You'll be fine coming from Cornell dude, I've met lots of Cornell kids on the street and from AEM too

The mistake some kids make is that they don't network enough. Meet some people for coffee, shoot out a few emails, and go to info sessions. One of my buddies had a 3.6-3.7 as a liberal arts major at Cornell and got interviews with every single bulge.


stay at your non target. Cornell sucks ass and barely anyone gets good jobs from there.

"Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact.
Will Hunting:
stay at your non target. Cornell sucks ass and barely anyone gets good jobs from there.
that wasn't very nice
Will Hunting:
stay at your non target. Cornell sucks ass and barely anyone gets good jobs from there.
that wasn't very nice

The guy is an obvious troll. look at his part posts...every single one is about cornell. AEM is a top business program. Cornell is a top 15 school in the U.S. it is miles ahead of his shitty non target and I know TONS...literally TONS of people from Cornell who work at hedge funds, top BB and elite boutiques.

People from AEM get interviews at every major bank and even D.E Shaw gives offers to AEM students.

The only programs better are:

HYPS and Wharton. Cornell is a huge target. It is on par with MIT/Brown/Dartmouth better than Duke/UNC/NYU/Virginia/Ross/ and hundreds of others.

"Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact.
Will Hunting:
The guy is an obvious troll. look at his part posts...every single one is about cornell. AEM is a top business program. Cornell is a top 15 school in the U.S. it is miles ahead of his shitty non target and I know TONS...literally TONS of people from Cornell who work at hedge funds, top BB and elite boutiques.

People from AEM get interviews at every major bank and even D.E Shaw gives offers to AEM students.

The only programs better are:

HYPS and Wharton. Cornell is a huge target. It is on par with MIT/Brown/Dartmouth better than Duke/UNC/NYU/Virginia/Ross/ and hundreds of others.


I like most of your posts, but the Cornell-boosting ones are just hilarious.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.
Best Response
Will Hunting:
Will Hunting:
stay at your non target. Cornell sucks ass and barely anyone gets good jobs from there.
that wasn't very nice

The guy is an obvious troll. look at his part posts...every single one is about cornell. AEM is a top business program. Cornell is a top 15 school in the U.S. it is miles ahead of his shitty non target and I know TONS...literally TONS of people from Cornell who work at hedge funds, top BB and elite boutiques.

People from AEM get interviews at every major bank and even D.E Shaw gives offers to AEM students.

The only programs better are:

HYPS and Wharton. Cornell is a huge target. It is on par with MIT/Brown/Dartmouth better than Duke/UNC/NYU/Virginia/Ross/ and hundreds of others.

I agree with this. 3.5+ out of AEM and you have to make a mistake not to get a BB or top elite boutique job and go to PE etc... very strong recruiting.


Yeah but is the GPA-killer worth it? I am interested in graduate school as well, and we all know Cornell is notorious for grade deflation. Cornell is known as the easiest Ivy to get into, but the hardest to graduate from. In this case, would a hypothetical 3.7/3.8 from a non-target be more beneficial than a 3.1 from Cornell AEM?

Even if I am looking into graduate school? How will I get into a decent MBA school or Law School with a 3.1 from Cornell vs a 3.7/3.8 from non-target with scholarship?

Graduate school is a legitimate concern, but MBA programs aren't simply numbers games. The prestige of your school and your employer can make up for a lower GPA.

For law school you could have a problem, as LS is almost exclusively a numbers game. A 4.0 in sociology from a grade inflated school is > a 3.1 in electrical engineering from MIT.


Wharton's the most difficult place to major in business and if you get a 3.1 while trying, you're pretty fucking pathetic. You'll be fine at Cornell. Nothing in undergraduate business programs is all too difficult to grasp.

Also, yes, there is a marked difference in recruiting going from a non-target to a target. Sure, maybe it's not HYP, but you'll have great opportunities.


Cornell and AEM is a target and if you put in the time and effort in the program you will do fine.

Oh and as a side note, I'd like to add people on this are way way way way TOO OBSESSED with PRESTIGE and the idea that COLLEGE IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE CRAP. One of my friend's who went to a non-target is starting at GS and on the other hand I have friends at targets who have NO Job. If YOU are GOOD YOU"RE GOOD NOTHING ELSE Matters...


Cornell AEM is a 100% full target, obviously well below HYPS and Wharton, but pretty much in line with the next best schools such as MIT and dartmouth etc... tons of banking / consulting etc.


Harum hic facilis voluptates qui deleniti dolore optio voluptatum. Ullam modi illo veritatis qui fuga. Atque omnis quasi provident recusandae commodi sit. Qui eveniet perspiciatis ipsa nulla. Voluptatum molestiae mollitia dolore. Praesentium provident optio et blanditiis repellat adipisci aliquid voluptatum.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

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