Where do I go from here? Rate my chances...

Hello all,
Long time lurker around here, but things are coming to a head for me and information is drying up about similar situations to my own.

Here's a brief synopsis of my educational background/choices:
Went to top 5 undergrad, let's just use Stanford, and graduated in 2009. The entire point was to go to law school, since that's what I thought I wanted for a long time. However, the legal market is horrific, and even though I did well on the LSAT I decided against wasting $160k for a 50/50 shot at a decent job.

Spring 2010 I went back to a mid level state school in a NE state and am now finishing up a BS in Applied Math (financial mathematics concentration) and BS in Physics

The whole point of this was to remarket myself (since I missed recruiting in IB on campus) and also fulfill reqs to get a MS in Nuc Engineering if IB doesn't pan out.

Let's just say, for the sake of precise answers, my Stanford GPA was low, around 2.8-2.9 in 2 humanities
Mid level state school GPA after 3 semesters and a summer is going to be a 4.0 (and should remain there until I'm done). I've also been taking anywhere from 22-32 credit hours/semester.

I'm going to start reconnecting through friends I know in IB, and alumni from different years that are well placed in firms.

What are my chances? What should I do besides network like crazy?
I intend to head back to campus for on campus recruiting at my alma mater...

Help me with some experienced insight here :(
Thanks all

so going to MIT errrr Stanford was sort of a waste....

Most undergrad education is a waste, but at least, thanks to generous financial aid, I didn't pay much for it.

Best Response
So you double majored in applied math and physics, took up to 32 hours a semester, and had a perfect 4.0 GPA? Not buying it.

Well last semester was my first 30+ hr semester, however, yes I assure you this is completely accurate.

The 4.0 was relatively easy to maintain actually, the only challenge so far was when I had to do Quantum Mechanics I and PDE this last semester (but luckily it looks like I'll get solid As in both).

As far as the other commenter, because I had 2 degrees, they removed ALL of the general education reqs, and allowed me to transfer my math courses from "Stanford" and, of course, AP credits.

I wish I was joking about this, but this is the situation I'm in.

I will have 2 BSs and 2 BAs next spring. Fall semester is going to be 25 credit hours, but I should be able to sneak by and graduate in 2012 with only 19 credit hours.


perhaps he had a lot of overlapping credits from his previous school and only had to take a few classes here and there to complete the majors...? but then that means we can all take our one degree and turn it into 5! lolz!

perhaps he had a lot of overlapping credits from his previous school and only had to take a few classes here and there to complete the majors...? but then that means we can all take our one degree and turn it into 5! lolz!

What in the world are you doing on this site? >.

perhaps he had a lot of overlapping credits from his previous school and only had to take a few classes here and there to complete the majors...? but then that means we can all take our one degree and turn it into 5! lolz!

What in the world are you doing on this site? >.


I'm trying to get this all straight...You took a humanities major at MIT and then returned to a state school to do the quant work? That is bassackwards. And what is a "mid-level state school in NE?" Do you go to UMASS? At first I thought BU, but isn't that private?

I'm trying to get this all straight...You took a humanities major at MIT and then returned to a state school to do the quant work? That is bassackwards. And what is a "mid-level state school in NE?" Do you go to UMASS? At first I thought BU, but isn't that private?

Well my current state school on the USnews list is a top 50, whatever that means. It's definitely not Umass let's just leave it at that.

And yes I realize this is all backwards. At my UG I briefly considered changing over to engineering, but sadly did not.


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Enim facilis rerum unde odit alias aut natus. Nostrum id ea aut et aut. A nam error ducimus nihil reiciendis nihil sint omnis. Nulla corporis voluptatum voluptate unde deserunt mollitia non. Aut alias dignissimos temporibus eius facilis rerum aut.

Totam aut nam iure dolore. Qui et consequatur explicabo omnis ullam. Est occaecati exercitationem ducimus eligendi. Possimus nesciunt quisquam quis eos cum reprehenderit. Praesentium atque officia possimus facere numquam assumenda soluta.

Quaerat minima quae doloremque voluptates ipsa. Qui possimus doloribus fugiat doloribus.

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