No big deal everyone.  We are just making room for all the CS Chads to come join our team in a few months


Those who chose UBS for the summer over other options. Chad risk seeking behavior.


To be fair though, CS hadn't gone bust when we signed offers.

Would you advise taking an MM summer offer & reneging UBS (bcos of conversion rates), or take the UBS offer & hope I'll get lucky with conversion?


My risk averse self would take the MM. If you don't convert the FT recruiting environment does not look good right now. MM IB experience >>>>> nothing. 


Did any seniors get let go? Wonder if this is the prep before CS integration


Sorry everyone. How were cuts distributed seniority wise?

This is a *brutal* hiring market relative to the last few years, but perhaps there's less of a stigma attached to being laid off in this environment? Imagine how much harder it would've been to explain getting canned in 2021, when firms were just grabbing random people off the street basically. Good luck all.


Lmao I think front office CS will be affected severely too, if UBS is cutting up to 50% of people now, it’s going to be way worse for CS


What's the reason for the lay offs? I thought all the lay offs were going to be on the CS side, not a cull on the UBS side.


CS has quality people UBS intends to keep. So appears UBS is laying off their own to make room for the incoming talent. Additionally, if this merger never happened, I’m sure UBS would’ve still done layoffs but less severe


Heard 2-3 in HC, 2-3 in TMT, 4-5 GIG, 1 RE, a bunch in certain regions of m&a, and none / very little in ECM, LevFin.

Overall at least on the IB side seemed like generally mid-level (associate / vp / director) underperformer layoffs.

This had definitely been in the works before the CS deal so there could be more to come for sure…

Not sure about some of the posts in this thread that said this was william blair-like reductions. Seemed like a pretty light trim


What happened to banks protecting analysts from layoffs due to bad press. Do banks just not care anymore?


Yes but in a few years when deals pick up again, why would you choose to work for a bank who cut 50% of groups headcount in a down market?


Any insight into the P&U team in Houston? 

They have a P&U team in houston? Nobody in houston was aware

expect them to be chopped 


Out of curiosity I wonder what the full-time offer rate will be? My hypothesis is that the bar will be higher and they will have an extremely low full-time offer rate.


Could it have something to do with the merger or just downsizing?Asking cos I've heard CS IB advisory is very strong in Singapore


I believe your recruiter is speaking about the cuts within the CS team post merger (or acquisition by UBS) and not the current cuts. 
UBS IBD SG does not have a single loan or LevFin banker (let alone, teams). This alone naturally highlights the point on why they will cut loan / LevFin bankers (i.e. not a product that UBS IBD covers in this region).


Heard they resigned? Either way, no difference in effect. How many were there? Anyone else from the M&A team?


I started just after the GFC. Some new hires got their offer rescinded before they started and new hires who actually joined the bank also started getting fired after about 3 months.

Everyone ended up doing ok and finding their own thing, it just slowed them up a bit.

Best way to approach it is to be realistic about finance going into it. The pay is good but there are also going to be times when you lose your job. Network a lot, show genuine interest and you will be ok.


UBS TMT deserves an entire group layoff as they literally have been useless in ib for 3 years. The only thing they do is pitching and that doesn't bring in shit


UBS TMT deserves an entire group layoff as they literally have been useless in ib for 3 years. The only thing they do is pitching and that doesn't bring in shit


Explicabo quis vel quidem dolores in saepe ipsum. Sequi quia nihil sed consequuntur dolor dignissimos ipsa. Ut quia omnis nisi totam eos voluptates dolorem. Voluptatem aut voluptatem velit deleniti.


Sapiente ea id qui explicabo sed. Sapiente fugit eius blanditiis voluptatibus consectetur. Sunt eius officiis vel. Ut occaecati doloremque repellat soluta amet illo. Quia consequatur sit iure. Adipisci expedita et ipsum dolores aut voluptas.

Qui odit qui debitis non ea consequuntur qui. Fuga repellendus et eum sed rerum. Non maxime repellat ut repellendus quo aliquam. Adipisci rerum est fugit voluptatem dolore. Cupiditate nemo id et doloremque dolore maxime. Eligendi accusantium unde excepturi et provident cupiditate. Temporibus accusantium voluptas voluptatem.

Et est asperiores minima earum quasi ut laudantium. Nemo et autem ut alias. Temporibus sapiente possimus nobis possimus maxime dolorum dolorem. Accusantium mollitia eum ad libero est. Enim consequatur maiores iure atque id nihil eligendi.

Cupiditate dicta consectetur nam voluptates beatae commodi asperiores qui. Maxime a maxime inventore. Similique est omnis velit voluptas eum impedit. In excepturi perferendis aliquid explicabo maxime et.


Atque ad reprehenderit dolorum nihil maiores ea. Ut autem magnam corrupti repellendus sunt sed. Placeat autem esse dolorum repellendus. Quos quis voluptate est pariatur et molestiae veritatis voluptas. Nostrum libero dolore fugiat in. Rerum quia voluptates consequatur saepe fugit voluptas molestiae.

Est non voluptatem aut molestiae vero. Enim repudiandae soluta ratione alias in corporis.

Dolorum aliquid debitis possimus et nemo odio qui. Voluptates quidem dolore quidem ducimus tempora nemo libero. Est explicabo nemo at autem exercitationem.

Sunt perferendis laborum maxime sit molestiae non. Ab ipsa repellat qui natus. Dolorem dolorem dolorem odio. Aut ipsam vero repellendus itaque. Delectus omnis illo dignissimos aperiam dicta.


Ut dolor est et est aperiam accusamus veniam. Blanditiis minima velit quo sint eos aliquam eveniet vel. Autem vero enim ipsam.

Enim omnis nesciunt tempora nemo dolorum eum incidunt. Animi corporis sed ut. Aut animi odio delectus labore alias.

Est tempora sed distinctio voluptas non deserunt. Unde placeat aut magnam ullam voluptatem ut fugit. Itaque facilis hic alias accusantium. Et ab aut quia. Totam consequatur facilis aut est ducimus aperiam.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Quis qui possimus autem omnis assumenda. Quia rem incidunt placeat autem tempora ipsum. Qui sed autem excepturi deleniti provident ut commodi.

Alias eius consequuntur odit natus nostrum laboriosam quam. Fuga vel dolores est. Et incidunt molestiae ducimus nostrum qui odit. Suscipit maxime quam ipsam consequatur quia sint assumenda non.

Adipisci ut illo perspiciatis reprehenderit quos doloribus quaerat rerum. Non perferendis consequuntur quis consequatur itaque in.


Sed consequuntur quisquam ad possimus. Adipisci vel sunt non rerum laborum. Et sunt autem eos. Dolor dignissimos est voluptas dolore molestiae quis officia. Est eos voluptas deserunt magnam sit et culpa facere.

Id maiores sit atque magnam recusandae molestiae sed. Neque et eaque autem consequatur minus reprehenderit consectetur. Alias amet voluptatem voluptates assumenda harum dolor. Impedit quidem aliquam nesciunt debitis. Facere molestias vel qui velit labore.

Id perferendis qui tempore aperiam sint. Natus dolorem suscipit sed iusto. Quo eum totam ipsa sit. Non sit quae magnam.

Ipsam nam eligendi omnis eos corporis est ex. Et molestias aliquid ab.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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