MBA programs

Hey folks,

I’m planning to apply for deferred MBA programs in April, but wanted a honest opinion of my application. I will be aiming for H,W,S,Sloan,CBS, and Chicago.

GPA: 3.8/4.0

Nationality: Canadian

Work Experience: Joining Sales and Trading rotational program at a Major Canadian Bank

ECs: Leadership roles on several clubs, research, and teaching assistant position

X-Factor: First Gen college student. Dad in prison since I was a teen (not sure if I will mention this).

Race: ORM

Will be taking the GRE in January. Based on my background, do I stand a chance at my target deferred MBA programs? I have co-workers and profs that are willing to write my recc letters but I don’t want to waste their time if my application isn’t strong enough as is.


Hey there,

Based on the most helpful WSO content, your profile seems quite strong for deferred MBA programs. You have a solid GPA, leadership roles in extracurricular activities, and a unique personal story as a first-generation college student. Your upcoming work experience in a rotational program at a major Canadian bank will also add to your profile.

However, the GRE score will be a crucial factor in your application. A high score can significantly boost your chances.

As for your personal story, it's all about how you present it. If you can show how your experiences have shaped you and driven you to pursue an MBA, it could potentially strengthen your application.

Remember, these programs are highly competitive, and admission depends on various factors. It's not just about the stats but also about your story, your goals, and how you present yourself.

So, don't worry about wasting anyone's time. If you feel this is the right path for you, go for it! You have a compelling story to tell, and that's what these programs are looking for - diverse perspectives and experiences.

Good luck with your application!

Sources: Chances Of GSB Deferred / HBS 2+2 MBA Programs?, Deferred MBA Program

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Applied last year w/ following stats & results:

GPA: 4.0 

GMAT: 740 (44V/47Q)

Nationality: American

Work Experience: joining middle market U.S. investment bank in desirable coverage group

ECs: student council president, business club president

X-Factors: went to uni in central eastern europe for 3 yrs 

Diversity: white female

Results: rejected w/o interview from H/W; accepted to CBS, Booth, Darden (scholarship) & Tepper (scholarship). Chose CBS. pm if helpful and best of luck:) 


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July 2024 Investment Banking

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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