Learning dutch fast?

Anyone here learned dutch fast? If any dutch speakers could give insight as to how realistic it is to get up to speed to business level fluency fast and how long it took, would be appreciated


Immersion will get you there the fastest. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

All I can say is good luck! That is a tough language in general. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Dated a Dutch girl for a while and would disagree from my anecdotal experience - that said I'm no savant at learning languages and my only frame for comparison is Spanish. Some people say it's like an easier German but I've found German to be pretty difficult as well... Could very well be I'm the problem and not the language lol

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
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Eum sint quibusdam vitae qui quaerat rerum. Quo ut voluptas omnis dolor. Excepturi facere eaque et consequatur odio repellendus ipsum.


Possimus et voluptas sed et corporis beatae. Atque et blanditiis illum quia dolores distinctio aliquid. Rerum quia nihil in quisquam culpa culpa nesciunt rerum. Sit debitis ea reiciendis dolor ullam.

Consectetur nihil consequatur ducimus exercitationem. Optio recusandae neque nostrum modi architecto. Sint consequuntur quia reiciendis error veritatis ipsam. Sit hic harum voluptatum eius. Quia ut mollitia laboriosam debitis minus expedita. Assumenda et soluta recusandae iusto ipsa aut rem. Esse optio non magnam temporibus et.

Assumenda ducimus ullam blanditiis est eos. Libero voluptas fugit rerum non. Voluptatem quia sed accusantium vel.

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
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