skewed in favor of women, and since the students are older, lot of the top notch women are already taken when school starts. Yes, there are always scandalous cases of women breaking up with their significant others to date classmates, but that's the exception, not the norm.


How does Brady get banned a week ago and then get two front page posts this week?

I take it you guys have lifted the ban which is great but I feel like you guys needlessly kicked the guy out of your community, which has various social and psychological ramifications for most reasonable people.

I feel like there is this pattern of Brady pisses off Patrick-> Brady gets banned-> new account, new positive contributions to community-> stranger contributions->Brady pisses off Patrick. Is there a way to slow this cycle down and limit the drama?


Ok Cupid has given be the best results/highest success rate. The ability to reach out to women who you haven't matched with is very valuable.

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

What you write doesn't matter too much. It's all about pics and physical attraction. What okc does is that it enables you to see the % match with a given person, so it serves as a rough guideline of whether you guys will get along. But barring very strong fundamental incompatibility (i.e., the girl is a christian but the guy is an atheist, etc), most people will ignore it and meet up with a person they find physically attractive. Looks and pics get you in the front door; the rest is up to you. This is why for the top 1% of guys lookswise, tech is manna from heaven because it enables them to fuck tons of attractive women almost at will. For average guys it's still a really hard slog, and the whole process is degrading in many ways.


What you write doesn't matter too much.

I disagree. I've found that what I write does a lot for me which is why my success rate on OKCupid is much higher than that of Tinder or other dating sites. Women do value/appreciate charm/wit/success as well as physical attractiveness.

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

What I dislike is that you need a facebook account for most of these dating apps

I can just create an empty FB profile with one photo and be able to use these without any limitations right?


Yeah I hate how interconnected everything is with Facebook.

Regarding your question, that works for Tinder but not with CMB or Hinge since your matches are friends of your facebook friends. CMB requires the user to have at least 50 facebook friends in order to receive matches.


You all are doing it wrong. My brother in law met his soon to be fiance through online dating with a picture of curled under an aluminum space blanket wearing Mikey Mouse gloves and his profile saying that he liked long walks on the beach except when the sand gets stuck between his toes. She messaged him.

make it hard to spot the general by working like a soldier

You all are doing it wrong. My brother in law met his soon to be fiance through online dating with a picture of curled under an aluminum space blanket wearing Mikey Mouse gloves and his profile saying that he liked long walks on the beach except when the sand gets stuck between his toes. She messaged him.

This was my point above where I said I lost faith in humanity when this idiocy was confirmed. You're more likely to get a response from women if you say something painfully idiotic or do or say something completely immature. Like I said, my idiot friend (whom I love) showed me that I could get responses by sending a one liner that my farts don't smell. I mean, wtf is wrong with people where this would work? It's the kind of thing that makes a person not support democracy or republicanism.

Skinnayyy wrote:
You all are doing it wrong. My brother in law met his soon to be fiance through online dating with a picture of curled under an aluminum space blanket wearing Mikey Mouse gloves and his profile saying that he liked long walks on the beach except when the sand gets stuck between his toes. She messaged him.

This was my point above where I said I lost faith in humanity when this idiocy was confirmed. You're more likely to get a response from women if you say something painfully idiotic or do or say something completely immature. Like I said, my idiot friend (whom I love) showed me that I could get responses by sending a one liner that my farts don't smell. I mean, wtf is wrong with people where this would work? It's the kind of thing that makes a person not support democracy or republicanism.

Do you remember the time when 100 students with OCR asked you the same damn questions over and over again, until at some point you stop being enthusiastic about explaining why your IBD / MC / PE job is super cool?

Exactly ...


Online dating is ok and a lot of girls resort to it because they don't got muthafuckin time to deal with sweaty brahs at sticky bars strutting around in their boat shoes like overgrown nautical babies, shouting absurd things at them whilst guffawing loudly. FYI, I don't really care that you "felt the need to come over and introduce Yourself" -- wow, really? I am so lucky to have been chosen to be granted this opportunity. You must be really amazing to walk with such confidence and, dare I say, swagger. What is it that you do again? Oh, you're a bartender? Oh, okay. MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST STICK TO TINDER.

Here are my reviews:

Tinder - great for meeting dumb, illiterate whores whose descriptions will be dreamy quotes from shit like Tumblr or Banksy-esque graffiti murals in Soho and are LOOKING TO DATE, NOT HOOK UP -- she is only on Tinder because "everyone good is on it." She will get indignant when you want to meet for a drink or, seriouslylikeomfgishekiddingme?!, coffee, because what the fuck happened to a gentleman buying a lady dinner? Is chivalry, like, dead? Besides, you are wearing a suit in your picture -- you must work at a bank, so you should be able to afford dinner at AT LEAst fucking Cippy's. And why did you stop talking to her after she refused to put out for the fifth time in a row? She explicitly TOLD you that she wasn't that kind of girl -- you are SUCH an asshole. Omg, did she just swipe past you? Why are you still on Tinder? You said you were busy -- how could you still be on Tinder if you are busy? Now look what you did. She's going to need three hours of hyperventilative therapy with the gUrls to get over this... guys in NY are seriously the worst!!!!!!!!!

Okcupid - these poor girls want to meet someone who will love them for their personalities aw. They may or may not be smart, driven, attractive, Jewish, or within healthy BMI range, but you can sure as hell bet that they all love traveling, SARCASM, and nitpicking like the world is going to fucking end. One bonus of using okcupid is that most girls who have no personalities, interests (other than wine and Bravo shows), and/or career goals will typically avoid it. However, it will appear as though either a thesaurus or a witty copywriter has written 98% of profiles on there. There are a feeew okay people on both sides, but rest assured that these kids have Tinder, CMB, Hinge, and Happn profiles too. Whores.



Online dating is ok and a lot of girls resort to it because they don't got muthafuckin time to deal with sweaty brahs at sticky bars strutting around in their boat shoes like overgrown nautical babies, shouting absurd things at them whilst guffawing loudly. FYI, I don't really care that you "felt the need to come over and introduce Yourself" -- wow, really? I am so lucky to have been chosen to be granted this opportunity. You must be really amazing to walk with such confidence and, dare I say, swagger. What is it that you do again? Oh, you're a bartender? Oh, okay. MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST STICK TO TINDER.

yeah... people being social at a bar.. how dare they? what has humanity come to?


yeah... people being social at a bar.. how dare they? what has humanity come to?

You've never been a chick who doesn't resemble an Orc at a bar in NYC, have you?

I have nothing against a guy coming over and saying, "hi." But here's a smattering of the crap with which I've been accosted in the past:

  • what's your favorite type of music? I like jazz. (This dude did not introduce himself, say hi, nothing. He just came up to my face and blurted this out.)
  • next one's on me. what are you having? You look like a champagne kind of girl (Uh, no. Champagne tastes like spoiled beer, makes my mouth drier than freebasing 60mg of Adderall Xr, and makes my fucking head hurt. Also, this maneuver was pulled while my date excused himself to go to the bathroom.)
  • why do you look so angry? Let me put a smile on your face
  • want to come back to mine for pizza and sex? Just kidding bout the pizza HAAAAA
  • my place is around the corner and the bathroom's all yours if you want (some dude who came up to me while I was waiting for the bathroom)

So, guys, if you're going to do the whole bar thing, fight the urge to slam back an entire 24-pack for Bud Light before heading out and just go over and say "hey" or "hello" or "nice to meet you." I guarantee that it'll work a lot better than any asperger's-scented pickup lines, PROMISE


Online dating is ok and a lot of girls resort to it because they don't got muthafuckin time to deal with sweaty brahs at sticky bars strutting around in their boat shoes like overgrown nautical babies, shouting absurd things at them whilst guffawing loudly. FYI, I don't really care that you "felt the need to come over and introduce Yourself" -- wow, really? I am so lucky to have been chosen to be granted this opportunity. You must be really amazing to walk with such confidence and, dare I say, swagger. What is it that you do again? Oh, you're a bartender? Oh, okay. MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST STICK TO TINDER.

Here are my reviews:

Tinder - great for meeting dumb, illiterate whores whose descriptions will be dreamy quotes from shit like Tumblr or Banksy-esque graffiti murals in Soho and are LOOKING TO DATE, NOT HOOK UP -- she is only on Tinder because "everyone good is on it." She will get indignant when you want to meet for a drink or, seriouslylikeomfgishekiddingme?!, coffee, because what the fuck happened to a gentleman buying a lady dinner? Is chivalry, like, dead? Besides, you are wearing a suit in your picture -- you must work at a bank, so you should be able to afford dinner at AT LEAst fucking Cippy's. And why did you stop talking to her after she refused to put out for the fifth time in a row? She explicitly TOLD you that she wasn't that kind of girl -- you are SUCH an asshole. Omg, did she just swipe past you? Why are you still on Tinder? You said you were busy -- how could you still be on Tinder if you are busy? Now look what you did. She's going to need three hours of hyperventilative therapy with the gUrls to get over this... guys in NY are seriously the worst!!!!!!!!!

Okcupid - these poor girls want to meet someone who will love them for their personalities aw. They may or may not be smart, driven, attractive, Jewish, or within healthy BMI range, but you can sure as hell bet that they all love traveling, SARCASM, and nitpicking like the world is going to fucking end. One bonus of using okcupid is that most girls who have no personalities, interests (other than wine and Bravo shows), and/or career goals will typically avoid it. However, it will appear as though either a thesaurus or a witty copywriter has written 98% of profiles on there. There are a feeew okay people on both sides, but rest assured that these kids have Tinder, CMB, Hinge, and Happn profiles too. Whores.


This is hilarious, and depressingly accurate. Got any thoughts on Match?

"snatch" wrote:
Online dating is ok and a lot of girls resort to it because they don't got muthafuckin time to deal with sweaty brahs at sticky bars strutting around in their boat shoes like overgrown nautical babies, shouting absurd things at them whilst guffawing loudly. FYI, I don't really care that you "felt the need to come over and introduce Yourself" -- wow, really? I am so lucky to have been chosen to be granted this opportunity. You must be really amazing to walk with such confidence and, dare I say, swagger. What is it that you do again? Oh, you're a bartender? Oh, okay. MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST STICK TO TINDER.
Here are my reviews:
Tinder - great for meeting dumb, illiterate whores whose descriptions will be dreamy quotes from shit like Tumblr or Banksy-esque graffiti murals in Soho and are LOOKING TO DATE, NOT HOOK UP -- she is only on Tinder because "everyone good is on it." She will get indignant when you want to meet for a drink or, seriouslylikeomfgishekiddingme?!, coffee, because what the fuck happened to a gentleman buying a lady dinner? Is chivalry, like, dead? Besides, you are wearing a suit in your picture -- you must work at a bank, so you should be able to afford dinner at AT LEAst fucking Cippy's. And why did you stop talking to her after she refused to put out for the fifth time in a row? She explicitly TOLD you that she wasn't that kind of girl -- you are SUCH an asshole. Omg, did she just swipe past you? Why are you still on Tinder? You said you were busy -- how could you still be on Tinder if you are busy? Now look what you did. She's going to need three hours of hyperventilative therapy with the gUrls to get over this... guys in NY are seriously the worst!!!!!!!!!
Okcupid - these poor girls want to meet someone who will love them for their personalities aw. They may or may not be smart, driven, attractive, Jewish, or within healthy BMI range, but you can sure as hell bet that they all love traveling, SARCASM, and nitpicking like the world is going to fucking end. One bonus of using okcupid is that most girls who have no personalities, interests (other than wine and Bravo shows), and/or career goals will typically avoid it. However, it will appear as though either a thesaurus or a witty copywriter has written 98% of profiles on there. There are a feeew okay people on both sides, but rest assured that these kids have Tinder, CMB, Hinge, and Happn profiles too. Whores.

This is hilarious, and depressingly accurate. Got any thoughts on Match?

I wouldn't know seeing as how I'm not a 42-year-old divorcée with marriage on my mind?


Haven't used any type of online dating ...afraid of dem herps, anybody get burned?

FYI took a girl to get food on Saturday, all she ordered was a two dollar bottle of water ...profit


Is the snatch really in her 40s?

And yes but watch out on tinder I once met a girl and found out she wasn't exactly a girl down there guys so be careful


I'm a 20-year-old Chinese girl and I used OkCupid months ago. I got a lot of visits and likes from guys and few of them sent me messages to chat with me. I don't understand what's going on. If they didn't want to talk to me why they bothered to like my profile....


I officially award Bumble worst dating app ever made. For those who don't know it's like Tinder except the girl has to start the chat and has 24 hours to do so. I got 7 mutual matches today and not a single one said hi. And none of them were really out of my league or anything. About to uninstall it, in the trash bin it goes along with other app brethren like PlentyOfFish and HowAboutWe

This is the problem with giving bishes any small amount of power. SMH

Going Concern:

I officially award Bumble worst dating app ever made. For those who don't know it's like Tinder except the girl has to start the chat and has 24 hours to do so. I got 7 mutual matches today and not a single one said hi. And none of them were really out of my league or anything. About to uninstall it, in the trash bin it goes along with other app brethren like PlentyOfFish and HowAboutWe

This is the problem with giving bishes any small amount of power. SMH

What are the best dating apps then?

Going Concern:
I officially award Bumble worst dating app ever made. For those who don't know it's like Tinder except the girl has to start the chat and has 24 hours to do so. I got 7 mutual matches today and not a single one said hi. And none of them were really out of my league or anything. About to uninstall it, in the trash bin it goes along with other app brethren like PlentyOfFish and HowAboutWe
This is the problem with giving bishes any small amount of power. SMH

What are the best dating apps then?

Most of the bishes I meet are through CMB and Hinge


Any app that forces the woman to make the first move runs counter to what nature intended. Bumble will never succeed. Interestingly enough, it was founded by the former Tinder executive who sued her male colleague for sexual harassment. It also sucks that Bumble is only compatible with the iPhone and iPad.


I saw the Shark Tank episode yesterday where the Coffee Bagels girls were presenting and lost 20 IQ points.

O'Leary: How many users? CMB: Right now we have several hundred thousand users. Cuban: 200 or 700 thousand? CMB: It's between 1 and 5. Cuban: If you want an investment you have to tell us. CMB: We think that's a good range, it gives you a good idea- Cuban: No it doesn't. Rob: Why won't you give us the actual number? CMB: We're actually not sharing the exact user number right now- Cuban: I'm out.

I wonder how other presentations to VCs went and how wasted said VCs were at the time.


Are Hinge and CMB only useful in major markets such as NYC and SF? How useful are these apps in other cities like Boston, Austin, LA, etc?


I've tried OkCupid so far its been the best once. Only had one date an hell a lot of flakes or girls stop responding.

Tinder sucked for me barely any matches.

CMB - Same shit it just sucked for me.

Never tried anything else.

In short. If you are average look and a minority online dating is going suck for you. Even one of my friends who is 8/10 and has girls approached him does terrible on Tinder. Women have a buffet with online dating.

How many of you guys are getting luck with online dating and a minority? Most minorities I know do terrible unless they black or hispanic.


"Most minorities I know do terrible unless they black or hispanic"

Lol. Bro, just come out and say that Asian guys are short, ugly, and effeminate, and that they are ridiculed by white women and even their own Asian sisters.


I just came here for the comments and they didn't dissapoint.

To me it's still hilarious that guys who can't even get laid in college (where the women are, on average, as loose as they come) and still think they have the people skills to succeed.

Even more hilarious is the attitude of "strong, independent women with opinions"(in other words, narcissistic self centered bitch) who thinks they're more of a catch than sweet, feminine country girls.


i think you guys are forgetting about the atlasphere the online dating site that lets you mingle with fans of ayn rand


Online dating gives a better ROI on your drink-buying dollar/limited time than going out to bars/clubs and meeting randoms. That alone is why I use it.


Online dating is the future and is already on the verge of replacing bars/clubs and mutual friends as the primary way that couples meet. This is particularly true in urban areas where young professionals are busy working and don't have the time or the patience to go bar hopping every weekend, hoping to meet someone.

As GuyFawkes said above, the ROI on online dating is pretty high. It's super easy to set up and use, and most sites are free. Once a girl expresses mutual interest, you can at the very least assume that she finds you physically attractive, somewhat interesting/cool, and normal, and that she's open to meeting up with you (yeah there are flakers, especially on Tinder, but that's a different story). That's like 70% of the battle, as opposed to randomly approaching someone where you have no idea if the girl will find you attractive, you are competing with tons of other guys, and it's hard to even have a conversation at bars/clubs due to noise. Terrible way of meeting people. Online is the way to go.


Just to clarify my previous comment: at the end of the day, you actually have to meet the girl, chat her up well and be good in person. However, I can't count the number of times I have bought a drink for a girl only for her to "have a boyfriend." Online dating at least filters a lot of that stuff.


Just to clarify my previous comment: at the end of the day, you actually have to meet the girl, chat her up well and be good in person. However, I can't count the number of times I have bought a drink for a girl only for her to "have a boyfriend." Online dating at least filters a lot of that stuff.

Yup. Posters such as "adapt or die" don't understand this (as indicated by his profoundly ignorant post above).

Online dating is not at all antithetical to or mutually exclusive from meeting someone out in public. Rather, it serves as a complement, but for busy professionals it's a powerful tool that allows us to filter through and cut to the chase more quickly and efficiently.


Online dating has better ROI but the biggest downside of it is that most of the real attractive ones can only be found at bars/clubs/through mutual friends/in person somewhere. The quality of the ones online are definitely below the ones you come across in person and they are probably doing online dating for a reason. Once this gap decreases, online dating would be a good alternative.


Online dating has better ROI but the biggest downside of it is that most of the real attractive ones can only be found at bars/clubs/through mutual friends/in person somewhere. The quality of the ones online are definitely below the ones you come across in person and they are probably doing online dating for a reason. Once this gap decreases, online dating would be a good alternative.

Definitely not true in NYC. Can't speak for other cities.


I think the dating app is a solid idea and I don't give two shits about the people whining about elitism. People have a right to choose who they want to date without being forced to take diversity (racial, religious, gender, financial, etc.) into account.

I don't think she's the best ambassador for it, however, as kdot8686 described. The only guys who call themselves "alpha males" are douchebags, so I'm sure it applies to women as well.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

I think the dating app is a solid idea and I don't give two shits about the people whining about elitism. People have a right to choose who they want to date without being forced to take diversity (racial, religious, gender, financial, etc.) into account.

I don't think she's the best ambassador for it, however, as @kdot8686 described. The only guys who call themselves "alpha males" are douchebags, so I'm sure it applies to women as well.

Here's the thing: Almost anyone from the real world can tell you that "prestige" is very low on even most prestigious people's list of criteria.....the hot model is going to win out over the "prestigious" girl who just went to college at this little place in NW manhattan every time.

And for those who are actually in the kind of social status where having the right name/prestige in a mate is important? It just so happens that I have some of those people in my (very) extended family and they're sure as hell not using a cellphone app to make matches.


Here is an idea for those complaining, make your own dating app for all of the peasants out there. Oh wait that already exists in countless instances.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne
Best Response

After seeing plenty of hype for this app, I checked it out as a business. I'd noticed they were obviously paying Business Insider for coverage. Also noticed Amanda Bradford is the startup CEO who most looks like a high school cheerleader. That said, I might give the app a try, except I'm too old to be eligible. (Not too old to dream occasionally about high school cheerleaders though.)

It's no different from dozens of other dating apps, except for its hook, which is exclusivity and snobbery. That marketing vector has to be phony for a business of this kind, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to properly scale. OTOH, the college snobbery pitch is too watered down. As it's called "The League," it should really be restricted to the Ivy League (and Stanford, LOL), as some other matchmakers are -- but The League lets in people who went to backup schools!

(What we really need is a dating app to match Ivy League alpha males with beauticians, and Ivy lady buttkickers with muscular construction workers....)

"The "curated parties" angle is, frankly, an insult to the intelligence. It's easy to fake it by just throwing a party on a rooftop for your friends, and friends of friends, then tell the photographer to concentrate on the prettiest people there. You can do that for the Rotary Club, if you have PR skill.

I'm not impressed by this style marketing which has been used in many other industries, usually unsuccessfully. Predict Ms. Bradford will sink like a rock in the next dotcom crunch, which is imminent.


Who the hell wants an alpha female, especially if she describes herself that way? All of the alpha males out there need to check out my new dating app: www.russian10swhowantrichoutofshapebankersandcansuckagolfballthroughaga…. For the low cost of $1000/month we'll find you submissive eastern euro chicks who can hardly even speak English and follow traditional values like being seen and not heard, and they're always on the bottom.


THANK YOU a million times over for writing this. My personal work and educational background have translated into "someone who'll only date a Harvard grad" and that's not true. I think that, like other alpha females, I am largely indifferent towards someone's educational attainment or where they attended... I gravitate towards passionate people-and they're hard to find. I applaud your article and am glad you are sharing these insights. XX, A person who was recently called a female Harvey Specter (if only I could rock a three-piece suit like him ::sigh::) -LDL

From the comments... who talks like this? It's like I'm in the damn Matrix


I've used this app. (1) it sucks - the waitlist is not worth it (2) the girls arent that hot (3) they definitely arent smarter - I would beg to differ actually (4) anything that limits me to 5 "prospects" per day (only after 5 PM) is actually moronic. If you're playing the app game, you need to become a volume shop and see what sticks (5) you live in SF / NYC. There is so much better talent on (a) any other app out there or (b) just being a real person and going to a bar because... you live in NYC / SF

I actually went on 1 League Date. We grabbed drinks on some rooftop. When she wanted to make a toast, she proclaimed "To the League!" I can't tell you how socially backwards this individual was. I thought about throwing myself off that rooftop then and there.


I've used this app. (1) it sucks - the waitlist is not worth it (2) the girls arent that hot (3) they definitely arent smarter - I would beg to differ actually (4) anything that limits me to 5 "prospects" per day (only after 5 PM) is actually moronic. If you're playing the app game, you need to become a volume shop and see what sticks (5) you live in SF / NYC. There is so much better talent on (a) any other app out there or (b) just being a real person and going to a bar because... you live in NYC / SF

I actually went on 1 League Date. We grabbed drinks on some rooftop. When she wanted to make a toast, she proclaimed "To the League!" I can't tell you how socially backwards this individual was. I thought about throwing myself off that rooftop then and there.

This is gold haha

God his posts are annoying. He bashes columbia yet he actually went there. He's bashing this dating website yet I'm sure he uses it. Brady is the kinda guy who asks where are the girls at parties yet is silent because he didn't go to HBS like the rest of us.


No, I paid for drinks. She was an FIT girl and actually makes negative money. After real estate brokers and head hunters, I put FIT girls up there as some of the most soulless creatures in NYC

I have tried so hard to block out how awkward this date was but this thread has brought back some serious PTSD. So this girl asked me out to drinks in the first place. Well, after her "To the league!" toast, she told me that that I "had a good resume" (I $hit you not... ). The League provides your height, school, major athletics / activities and job. So no, I didn't "smash" and instead went into self-preservation mode. At this point I was terrified that this girl had poked holes in all the condoms, and this woman was not fit to be the mother of my children... or my first ex-wife. I haven't been on a League date since.

Every girl on the dating apps has some sort of baggage. It's just a matter of time before you figure it out. Most are just coming off a recent break-up so you have tons of rebound chicks. There's a reason that you found this 9 on a dating app and all it took you was a swipe right - did you think it was really going to be that easy without any repercussions?


She was an FIT girl and actually makes negative money. After real estate brokers and head hunters, I put FIT girls up there as some of the most soulless creatures in NYC

As a former RE broker who dated a FIT girl, I can confirm.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

No, I paid for drinks. She was an FIT girl and actually makes negative money. After real estate brokers and head hunters, I put FIT girls up there as some of the most soulless creatures in NYC

I have tried so hard to block out how awkward this date was but this thread has brought back some serious PTSD. So this girl asked me out to drinks in the first place. Well, after her "To the league!" toast, she told me that that I "had a good resume" (I $hit you not... ). The League provides your height, school, major athletics / activities and job. So no, I didn't "smash" and instead went into self-preservation mode. At this point I was terrified that this girl had poked holes in all the condoms, and this woman was not fit to be the mother of my children... or my first ex-wife. I haven't been on a League date since.

Every girl on the dating apps has some sort of baggage. It's just a matter of time before you figure it out. Most are just coming off a recent break-up so you have tons of rebound chicks. There's a reason that you found this 9 on a dating app and all it took you was a swipe right - did you think it was really going to be that easy without any repercussions?

I personally don't think Bradford needs to defend herself since after all, it's her business, and she's not hurting anyone. However, I read the article several times and found it highly disingenuous and misleading.

For one, Bradford argues that the site aims to pair successful highly educated women with men of similar status since according to her, such men are far more likely to "understand" women like her. But if you look at the occupation breakdown of the NYC members, a large % of the women work in marketing, media, and advertising, while the biggest chunk of the men work in finance. So if Bradford is really serious about her goal, shouldn't there be a more even match occupation wise? I have nothing against fields such as marketing, but it's pretty obvious that it pays significantly less than finance. It seems like Bradford's "algorithm" is filtering women based more on looks while filtering men on occupation and school.

I haven't gone out with a FIT girl yet, but I've gone out with a handful of Parsons alumni, and it was pretty clear that they are looking for a finance guy to subsidize their lifestyle (brunches with bottomless mimosas, exotic trips, parties at cool venues) while they work in jobs that pay crap but that they are "passionate" about.

Well, after her "To the league!" toast, she told me that that I "had a good resume" (I $hit you not... ).

I gotta hand it to her though, as far as female game goes that is a power move. Controlling the interaction is all about frame. By making this comment she changed the interaction to make it seem like she needs to judge you because she is the prize, even though she went to fashion school and has negative income. One effective countermove here would have been to re-frame the conversation by shifting the focus to her resume (or lack thereof). Of course this is easier said than done if she's actually a 9. But ultimately it's like social chess

Every girl on the dating apps has some sort of baggage. It's just a matter of time before you figure it out. Most are just coming off a recent break-up so you have tons of rebound chicks.

I matched a girl who I ended up finding out was previously engaged to some dude she openly professed her love to, and a short time later the engagement was called off. Crazy shit. And I only found this out through some online sleuthing. Not touching that with a 10-foot pole


Ok we need to get larry the cable guy to signup for this service and shoot some comedy "dates". Maybe get him on Ivy Connect, too.

If he doesn't do it, I will show up as the IlliniProgrammer and do it.

"Oh you studied at Harvard? Dat's a nice highschool! Long trip here from westurn Illinois right? Take deir woodworking class?"

"'Columbia COLLEGE'!!! (mimicking emphasis) No kidding! Columbia College Chicago is awesome- I lived right next door for a long time and have a bunch of friends that went there... "

I just moved into NYC for a new job and its been consuming so much time that I've barely been able to go out. I asked a friend to set me up with a friend of hers but that didnt go well. A few of my colleagues and the fact that my brother married his wife after meeting online has kinda prompted me to go in that direction. I'm a little apprehensive. I'm not sure what to expect. I was wondering what you guys have been doing, those with serious time issues, in relation to dating?

Has anyone ever tried it? Any level of success? Is the social stigma still attached from when I was in college?

I think the thing I'm worried about is how some of these women are immediately expecting a long-term commitment because of the 'no-fail' nature of it.

Any tips guys? Thanks!

Either this is a troll or the guy has serious issues.


The number of bankers with OKCupid accounts is surprisingly high (no commitment expectations there). Do what you gotta do man, although I find I have better luck meeting women randomly in the city or on occasion through mutual friends. I know a guy who met his wife on jdate (online dating for jews), I think its more helpful if you have very specific criteria (most retarded one I have seen is must have attended an ivy league school) and want to filter.

The number of bankers with OKCupid accounts is surprisingly high (no commitment expectations there). Do what you gotta do man, although I find I have better luck meeting women randomly in the city or on occasion through mutual friends. I know a guy who met his wife on jdate (online dating for jews), I think its more helpful if you have very specific criteria (most retarded one I have seen is must have attended an ivy league school) and want to filter.

Agreed. But I'm finding it hard not only with time, but just randomly going by myself to a bar. I never really did that much anyway but without some buddies with me, its damn near impossible.


I was surprised to find out how common this is for people who are as busy as bankers/people in finance. It's certainly losing that stigma a bit at least in this community, but I'd prefer to stay more traditional and meet someone randomly when I'm out doing whatever. That's not to say you can't have a natural relationship that starts with the introduction being online. But definitely want to get that first meeting in early I'd assume... I'm sure there's a handful of Lennay Kekuas out there that would love to bag themselves a VP or something.

I hate victims who respect their executioners
I was surprised to find out how common this is for people who are as busy as bankers/people in finance. It's certainly losing that stigma a bit at least in this community, but I'd prefer to stay more traditional and meet someone randomly when I'm out doing whatever. That's not to say you can't have a natural relationship that starts with the introduction being online. But definitely want to get that first meeting in early I'd assume... I'm sure there's a handful of Lennay Kekuas out there that would love to bag themselves a VP or something.

I'd hate to hear that this crap with Te'o has affected online dating.


If you have time to date online. You have that same time span you would have been going on dates to go out and talk to someone at a bar/club/daytime weekend activity. Therefore you do not need to go online to date.

Just an opinion. Do what you feel will be most efficient (never participated in it) suppose one upside is being able to do it during staffing meetings. Ha.


Online dating was not viable when I was single. However, if I was single I would still try to meet as women as many women as I could, whether online, in bars, wherever. I don't really see the downside, as long as you don't have to put your real name out there for co-workers or clients to have that pop up when they Google your name (I assume you don't have to do that??).

I know a few people that met their spouses online....and, yes, they're normal people (at least as far as I know).


Deleniti architecto ab unde facilis. Ut eum dolorem consequatur officiis ipsa aliquam.

Perferendis autem qui praesentium et. Deserunt sint minima sed est itaque. Enim suscipit quidem dolores.


Quia mollitia temporibus aperiam ea nam et magni iste. Quam omnis quia quae reprehenderit quaerat voluptatem esse fugiat. Optio omnis neque necessitatibus quia.

Mollitia temporibus sed fugiat perspiciatis perspiciatis. Id modi voluptas repellat cum. Voluptates et officiis eos accusantium. Debitis aliquid sunt quam dolor ea nesciunt non quos.

Quod qui quia enim distinctio laboriosam numquam sapiente minima. Tempore quas sed non vel. Doloribus accusantium at eius dignissimos sed aut velit.


Numquam mollitia et ut illo quas autem. Ut voluptatem aperiam officiis.

Recusandae autem numquam labore sunt quia autem sed quae. Facilis eius maxime at quia a. Voluptatem libero quia est voluptas ipsa doloribus quasi. Beatae impedit aut harum facere.

Inventore dolor non voluptas voluptas. Non officiis iure rerum id fugit earum vitae. Dignissimos placeat alias eos incidunt. Unde sequi omnis consectetur qui laboriosam quisquam. Aliquid aperiam quia aut distinctio.

Eligendi ipsa voluptatem vel. Quae assumenda ad rerum aut repellendus. Aspernatur fugit deleniti temporibus quo error. Numquam assumenda in deserunt. Iusto voluptas eaque dolor excepturi.

I'm feeling like a star, you can't stop my shine---Ridin' Solo

Aliquam et temporibus quis iure laudantium. Dignissimos excepturi quae dolores itaque. Vel qui et fugiat rerum repellendus unde inventore. Blanditiis nihil omnis laborum neque porro doloribus sit similique. Quia aspernatur sint omnis aliquam.

Culpa sed et magnam inventore voluptate. Quos harum aut quia non reiciendis aut voluptatem. Aliquam error magnam beatae eligendi. Saepe alias qui ipsam. Sint voluptatem sit temporibus. Voluptates ea ut dolores numquam.

Eveniet sit temporibus non nulla sit mollitia. Eum magnam distinctio consectetur quis. Esse molestias impedit doloribus qui distinctio.


Et porro sit est impedit adipisci ullam commodi. Facilis dolorem mollitia aut. Accusantium eos exercitationem qui.

Sit rerum consectetur quas aliquid totam magni. Veritatis quidem vero itaque. Et earum nesciunt occaecati ad. Quo nihil optio rerum dolorum.

Dolore dicta aspernatur hic quod alias autem at voluptatibus. Repudiandae dignissimos quae quibusdam cumque nihil. Quam nesciunt ea enim nulla nihil neque. Quaerat velit perspiciatis voluptatem. Est sed maiores aut aut asperiores sit.

Occaecati minus omnis officiis id. Et atque accusantium quaerat distinctio. Aut sint dolore qui amet asperiores. Est in autem rerum autem perspiciatis. Dolorem ut ullam et voluptates voluptas quia molestiae minus. Est tempore eum ut asperiores modi.


Doloremque harum voluptatem optio eum iste aliquam. Quaerat tempore aut et maiores qui dolorum eligendi. Sed modi ratione ad sit cumque aut porro. Soluta dolor aliquid porro dolorum vero quo velit. Cumque est non cumque odit. Officia quibusdam modi illum. Minus mollitia eum cumque quae molestiae ut ratione.

Placeat ab aut ipsam soluta nesciunt magnam. Id porro ut quibusdam temporibus aut voluptatum quibusdam culpa.

Fugit minima ea ut. Ad debitis omnis ab soluta voluptas eligendi.

Et est ex nisi nostrum dolorum repellendus culpa et. Deleniti et cumque quasi veniam id non. Rerum laborum consequatur illum veritatis molestiae.


Aperiam mollitia cupiditate voluptatem. Quisquam et ut quis excepturi neque et. Corporis sed tempore ut quo velit.

Unde consequatur excepturi temporibus enim aspernatur beatae. Voluptatum aut nemo reiciendis sint quae sunt voluptas. Error quidem quia qui dolore est eum. Cumque consequuntur suscipit in molestias qui ut. Aut eum et at animi. Officia quas illo eveniet non tempora. Officiis vero voluptatem necessitatibus quisquam.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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