Email Structure - Structure for a number of firms?

hey guys,

Does anyone know the email structure for any of the following firms (IBD):

  • Moelis
  • Lehman Brothers NY/Toronto
  • Credit Suisse NY/Toronto
  • UBS NY/Toronto

Ie. Is it [email protected]?

Thank you.


May I add another request? What about Citigroup, and especially for local offices (like Milan, Italy)?

Why don't we pour the email structures for all companies, and then I'll make a compilation? May be useful for current and future monkeys...

Damn, that middle initial could be a serious filter at JPM.

i.e. you meet someone casually, get their first and last name, but you can't email them unless you know their middle name? Or will first.last work even if they do have a middle initial?

Nope, the idea is that if you're internal you can look them up on Lotus Notes. The big pain for the JPM crew is that the no middle initial crew (NMI in military parlance) goes by first.x.last on lotus notes, so people are forever sending to from outside emails, not realizing that the internal name structure is different from the external name structure.

There are always exceptions. For people with same first/last names, the other firms sometimes do the middle initial, or even more screwed up variations, like for example.

Damn, that middle initial could be a serious filter at JPM.

i.e. you meet someone casually, get their first and last name, but you can't email them unless you know their middle name? Or will first.last work even if they do have a middle initial?

Nope, the idea is that if you're internal you can look them up on Lotus Notes. The big pain for the JPM crew is that the no middle initial crew (NMI in military parlance) goes by first.x.last on lotus notes, so people are forever sending to from outside emails, not realizing that the internal name structure is different from the external name structure.

There are always exceptions. For people with same first/last names, the other firms sometimes do the middle initial, or even more screwed up variations, like for example.

Yikes, having different internal and external email addresses sounds like a complete nightmare. And think about the exception to the exception: guys with Xavier as a middle name.


Just send a email with [email protected], [email protected].....

takes 1 minute to make up the whole list. I did that many times.

Damn, that middle initial could be a serious filter at JPM.

i.e. you meet someone casually, get their first and last name, but you can't email them unless you know their middle name? Or will first.last work even if they do have a middle initial?


So, as for now, we have the following list:

Goldman Sachs> [email protected] Morgan Stanley> [email protected] Credit Suisse> [email protected] UBS> [email protected] Merrill Lynch> [email protected] Lehman Brothers> [email protected] Deutsche Bank> [email protected] JPMorgan> [email protected] where i stands for initial of the middle name > [email protected] if there is no middle name Citigroup> [email protected] Evercore> [email protected] Macquarie Group> [email protected] Moelis>

I will pester you now for the remaining.

So, what about: -HSBC -Lazard -Greenhill -Dresden Kleinwort -BNP Paribus -Barclays -Royal Bank of Scotland -Fortis -Wachovia -Rotschild -Societe Generale -Perella Weinberg -Cowell -Blackstone M&A -Houlihan Lokey

And so on...?



Goldman Sachs> [email protected] Morgan Stanley> [email protected] Credit Suisse> [email protected] UBS> [email protected] Merrill Lynch> [email protected] Lehman Brothers> [email protected] Deutsche Bank> [email protected] JPMorgan> [email protected] where i stands for initial of the middle name > [email protected] if there is no middle name Citigroup> [email protected] Evercore> [email protected] Macquarie Group> [email protected] Moelis> [email protected] Dresdner Kleinwort> [email protected] Lazard> [email protected] Perella Weinberg> [email protected] Houlihan Lokey>


-HSBC -Greenhill -BNP Paribus -Barclays -Royal Bank of Scotland -Fortis -Wachovia -Rotschild -Societe Generale -Cowell -Blackstone M&A

...others? Keep it coming, even with the boutiques.


Cheers for brisbane!

So, the new list is:

Goldman Sachs> [email protected] Morgan Stanley> [email protected] Credit Suisse> [email protected] UBS> [email protected] Merrill Lynch> [email protected] Lehman Brothers> [email protected] Deutsche Bank> [email protected] JPMorgan> [email protected] where i stands for initial of the middle name > [email protected] if there is no middle name Citigroup> [email protected] Evercore> [email protected] Macquarie Group> [email protected] Moelis> [email protected] Dresdner Kleinwort> [email protected] Lazard> [email protected] Perella Weinberg> [email protected] Houlihan Lokey> [email protected] Greenhill> BNP Paribus(North America): [email protected] (perhaps it goes on with asia, europe (or emea?) SocGen(Canada): [email protected] Blackstone:

Still unknown: -HSBC -Barclays -Royal Bank of Scotland -Fortis -Wachovia -Rotschild -Cowell


Is it safe to assume that higher up at a firm get emails that differ from this structure (i.e., could I send an email to


Clarification on the JPMorgan e-mail addresses. Prior to the JPM/Chase merger, heritage JPMorgan staff had the structure [email protected]. Chase had the middle initial. New employees by default get the [email protected] structure, even if they don't specify a middle name. Of course, some hertiage Chase staff found out and fought to get the first.last structure as well, so there are a few exceptions.

Even with the middle intial, there are duplicates. I know a couple off the top of my head, sometimes the duplicate gets the X initial or if there is a second letter, they place both initials in ([email protected]). Of course, once two initials were allowed to be placed, someone in the London office got the bright idea to make their middle intials "UK" for their e-mail.

One reason for the high number of duplicates is because the internal server doesn't differentiate between different domain names. So first.x.last@jpmorgan goes the the same address as, @jpmchase,, and soon Just think of how many "bankers" (aka tellers) work for Chase and you can see why there are so many duplicates.


I used to work for JPM, the x in designates that the employee doesn't use or doesn't have a middle name on their employee records. So for instance, if John Andrew Doe used his middle name in his employee record, his email structure would be [email protected]. If he didn't use his middle name on his employee record the structure would be [email protected]. I hope this clarifies.


Is the PWP one correct? I mailed two people who are currently listed on the website and both mails bounced. How do you account for middle names?


Also, if anyone has access to JPMorgan's emails, I would like to contact 2 guys but I don't have their middle initial. Is there anyway I can bypass that?

Hey guys. I'm still having problems reaching several people at PWP and BAML. I tried using several different formats including the suggested ones in this thread. Does anyone know what the correct formats are?

BAML is a bitch to get right.

I believe that works, also try [email protected] if they were at ML first.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
Best Response

I know that this isn't a structure, but it is a very useful tool:

Say you want to check the validity of an e-mail address before you sent out a random e-mail--sending a Bcc to the entire alphabet will hit everyone in the list with the same first and last name (see [email protected] structure).

Use this website:

Input "[email protected]", "[email protected]", etc. until you have a list of the valid email addresses for everyone named John Doe at JPMorgan. Typically you'll find that you have maybe 2 or 3 people with similar email addresses. Then you can use your Google skills to see who is who, or send out a Bcc to the valid addresses and hope that the employees don't work next to each other, or that they're kind enough to accept a cold email from someone they've never met without expecting the person to know their middle initial.


Does anyone know the format for Centerview? I didn't find anything in all the previous email threads. Thanks a lot in advance.

serial monkey:
yes reached the Senior Monkey status with this post!

Amateur ;)

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
serial monkey:
yes reached the Senior Monkey status with this post!

Amateur ;)

A little jealous over here. No lie
It's what you put into it

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Assumenda quos asperiores suscipit. Dolorum sed eius molestiae molestiae. Ullam dolorem consequatur ut quos sunt rerum. Quo voluptas itaque ex illum.

Iusto iusto aperiam blanditiis quia eaque reiciendis. Omnis rerum aut architecto dolores aut quasi quam eius. Labore quia vero aut voluptatem. Illo tempora aut autem ducimus fugit fugiat nobis.

Repudiandae dolores molestiae harum optio nesciunt et. Dolores iusto sapiente voluptates tempore. Commodi ut labore corrupti distinctio. Porro nihil inventore enim officia nostrum qui. Vitae et temporibus ab quia dicta voluptatem optio alias.

Et dicta odio nobis aut ut. Odio architecto aut eos nisi veniam. Molestiae harum aliquam sint ut.


Qui et sint provident placeat sit sunt. Labore vel similique molestiae dolorem adipisci. Dolore hic reprehenderit labore quos. Numquam molestiae in fuga.

Temporibus nisi id cumque. Aut perferendis veniam et sed exercitationem doloribus facilis.

Voluptatibus voluptas consectetur labore. Aliquid sit voluptas sunt harum. Aperiam iure unde ex vel facere sit architecto. Qui architecto minima sit qui ab et rerum nam.

Qui ullam non ea et. Sint doloremque aut voluptates dolore. Ipsum dolorem quo consequatur sit ipsam occaecati. Et rem et veritatis vel.

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