Best cities for wealthy single men?

The consensus, U.S. city among guys seems to be Los Angeles. Great weather, beaches, laid-back lifestyle, hot women. Among international cities, Hong Kong and Paris seem really fun if you're wealthy.


+1 for Paris.

I'm not single, but it's easy for single guys to slay quality talent here if you've got dough. Half the battle is just showing your face in the right clubs. By virtue of the fact that you're there, you're a good candidate to take home and screw.

N.B.: Springtime in Paris is like nowhere else I've ever lived. The stars really come out, and there's thousands of them.

grew up in asia and trust me rich white attractive males are a commodity even in high school ya dig (this also applies to other locs but still)

I think that's pretty universal.

Montreal F1 weekend

I'll never look at Canada the same after that weekend.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:

Depends on how "wealthy" you are.

btw LA is a polluted cesspool.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

New York itself is vastly overrated.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

I think with NYC you have to know were to look for the hottie's. Any hot chick that's moved to NYC, 9-10, want's to be in fashion. They're going to try to sleep w/ whatever the equivalent of a MD in the fashion world is. So likely were this tool is, so will all the Lauren Conrad look a likes.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:

I'm interested in learning more about this. It's a given that NYC women are the probably the closest thing to what the descendants of Hiroshima would have looked like if they had all mated with people in NYC. It's a given that you go to CA and FL for the hottest women in America, but as far as Canada is concerned, I have never heard of Montreal mentioned in this context.

Can anyone give some perspective on this? I'm pretty surprised. Are we talking lots of money-hungry silicon here? Easy talent in every club? Hard to believe a cold city could be this good.

I might have to make an excursion...

I'm interested in learning more about this. It's a given that NYC women are the probably the closest thing to what the descendants of Hiroshima would have looked like if they had all mated with people in NYC. It's a given that you go to CA and FL for the hottest women in America, but as far as Canada is concerned, I have never heard of Montreal mentioned in this context.

Can anyone give some perspective on this? I'm pretty surprised. Are we talking lots of money-hungry silicon here? Easy talent in every club? Hard to believe a cold city could be this good.

I might have to make an excursion...

yeah, it's really surprising how bad the women in NYC are, given the city's size and overall importance.

never been to montreal, but a good friend went to mcgill undergrad, and he said the girls in the city were unbelievable.


The equivalent of an MD in the fashion world is probably not into girls..

That being said, there are definitely places you can find the beautiful people (men and women) aggregating in one place. And, while having money is great, you will probably need some social capital as well (which definitely does NOT come inherent with just being some BSD in finance) to check out those places.


Montreal, easily. Some of the chicks are down right filthy. Greatest part is that you don't even have to be wealthy, very accessible (a good number of them are just students).

After having spent a lot of time in MTL, I really got accustomed to seeing 8s, 9s, 10s and the occasional 11. Really increased my standards -- so much so that everytime I left MTL, I'd realize how relatively terrible the quality was in other cities.

I would have made MTL my permanent home if it werent for 1) the french and 2) the winters.

Montreal, easily. Some of the chicks are down right filthy. Greatest part is that you don't even have to be wealthy, very accessible (a good number of them are just students).

After having spent a lot of time in MTL, I really got accustomed to seeing 8s, 9s, 10s and the occasional 11. Really increased my standards -- so much so that everytime I left MTL, I'd realize how relatively terrible the quality was in other cities.

I would have made MTL my permanent home if it werent for 1) the french and 2) the winters.

Now let's say one did have some money to work with, are we talking anything like the kind of accessibility to the top talent that Asia will offer you? Or is it more like NYC where you really have to be a somebody among somebodies before you're able to make inroads with that level of female?

Montreal, easily. Some of the chicks are down right filthy. Greatest part is that you don't even have to be wealthy, very accessible (a good number of them are just students).

After having spent a lot of time in MTL, I really got accustomed to seeing 8s, 9s, 10s and the occasional 11. Really increased my standards -- so much so that everytime I left MTL, I'd realize how relatively terrible the quality was in other cities.

I would have made MTL my permanent home if it werent for 1) the french and 2) the winters.

Now let's say one did have some money to work with, are we talking anything like the kind of accessibility to the top talent that Asia will offer you? Or is it more like NYC where you really have to be a somebody among somebodies before you're able to make inroads with that level of female?

Its not Thailand by any means. But its not NYC either. A nice mix of game and a little money will get you pretty much almost anything you want. Last time I was there, I saw ONE GUY pick up THREE (hot) chicks. He stuffed them all into his 2 door Acura and drove off. And this wasn't even at a club.

Paris, Prague, Budapest, Milan.

I guess no one here has been to Milan. It's a fashion capital, and it's in Italy. The women are smoking hot.

In the US, Miami and San Diego. Everything in LA is fake. It's a shit-HOLE. I was just in San Fran last week--not too impressed. I like Asians, and whilst you get a lot of Asians in San Fran, you get a lot of ugly Asians.

And since we've left out some obvious hotspots, I feel obliged to point out the South. Whilst it's not a hotbed of culture or acceptance, it has some of the best clunge in the States. Charleston, South Carolina; Baton Rouge, LA; Austin, TX. FACT: there have been people sent to prison for masturbating in public whilst circling LSU's campus in Baton Rouge. Don't believe me? Go look for yourself.

You need to look for cities with large populations of women that COULD be attractive (18-30) for young wealthy males. State schools have (on average) better-looking women than private schools. Large towns generally have more women than small towns (just based on size), but I think it comes down to percentages. Where are you going to find the highest incidence of 18-30 year old clunge? It has to be places like Austin or Baton Rouge. New York/LA/Chicago all have too high of a percentage of 'the great unwashed'--it detracts from the rest of the city. And for the super hot women in the city, there's too much competition (so the 7's and 8's feel like 12's, and have an attitude to match).

I guess no one here has been to Milan. It's a fashion capital, and it's in Italy. The women are smoking hot.

I'll agree with you on that one. When I was there a few summers ago, every 3rd girl I walked by was supermodel material. Only problem is that almost all of them can't stand being hit on = low accessibility.

Paris, Prague, Budapest, Milan.

I guess no one here has been to Milan. It's a fashion capital, and it's in Italy. The women are smoking hot.

In the US, Miami and San Diego. Everything in LA is fake. It's a shit-HOLE. I was just in San Fran last week--not too impressed. I like Asians, and whilst you get a lot of Asians in San Fran, you get a lot of ugly Asians.

And since we've left out some obvious hotspots, I feel obliged to point out the South. Whilst it's not a hotbed of culture or acceptance, it has some of the best clunge in the States. Charleston, South Carolina; Baton Rouge, LA; Austin, TX. FACT: there have been people sent to prison for masturbating in public whilst circling LSU's campus in Baton Rouge. Don't believe me? Go look for yourself.

You need to look for cities with large populations of women that COULD be attractive (18-30) for young wealthy males. State schools have (on average) better-looking women than private schools. Large towns generally have more women than small towns (just based on size), but I think it comes down to percentages. Where are you going to find the highest incidence of 18-30 year old clunge? It has to be places like Austin or Baton Rouge. New York/LA/Chicago all have too high of a percentage of 'the great unwashed'--it detracts from the rest of the city. And for the super hot women in the city, there's too much competition (so the 7's and 8's feel like 12's, and have an attitude to match).

if you are thinking just girls, yeah, milan has very attractive girls but otherwise milan


My vote goes to Buenos Aires, Sao Paolo and Newark, NJ (talent capital of the world). I also hear good things about Barcelona. Depends on what your into.

NY has too many tourists, terrible smells, dbag doormen, and the girls are overrated. Fashion chicks are miserable, poor and most have eating disorders

LA is full of incredibly stupid people

Miami is full of illegal immigrants and idiots who refuse acknowledge that this is America (speak English!)

France is full of hairy and annoying women (never been but based on their imports that ive experienced here in America)

As a girl, I'm just curious what you consider a 10 versus a 7. I didn't realize we all have classifications.

Oh boy...not this again...

This is going to turn into a 110+ comment topic, with very strong feelings all around.

As a girl, I'm just curious what you consider a 10 versus a 7. I didn't realize we all have classifications.

If this isn't a troll post you're an idiot.

no I'm actually not trying to start trouble at all. Just curious to see how I stack up.

The only way to do that is to post a pic

Best Response
no I'm actually not trying to start trouble at all. Just curious to see how I stack up.

Pinky, you should post a picture of one of your friends that all your other friends say your prettier than and we'll tack on an extra .35 out of good faith. Some of the comments might sting but they'll be completely honest.

As far as a rating scale, in my book, it goes like this:

10: I get so hacked we guys say "oh blah blah' s an eleven," no, your wrong. A ten is a ten, which is as follows. Flawless body, mesmerizingly attractive, ages 18-28, + 5' 8, etc. Perfect in almost every way. See Marisa Miller, most Victoria Models, SI swimsuit models, super models minus the Kate Moss heroin infused wannabes. 10's are rare mix of perfect genetics, unflinching dedication to personal appearance, & their attractiveness almost has a spiritual aspect to it. If you see one in the wild, count yourself lucky.

9: A 9 is still a sight to behold, have most of the same physical traits as 10's, minus the angelic/mesmerizing aura that a 10 will have. Typically any worthwhile bar & or club in a big city will have 1-3 on any given party night. I would consider Jessica Alba, Megan Fox (high 9), that blonde chick on Chuck.

8: Still a great rank to have, and most hot girls/girls you'd look 2x at on a day to day basis are somewhere in the low 8's. Figures start to become more realistic , but still nice to look at. Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Beil,

7: Below 7.5 you're pushing it. Most guys wouldn't really kill themselves to get with this girl but pressed a little would say she's attractive. 7.5's can bump up to an 8 temporarily by doing this and that. Below 7.5 is "cute". Typically 3-5 beers will increase your draft status.

6: 6's are typically what you'd call homely, and if the personality blows/are bitchy they can skip down into unattractive (5 & below). Most 6's can hit the gym all they want but typically are on the wrong end of some genetics. Think of your best "girl" friend in HS, most girls at Ivy's, girl lacrosse players, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Lady GaGa (very low 6), etc. At least 6-8 brews.

5 & below: Unattractive is about were you can max out at. Black out drunk required.

Is it misogynistic? Yes, but you asked.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:
no I'm actually not trying to start trouble at all. Just curious to see how I stack up.

Pinky, you should post a picture of one of your friends that all your other friends say your prettier than and we'll tack on an extra .35 out of good faith. Some of the comments might sting but they'll be completely honest.

As far as a rating scale, in my book, it goes like this:

10: I get so hacked we guys say "oh blah blah' s an eleven," no, your wrong. A ten is a ten, which is as follows. Flawless body, mesmerizingly attractive, ages 18-28, + 5' 8, etc. Perfect in almost every way. See Marisa Miller, most Victoria Models, SI swimsuit models, super models minus the Kate Moss heroin infused wannabes. 10's are rare mix of perfect genetics, unflinching dedication to personal appearance, & their attractiveness almost has a spiritual aspect to it. If you see one in the wild, count yourself lucky.

9: A 9 is still a sight to behold, have most of the same physical traits as 10's, minus the angelic/mesmerizing aura that a 10 will have. Typically any worthwhile bar & or club in a big city will have 1-3 on any given party night. I would consider Jessica Alba, Megan Fox (high 9), that blonde chick on Chuck.

8: Still a great rank to have, and most hot girls/girls you'd look 2x at on a day to day basis are somewhere in the low 8's. Figures start to become more realistic , but still nice to look at. Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Beil,

7: Below 7.5 you're pushing it. Most guys wouldn't really kill themselves to get with this girl but pressed a little would say she's attractive. 7.5's can bump up to an 8 temporarily by doing this and that. Below 7.5 is "cute". Typically 3-5 beers will increase your draft status.

6: 6's are typically what you'd call homely, and if the personality blows/are bitchy they can skip down into unattractive (5 & below). Most 6's can hit the gym all they want but typically are on the wrong end of some genetics. Think of your best "girl" friend in HS, most girls at Ivy's, girl lacrosse players, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Lady GaGa (very low 6), etc. At least 6-8 brews.

5 & below: Unattractive is about were you can max out at. Black out drunk required.

Is it misogynistic? Yes, but you asked.

Frigging love this shit!


Maggie Gyllenhaal by the power of her face almost ruined my enjoyment of the Dark Knight. I literally put my hand to cover her face when she was on screen. I don't why, but her face is just nasty and look soooo bitchy without having any of the goods.

Westfald description is quite good. WFT is all this about Montreal?! I so regret not going that one time back in college. I should skipped the beach and went there, if what people are saying is true. I concur with southern Spain, Prague (most of them seem immigrated), and Thailand is straight up dirty. Nice beaches, but it crawls with more sleaze than even I can stand and a viral disease awaiting to happen.

----------------------------------------------------------------- Hug It Out

Toronto > Montreal. I can't stand the French accent.

It's also the most multi-cultural so you have cool mixes that you'll never see anywhere else.

Thai-Russian, Japanese-Caribbean, Italian-Indian...Canadian girls are the best in the world.

Toronto > Montreal. I can't stand the French accent.

It's also the most multi-cultural so you have cool mixes that you'll never see anywhere else.

Thai-Russian, Japanese-Caribbean, Italian-Indian...Canadian girls are the best in the world.

Toronto lol!!! are you insane! Montreal destroys Toronto...Toronto just has MORE stuff to do, not of better quality..its, as they say "New York, run by the swiss"


I believe that everyone rates on 2 scales of hotness, local hotness and global hotness.

The following example illustrates my point. There may be an attractive girl you see every day who you deem, lets say, an 8. You see her in real life. She is tangible. Compared to other girls around her, she is above average. However, you turn on the tv, internet, whatever, and see absolutely gorgeous girls. Upon seeing them, if you rerate the girl you saw beforehand, the score you assign to her would probably be lower now comparing her to these girls. The reason for this disparity is because (I believe) you only consciously rate against girls who you see, or have seen in the past, in real life.

Think about it. How many times have you or your friends said "That chick is a 10!" Think about that girl, and compare her to a girl like Miranda Kerr, etc. Chances are the girl you met in real life, who you or your friends said was a 10, does not approach the girl you are comparing her to, indicating the use of 2 separate scales.

Local hotness is the scale upon which you rate girls that you see every day IN REAL LIFE. Global hotness is the scale on which you rate all women you see, on tv, the internet, whatever.

Just look at Westfald. He gives Jessica Biel and Aniston 8's. This is his global scale, and if he put every girl he met in real life on this scale, chances are not many would break 6.5 (unless he is a Pick up master). He is probably not rating all the girls he meets as below 6.5, so that would mean he is judging on a different scale, his local scale. Westfald, please correct me if I am wrong, and you do have these extremely strict standards for women you meet in real life.

The scales may vary wildly in relation to each other. For example, if you are a fashion photographer, you are in the midst of beautiful women every day. Therefore, your local and global scales would probably be identical. However, if you have been living in jail for the past 10 years, that 5 may start to look like a 10, indicating a large disparity between the scales.

How does Paris make the list for wealthy men when 50% of their income goes to taxes? I am surprised that LA would make the list too. Women in CA get soo much work done in their 20s that by the time they hit 40 they start to look and feel like a football.

I think the idea is that you're so rich you don't care, which is in and of itself absurd. If rich people didn't care about taxes, tax lawyers would be out of a job. Yet, tax is the second highest in demand specialty after IP law.

Seriously, how many rich people give up their citizenships or acquire them for tax purposes?

Back on topic-Europe is the worst place possible to be a high-income individual.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-
guys guys guys. boston all the way. so many college girls, we can relive the years bumpin frosh in the basement of a frat house.

We don't care about "college girls", we care about highest concentration of elite level girls that are money hungry enough yet surrounded in bad enough conditions that they are starstruck by junior level successful men (i.e. most people on this board).

guys guys guys. boston all the way. so many college girls, we can relive the years bumpin frosh in the basement of a frat house.

Boston is a great city, but the night life sucks and so many of the college girls look half-retarded because they come from in-bred "nobility."

guys guys guys. boston all the way. so many college girls, we can relive the years bumpin frosh in the basement of a frat house.

Boston is a great city, but the night life sucks and so many of the college girls look half-retarded because they come from in-bred "nobility."

Coulda sworn I saw the Duchess of Merrimack, NH the other day... ;)

guys guys guys. boston all the way. so many college girls, we can relive the years bumpin frosh in the basement of a frat house.

of course you'll find them in the basement. trolls, all of them. can't wait to get out of here.

in other news, i suspect we're from the same county?

a lot of the victoria secret models are way too skinny, i am more into the kim kardashian types
I concur.


Definitely vote against HK for this. If you haven't figured it out, you're not going to out-earn local bankers, not to mention the conglomerate oligarchs and their kids, and the babe level is subterranean. Other bits of Asia: I'd say Singapore, but I remember (back when I was truly penniless) hooking up with one of these hot local princesses, who was showing me clippings of her "Top 10 best dressed" votes and her two Ferraris, and the look of shock on her face when I told her that I ride a bicycle.

In the US - anywhere in So-Cal (from Santa Barbara to San Diego). I didn't realize NYC was that bad.

In Europe - Paris is a great city, period, but I'm not really sure it's great because of girls, or how you can spend your money. Personally, I think Munich is a hidden gem. Bavarian chicks are great, and they are bored to tears with the local men. If you're willing to stray away from civilization, the old Balkans are a treasure mine. Forget the Catholic Latin countries (Italy, Spain, etc) - sure, they're more appealing than Anglo girls, but they're headcases. Trust me.

One place that will surprise you is Dubai: there's a high concentration of babes from the Levant, the Caucasus, North Africa and Central Asia. Spectacular stuff. As far as competition goes, you're bound to lose in money terms, but not in game.

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.

Definitely vote against HK for this. If you haven't figured it out, you're not going to out-earn local bankers, not to mention the conglomerate oligarchs and their kids, and the babe level is subterranean. Other bits of Asia: I'd say Singapore, but I remember (back when I was truly penniless) hooking up with one of these hot local princesses, who was showing me clippings of her "Top 10 best dressed" votes and her two Ferraris, and the look of shock on her face when I told her that I ride a bicycle.

In the US - anywhere in So-Cal (from Santa Barbara to San Diego). I didn't realize NYC was that bad.

In Europe - Paris is a great city, period, but I'm not really sure it's great because of girls, or how you can spend your money. Personally, I think Munich is a hidden gem. Bavarian chicks are great, and they are bored to tears with the local men. If you're willing to stray away from civilization, the old Balkans are a treasure mine. Forget the Catholic Latin countries (Italy, Spain, etc) - sure, they're more appealing than Anglo girls, but they're headcases. Trust me.

One place that will surprise you is Dubai: there's a high concentration of babes from the Levant, the Caucasus, North Africa and Central Asia. Spectacular stuff. As far as competition goes, you're bound to lose in money terms, but not in game.

I concur with HK section. Mostly nasty looking girls unless they are imported from somewhere else. Fun place to hang and go out, low taxes, great food, not the ladies though. Singapore is pretty similar but more strict society = less fun than HK.

I heard Dubai is cracking down on the whole hedonistic "image" after Abu Dhabi bailed them out. Never been, but my friends have and said it's a stomping grounds for rich young oil princes from neighboring countries to let loose and flaunt their families' wealth and indulge in vices not allowed in their countries. In other words, really obnoxious young spoiled brats prancing around in rented Ferraris.

Seriously thinking of making a trip to Montreal with some friends. We've talked of it before. Never really made the effort, because it's Canada. Can someone elaborate how Montreal makes this list and what are the places to go?

----------------------------------------------------------------- Hug It Out
Seriously thinking of making a trip to Montreal with some friends. We've talked of it before. Never really made the effort, because it's Canada. Can someone elaborate how Montreal makes this list and what are the places to go?
Highly highly recommend it...only during the summer though.

Unless you're planning on taking a trip overseas, MTL would be a top 3 city to visit in North America. As for places to go...too many to name...from the Underground City to the endless clubs and naked breakfast bistros to a Saturday night at the top of Mount Royal overlooking the city (picture taken during the winter:…). All accompanied by filthy girls everywhere you go wearing the "Good Girls go to heaven - Bad Girls go to Montreal" t-shirts and tanktops.

PM me if you need more convincing.


Hong Kong is a fun city since it's filled with expat westerners who are making good money, paying low taxes, and know they'll only be there for a few years. crazy social scene, but the girls are mediocre, unless you're REALLY into asian chicks.

yes, NYC really is that bad. you'll see a few gorgeous women (mainly models) but the vast majority are pretty bad. it's a city you live in to pursue career opportunities and make money, but for girls there are so many better places.

i'm surprised no one mentioned vegas, although i would not live there permanently. spring break and summer bring out an insane amount of hotties, many of whom are visiting from so cal.


It's all about Southern California. There is a lot more adventure to be had e.g. beaches, surfing, dirt biking, skiing, climbing, racing, flying, boating, etc. The girls, which are far more plentiful than in NY, will also be starstruck by your ability to acquire and enjoy a variety of motorized vehicles every waking moment outside of the office.

Honolulu, anyone?

For all intensive purposes, that city is a shithole.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:
Without a doubt. Chicago. There you'll find plenty of young talent. Most of who are just out of college. So, yeah, they're money hungry. Plus the hot ones are so self-centered that they have to live near/in the Loop.

This has got to be a fucking joke. I live in Chicago, and although there are a lot of good things about it (mainly that it's cheap, clean, and livable), it does not belong in this conversation with the great world cities. Chicago is still very much a provincial midwestern city, with a population that is still narrow-minded in many respects. for example, there are very few interracial couples in chicago compared to a place like NYC.

also, living IN the loop is awful. you're probably referring to neighborhoods like lincoln park and gold coast, that have a lot of young post-college grads, and are a short commute from the loop.


Atlanta if you like black girls - the gender ratio is very skewed and a lot of jersey chasers/video hos in training move there looking for a rich guy.

(NB I'm a girl and I have friends who have moved there specifically to find a man)

Atlanta if you like black girls - the gender ratio is very skewed and a lot of jersey chasers/video hos in training move there looking for a rich guy.

(NB I'm a girl and I have friends who have moved there specifically to find a man)

A lot of good reasons here not to move to Atlanta. One, I'm not really into black girls. Two, the black girls I do find attractive never want to snack on my sausage. Three, I don't really want a money-grubbing whore of a wife, and I don't want to have to explain how I got rich just to get laid. Are the same chicks looking for a professional athlete going to understand anything about investment banking? If I say "I'm a banker" in Atlanta, are women going to think 'bank teller?' Are they going to appreciate that I have more earning potential than most professional athletes? And even if they did, there's a seriously low chance that I'm going to be interested in speaking with them.

On a different point...Westfald, it's 'for all intents and purposes,' not 'for all intensive purposes.' I smell a state school education.

On a final point, Dubai sucks. It disgusts me. What a dank shithole. There is probably nothing more annoying than a bunch of sorry, small-minded, third-world aristocrats flaunting wealth and status they never earned and clearly don't deserve. In any case, why would anyone go to the Middle East looking for clunge? Best case scenario: you get your dick chopped off. I piss on their cough 'culture.'

Atlanta if you like black girls - the gender ratio is very skewed and a lot of jersey chasers/video hos in training move there looking for a rich guy.

(NB I'm a girl and I have friends who have moved there specifically to find a man)

A lot of good reasons here not to move to Atlanta. One, I'm not really into black girls. Two, the black girls I do find attractive never want to snack on my sausage. Three, I don't really want a money-grubbing whore of a wife, and I don't want to have to explain how I got rich just to get laid. Are the same chicks looking for a professional athlete going to understand anything about investment banking? If I say "I'm a banker" in Atlanta, are women going to think 'bank teller?' Are they going to appreciate that I have more earning potential than most professional athletes? And even if they did, there's a seriously low chance that I'm going to be interested in speaking with them.

On a different point...Westfald, it's 'for all intents and purposes,' not 'for all intensive purposes.' I smell a state school education.

On a final point, Dubai sucks. It disgusts me. What a dank shithole. There is probably nothing more annoying than a bunch of sorry, small-minded, third-world aristocrats flaunting wealth and status they never earned and clearly don't deserve. In any case, why would anyone go to the Middle East looking for clunge? Best case scenario: you get your dick chopped off. I piss on their cough 'culture.'

I grew up in the atlanta suburbs and would never go back. The only real advantage is that it's cheap, but the same can be said for a lot of crappy places. the city itself is about 65% black, but the nice areas like buckhead and midtown have a lot of white professionals and nice high rise apartment buildings, in addition to trendy restaurants and bars. physically, southern women are absolutely gorgeous, but atlanta as a city is not someplace i want to live.

Atlanta if you like black girls - the gender ratio is very skewed and a lot of jersey chasers/video hos in training move there looking for a rich guy.

(NB I'm a girl and I have friends who have moved there specifically to find a man)

A lot of good reasons here not to move to Atlanta. One, I'm not really into black girls. Two, the black girls I do find attractive never want to snack on my sausage. Three, I don't really want a money-grubbing whore of a wife, and I don't want to have to explain how I got rich just to get laid. Are the same chicks looking for a professional athlete going to understand anything about investment banking? If I say "I'm a banker" in Atlanta, are women going to think 'bank teller?' Are they going to appreciate that I have more earning potential than most professional athletes? And even if they did, there's a seriously low chance that I'm going to be interested in speaking with them.

On a different point...Westfald, it's 'for all intents and purposes,' not 'for all intensive purposes.' I smell a state school education.

On a final point, Dubai sucks. It disgusts me. What a dank shithole. There is probably nothing more annoying than a bunch of sorry, small-minded, third-world aristocrats flaunting wealth and status they never earned and clearly don't deserve. In any case, why would anyone go to the Middle East looking for clunge? Best case scenario: you get your dick chopped off. I piss on their cough 'culture.'

I don't think anyone historically literate entertains illusions about Dubai's culture.

It is relevant here for two reasons alone (remember that the thread is about life in a big city for a wealthy, single male):

  • tax free
  • Kim Kardashian and Maria Sharapova types. It's teeming with them.
The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.
I am in awe of how much attention Montreal is getting as well. Is this anytime of the year? Is it the locals that make it crazy or people who travel in?
The Summer is when all the babes come out. Although you do get to see a few during the winter months waiting outside to get into clubs in freezing cold weather, with less than 30% of their bodies covered.

I'd say the majority are locals, but that would also include students (who come from out of town).


I'm biased but LA is nuts. Lived in NY for 3 months and have been to Boston, DC, ATL, Miami, SF, etc. You want to be surrounded by money in the US, you gotta be in LA. No where besides Italy can you find ferraris/lambos driving everywhere. You're an hour from the mountains, 10 minutes from the beach, and have the best of OC women and LA women.


-- "Those who say don't know, and those who know don't say."
I'm biased but LA is nuts. Lived in NY for 3 months and have been to Boston, DC, ATL, Miami, SF, etc. You want to be surrounded by money in the US, you gotta be in LA. No where besides Italy can you find ferraris/lambos driving everywhere. You're an hour from the mountains, 10 minutes from the beach, and have the best of OC women and LA women.


LA is an upside down, nouveau-riche cesspool. Same with Miami. Too much flash, no substance. The "rich" guys always more credit card debt than the US government and their bank balance is always negative. You're not surrounded by money in LA. You're surrounded by nouveau-riche, subprime fairytale money. NYC is too expensive, but people in NYC are truly, substantively wealthy. I do like Chicago-well at least the numbers check out...

And yeah, it's 10 minutes to the beach....if you teleport. Realistically, 3 hours to the mountains and 1 hour to the beach in LA traffic. Oh, did I mention the smog?

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

I've got a lot of great stories from Atlanta, but they were all from quite a while ago. The best times I had were in Buckhead and College Park (if you can believe that). I was at a strip club called the Oasis (many times, but this one time in particular) when I got pulled up on stage, stripped (what a joy that must have been for the audience), and got in the on-stage shower with two of the hottest strippers I'd ever seen.

This is going to sound weird to people who know Atlanta, but the most target-rich environment was this downtown shithole called Club Anytime. It was an after-hours kinda deal, and was open around the clock. One time a bunch of buddies and I were waiting in line to get in (wasted) and my buddy whips out his junk and takes a leak right there in line. The girls standing in front of us in line were utterly horrified. Two and a half hours later they were coming home with us.

I've had a lot of fun in "Hot-lanta", but I'd never want to live there...


NutsaboutWS - Yes, LA has money but alot of it's pretend money. There is a reason that Cali is getting their ass handed to them with foreclosures and bankruptcies. LA is the most fake-baller city ever. The only reason you see more lambos and Ferraris there is because they have a lot more dealerships offering cheap leases and weekly rentals for all the wanna-bes that live there. Same with Miami-foreclosure capital, tons of exotic car rentals. I went to school with the exact type you are talking about: always has the hottest girls, drives up to the hottest clubs in exotic(RENTED) sports cars, puts on one heckuva show in general. Well behind closed doors his FICO score looks like his shoe size, he is insanely upside down on his house and he has more debt than Greece.

I vote my concrete jungle! There's alot of real money here and it's not always flashy. NY has tons of 20 and 30 somethings making 7 figures and would put the wanna-be ballers in LA and Miami to shame. I prefer the quiet, confident, hedge fund dork over an athlete. A banker can break any bone in his body and it won't affect his pockets.

NutsaboutWS - Yes, LA has money but alot of it's pretend money. There is a reason that Cali is getting their ass handed to them with foreclosures and bankruptcies. LA is the most fake-baller city ever. The only reason you see more lambos and Ferraris there is because they have a lot more dealerships offering cheap leases and weekly rentals for all the wanna-bes that live there. Same with Miami-foreclosure capital, tons of exotic car rentals. I went to school with the exact type you are talking about: always has the hottest girls, drives up to the hottest clubs in exotic(RENTED) sports cars, puts on one heckuva show in general. Well behind closed doors his FICO score looks like his shoe size, he is insanely upside down on his house and he has more debt than Greece.

I vote my concrete jungle! There's alot of real money here and it's not always flashy. NY has tons of 20 and 30 somethings making 7 figures and would put the wanna-be ballers in LA and Miami to shame. I prefer the quiet, confident, hedge fund dork over an athlete. A banker can break any bone in his body and it won't affect his pockets.

NYC money is more stable and well established than LA. But if you're a wealthy single male, LA just offers a higher quality of life. Amazing weather, close to the beach, mountains, vegas, lake tahoe, san diego, short flight to colorado skiing, SF/napa. and the women are so much more attractive than NYC that it's not even close. plus, living in a huge mansion beats living in an apartment.

just my 2 cents.


What's this idea about wanting to be surrounded by money? Are we men or women here? Since when did we care about this?

If anything you'd want to be surrounded in less money as it makes higher level talent more accessible to I missing something?

What's this idea about wanting to be surrounded by money? Are we men or women here? Since when did we care about this?

If anything you'd want to be surrounded in less money as it makes higher level talent more accessible to I missing something?

I don't get it either. I don't want to be surrounded by people that make more money than me.

Hm...I could live in NY or LA where my $200k biglaw salary will land me in the professional underclass, or I could live in Chicago or elsewhere where the same $200k biglaw salary will land me at least in the upper middle class if not the upper class. Yeah, I'll choose the latter every time.

Oh did I mention that the women in LA are probably more than 50% silicone by weight? And most likely dumb blonde golddiggers?

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

Yeah the goal is certain to get into that super elite class, but until then...who wants to work finance hours, make junior level finance money, yet still be treated like a migrant worker?

Yeah the goal is certain to get into that super elite class, but until then...who wants to work finance hours, make junior level finance money, yet still be treated like a migrant worker?

Exactly. Because in corporate law, Biglaw NY=finance hours+NY taxes+biglaw pay+ NYC COL. Biglaw LA=finance hours+CA taxes+biglaw pay+LA COL.

Neither one's a good combo.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

haha true but I like it like that. Plus NYC girls aren't hot at all. LA girls know how to take care of themselves. You can go so many places in LA: Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar, Bev Hills, Bel Air, West side, etc etc

-- "Those who say don't know, and those who know don't say."

anyone else getting the strange feeling that rebelcross/holymonkey are two parts of one multiple personality disorder? + 1 here.

anyway (yes, anyway), im sick of all the nyc hating this past week. the only remotely legitimate reason for the claim that the women in new york are grossly overrated would be as a result of constant overexposure to some of the best female talent on the planet, which could warp your metric scale. and even thats a stretch, because that would mean youre not well traveled enough to qualify for this discussion - ie, you have little perspective on relative beauty in other cities. which probably means you spend nights, weekends, holidays and vacations going straight from your miserable existence at work to your little shtty upper east side cubby hole, because if youre walking the streets of new york day or night and you dont see ample talent per square block right up there with the best cities in the world, you need to take your head out of your ass and wipe the sht smear off your face. you smell that? thats all the BS youre talking. i think whats really going on here is some people have no chic game or no cash game or probably york women are overrated = im tired of being rejected....GTFOH.

anyone else getting the strange feeling that rebelcross/holymonkey are two parts of one multiple personality disorder? + 1 here.

Yes, we agreed on something. How cute of you to point that out, and point it out in such a HiLaRiOuS manner.

As for the rest, I'll let the others rip NYC women apart...really pretty sad for a big time city, NJ is pretty rough too, it's a regional thing...I mean unless flab (especially on the arms and the thighs, we're talking so-called "8 or 9's" with droopy melted butter arms here), sandpaper skin and the kind of obnoxious personality that makes Jane Fonda seem like Aubrey Hepburn are "in" this year? I don't know...I've been away for a while.


Milan- Over rated! The only nice thing about Milan is the fact that women police officers wear heels, and thats it. Unless your Roman Abramovich, is when you'll start pulling good talent in Milan and Paris as I found.

Prague - Nevertheless, I HEAR, Prague is amazing. I have never been but I hear its just all dime pieces.

Montreal - Is just a rage, if you want to go party with amazing women in an amazing city go to Montreal and especially for the F1 weekend. Its a star studded event were intl beauties come out. I have been to MTL a number of times to party and its fantastic. The people are all great, and the city it self is the closest thing you will get to a European like layout and feel on this side of the ocean.

NYC - I am very surprise as to what I've read on WSO about NYC, granted I have never been, I was expecting a lot better.

Does anyone have any good vacation hot spots for "ballers", some under the radar spots that offer a good cultural feel, along with great partying?

- Only time will tell....
The people are all great, and the city it self is the closest thing you will get to a European like layout and feel on this side of the ocean.

Am I the only one who feels like this is more a knock against Montreal than anything? After hearing only good things, this is the first turnoff I've seen.


I think there are a few ways to approach this. First, you can try to think of the city with the hottest women. This might be LA or Milan or Rio. But these places with incredibly hot women around every corner are not a secret. Therefore, many men who have copious amounts of money and want to party head to these hot spots. This (simple supply and demand) brings in lots of guys with money. Unfortunately if you are young, lets say 20s, you can be wealthy but you don't have a 100+ ft yacht or a helicopter taking you to your hacienda so you are a little fish in a deep, deep pond. So it might make more sense for the moderately wealthy young finance guy to go somewhere with hotties but with fewer high rollers cramping your game. In my opinion, growing up in SEC territory, FL and the other southern states have unreal girls. These girls are typically less conditioned than the LA and NYC crowds and don't think to hunt out the guys who have finance jobs. They are much more simple by comparison. This, I think, allows a young guy with deep pockets to have some fun with out running into the St. Tropez jetsetter gang. Although I have only been to Montreal in the winter, I can echo that it is a fun place and doesn't receive the kind of attention that LA and Miami get so there is less competition at the very top. Just my two cents but unless you are truly a big fish, why not go find a middle market with lower numbers of hotties and be the king tits there...?


montreal wtf?

anyway, if this is still a discussion about what city is the best city for single and wealthy males, it would probably be LA:

*weather: this is pretty significant. it affects people's attitude just as much as it affects what people wear.

*cost of living: a dollar in LA goes much further than a dollar in NYC, and you can be a big fish in a small pond with pretty modest salary, cant say the same for NYC. you can afford a BITCHIN hi rise condo in LA in your mid 20's if you are successful. btw, when i refer to cost of living i usually refer to rent/mortgage.

*quality of life: plenty of day time and night time activities. its also real easy to stay fit and healthy, people want to look and feel good.

*nightlife: i generally dont go to clubs and bars to meet people anymore. but there are fewer better places than LA to meet people.

*women: a HUGE and competitive talent pool that specifically targets wealthy and single males who have their shit together...yes they can sometimes be shallow and dumb but, like i said, the talent pool is HUGE enough that it will work to your advantage. there are plenty 10's with a combination of looks, intellligence, ambition, etc etc. the real challenge is finding them.

*people: everybody is nice and open. it is very easy to meet people anywhere in cali. and like i said, its easier to stand out as a successful and hi quality single guy in LA than it is in NYC bc guys here are not as rabidly ambitious.

*VEGAS: another big one. i use to go 2x a month during the summer. anything goes, its like endless spring break for young adults.

all these factors significantly out-weigh the drawbacks:

*traffic: this sucks but it is what it is.

*dumb and 'new money' people: this doesnt affect me. i dont hang out with these types, and i def have my shit together.

*smog: doesnt really affect anyone.

but, if this is a discussion about where the best night life and girls are:

*vegas: best nightlife domestically, maybe anywhere. i really wont even bother explaining why.

*miami: slut city, usa. best combination of HOT and EASY.

*sydney, aus: my personally fave internationally. fine girls that are FUN, too.

and again, montreal? wtf?

--- man made the money, money never made the man

and one more thing. i def believe LA to be the best city for a single and successful guy. but for a chick, i think NYC may make more sense. especially for chicks who have their shit together and are attractive. specifically bc there are more VERY wealthy guys in NYC relative to LA. and this may work to the advantage of a VERY wealthy single guy.

--- man made the money, money never made the man

New York has 2 things going for it: 1. Variety: Yes, LA has a lot of single, hot women. But most LA women are skinny white blond girls with some work done. If you like blonds then go to Stockholm for the source. New York has a variety of hot women across ALL ethnicities, for those of us that like to mix it up. And the talent is there.. what a load of crap. I stayed at the Soho grand during fashion week (for an interview) and was in a constant state of erection. Plus, intelligence is also a turn on. I've never seen the number of hot and smart girls in any other city that I've seen in NYC.

  1. Lifestyle: Maybe the wealthy , single man should give some thought to what he's going to do when he isn't presumably having sex with all these mind-bendingly hot women. How many times a day can you do it anyway? 5? 6? That still leaves you with 12 hours a day to fill when you're not being Casanova. NYC has so much stuff to do, the variety of bars,clubs,restaurants,art-galleries is friggin' enormous
<span class=keyword_link><a href=//>GS</a></span>:
New York has 2 things going for it: 1. Variety: Yes, LA has a lot of single, hot women. But most LA women are skinny white blond girls with some work done. If you like blonds then go to Stockholm for the source. New York has a variety of hot women across ALL ethnicities, for those of us that like to mix it up. And the talent is there.. what a load of crap. I stayed at the Soho grand during fashion week (for an interview) and was in a constant state of erection. Plus, intelligence is also a turn on. I've never seen the number of hot and smart girls in any other city that I've seen in NYC.
  1. Lifestyle: Maybe the wealthy , single man should give some thought to what he's going to do when he isn't presumably having sex with all these mind-bendingly hot women. How many times a day can you do it anyway? 5? 6? That still leaves you with 12 hours a day to fill when you're not being Casanova. NYC has so much stuff to do, the variety of bars,clubs,restaurants,art-galleries is friggin' enormous

of course you saw a lot of hot girls during fashion week. virtually all the models were there. and most of the hot chicks you saw don't even live in nyc. on a daily basis, there just aren't that many hotties in the city.

lot of "hot smart" girls? since when do girls who graduate from trinity college and work in advertising, considered smart?


The average "LA girl" you run into in LA is --- An actress (waitress), an artist ( bartender) , or a pop-star (extra in a rap video). Sure they're pretty, but My GOD they are really stupid! And Miami -- let's not go there.

Even if I managed to hook up with one, I would be in sheer agony from the amount of idiocy I'd have to put up with. At least the girls in New York have real jobs, and can actually hold up a conversation. There are plenty of great schools that send sizable runoffs into NYC. (I thought Trinity College was part of Cambridge.)

<span class=keyword_link><a href=//>GS</a></span>:
New York has 2 things going for it: 1. Variety: Yes, LA has a lot of single, hot women. But most LA women are skinny white blond girls with some work done. If you like blonds then go to Stockholm for the source. New York has a variety of hot women across ALL ethnicities, for those of us that like to mix it up. And the talent is there.. what a load of crap. I stayed at the Soho grand during fashion week (for an interview) and was in a constant state of erection. Plus, intelligence is also a turn on. I've never seen the number of hot and smart girls in any other city that I've seen in NYC.
  1. Lifestyle: Maybe the wealthy , single man should give some thought to what he's going to do when he isn't presumably having sex with all these mind-bendingly hot women. How many times a day can you do it anyway? 5? 6? That still leaves you with 12 hours a day to fill when you're not being Casanova. NYC has so much stuff to do, the variety of bars,clubs,restaurants,art-galleries is friggin' enormous

when i posted my post, i was expecting a thoughtful response. judging from the last couple of posts, i guess i was expecting too much. i can think of at least 10 things NYC has going for it. dont know why you picked 2 mediocre things.

and on the subject of tv shows, i can think of at least 3 television shows off the top of my head that show new yorkers in a terrible light. wait, LA and NYC both have dbag tools? shocking. simply shocking. i wouldnt make judgments off tv shows.

--- man made the money, money never made the man

[quote=holymonkey]The epitome of SoCal nouveau-riche douchebaggery.…]

Sadly, I have watched that show many times as it keeps me in stitches. These clowns haven't really achieved anything on their own. The joker in this particular clip has piggy backed off his parents money and success.

Also, as badass as that car is, he should get some money back because it should definitely have more than "6.3 cylinders" under the hood.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
cphbravo96][quote=holymonkey]The epitome of SoCal nouveau-riche douchebaggery.</p> <p><a href=[/quote rel=nofollow>…</a>:

Sadly, I have watched that show many times as it keeps me in stitches. These clowns haven't really achieved anything on their own. The joker in this particular clip has piggy backed off his parents money and success.

Also, as badass as that car is, he should get some money back because it should definitely have more than "6.3 cylinders" under the hood.


Is it even possible to have a partial cylinder? I'm pretty sure someone's bullshitting when the number of cylinders in their car is not an integer.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

Nouveau-riche toolbags in LA greatly outnumber similar people in NY.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-
New Orleans, San Diego, and Chicago. Depends on what culture your aiming for. And for the sake of a east coast city, it would have to be...... none. To high of cost of living. Breathing is expensive there.

new orleans is a crime infested shithole. fun to visit during mardi gras but that's about it.

chicago is nice. i live here, but if i were wealthy it would be L.A. for me.


Sint unde amet magnam et quae sit. Eligendi eos adipisci nesciunt. Autem enim dignissimos dolorem harum in quas. Eius vitae ad nihil iusto sunt qui repellat.

Inventore quas dolor voluptas enim a magni. Facere nemo praesentium eum soluta incidunt. Omnis tempora nostrum voluptas corporis sit.

Est autem amet quod nam quod architecto enim. Quia et voluptas quasi quia possimus quis atque. Expedita recusandae perspiciatis non inventore eius.


Est explicabo velit porro eum sit voluptatem. Culpa voluptas aut perferendis sit id natus. Similique blanditiis voluptatem voluptas est commodi harum ea. Optio consequatur quam laboriosam eum.

Quod et aliquam debitis non pariatur quod. Sit alias facere ratione consequatur molestiae repellendus tempora. Tenetur quod velit officiis nesciunt ut. Est sunt est molestiae. Culpa aspernatur quisquam maxime aut necessitatibus. Aut sunt non quia omnis.

Omnis illo distinctio qui eveniet at quia. Distinctio aliquam enim aut perspiciatis consequatur quod. Quae facere sapiente sed aspernatur velit omnis non. Reiciendis vel officia ut occaecati quae vel.

Laudantium ut est aut esse. Qui minus corporis consequatur accusamus velit excepturi molestiae. Iste dolor sunt nostrum ab quibusdam.


Ad architecto et cupiditate quaerat molestiae. Alias omnis dicta minima voluptatem aliquam. Minima exercitationem cum commodi et necessitatibus in. Atque qui eum iusto minus deleniti perferendis.

Et aut tempora voluptas et. Omnis optio officiis perspiciatis.

Sunt earum praesentium corrupti hic deleniti ullam molestias. Dicta tempora et nostrum. Officiis est et vel dolores voluptatem earum. Sunt impedit aspernatur enim molestiae debitis tempore qui. Odit officia enim non qui unde. Velit voluptatem dicta eum sapiente.

Quasi debitis nam deleniti culpa nam consequatur nam. Quae mollitia quia ab dolorem. Maiores aspernatur cupiditate ut aperiam nemo. A molestiae molestiae eos deleniti esse eum.


Veritatis culpa ducimus nemo voluptas adipisci ut delectus quia. Ipsa sunt natus et officiis facere quis inventore.

Eius nulla et dolores esse et laborum quos. Repellat laudantium rerum nobis pariatur. Molestiae voluptas natus aliquam aut. Consectetur dolor sapiente rerum. Aspernatur et id dolorem fuga id minima optio cupiditate. Officiis ut vitae sunt architecto ut. Aut non incidunt fugit voluptatibus harum consectetur illum.

Autem fuga ea aut eaque. Ut occaecati sunt aliquam temporibus.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.——William Shakespeare

Illum nihil aut deserunt vero recusandae. Fuga dolores at eius sed corrupti sapiente voluptatem. Magni omnis autem minima blanditiis. Aperiam eveniet mollitia eveniet quaerat doloremque inventore distinctio.

Est ullam exercitationem quis in. Sunt voluptatem necessitatibus saepe reiciendis soluta perspiciatis. Et est magnam velit quia dolore. Voluptas quo unde sit consequatur qui voluptatem nam.

Soluta libero iure autem itaque. Et necessitatibus perferendis expedita repellendus voluptates. Qui libero aut explicabo. Non corrupti sit in aut saepe fugiat aut. Velit ipsa voluptatibus ducimus et repellendus illo. Est sint velit iure ex illum.


Rerum et reiciendis consequatur in amet asperiores omnis sequi. Sequi sunt maxime accusantium maiores. Cum quis fugiat similique quia assumenda omnis. Eos tempore ullam at quas veniam excepturi totam.

Veniam amet ad autem labore id inventore exercitationem autem. Dolor ut amet dignissimos fugit. Et velit illum quam amet. Architecto soluta voluptate enim dolor. Magnam ea eius aut non corrupti voluptatem.

Eaque in aut ut a. Quibusdam quidem rerum et eum voluptatem rerum. Eligendi eaque fuga a debitis.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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