Thoughts on Global Platinum Securities?

Hey guys, 

I have recently learned about Global Platinum Securities and I was today browsing its website. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with them and if having their name on the CV helps you with recruiting. The people on board are beasts, they seem to basically only send people to very top groups (basically each person on board is going to one of PJT RSSG/EVR M&A/HL RX). Is this group really known among professionals as well, or the people who become board are just very good and do very good in recruiting as well?

Thank you!


I think I may have a few friends from college who may have done it but I’m not too sure. If it’s the people I’m thinking of, I think one may be at a HF and the others may be in PE. I think they were women from what I am recalling and maybe even went straight to buyside and/or did a year of IB. Not sure how much this org was a factor but I think they may have done it during college. I may be wrong though but thought this post may help you…


Could you elaborate on the alumni network? Do they really vouch for even candidates from other schools if in GPS?


It doesn't help your resume at all, but it's a great learning experience and networking opportunity. From certain schools it's very difficult to join, so the strong placements are more a reflection of the people that join rather than something caused by being in the club.


Looks like people actually take PJT RSSG/EVR M&A/HL RX over GS/MS.. but why?

I won't buy group-placement risk excuse, these guys are those who would most likely be getting GS TMT and MS M&A...


pay, exits (per capita), culture, interest (BB's don't have the same rx practices), process timing


As someone who took EVR M&A over GS and MS, it was a no brainer imo. The exits are the same as GS TMT with more pay. Before pay increases GS was about 130-145 and EVR was between 195-215. If things continue as they did this past bonus cycle. Evercore analysts will be at 250 including signing bonus (120 base 110-120 bonus 25k signing)


Agree, it is very very rare for people to take anything over PJT/HL/EVR RX. Not sure why people in GPS are not represented at EVR RX but it is an awesome group as well

[Comment removed by mod team]

GPS is the premier UG multi-school club. It has an unbelievable education program, extremely active alumni network, and has a very rigorous recruitment process. Every kid I know who has been involved has been super smart and had their pick out internships/jobs. 


Heard placements from an upperclassman in GPS + checked LinkedIn. Out of a 15 member board: 4 PJT RX, 2 HL RX, 2 Warburg Pincus PE, 1 Blackstone PE, 1 EVR M&A. Can't find the other 5 bc they haven't posted their offers on LinkedIn. 


Do you know what do these kids eat? Thinking of copying their diet...

Most Helpful

Wow the US and UK are really different nowadays. I don't think a top student in London would take anything above GS/MS while here there is no person going to top BB over top EB RX


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Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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