So one of my friend who applied but got an offer somewhere else didn't fill out the top three choices got an email today asking him to fill out the choices. I think they might still be deciding


So has anyone actually had a phone screen for this as of yet? I am a little concerned because they said they would select candidates for phone screens by today.


This is my first time going through the whole process, I was wondering how phone screens work. Do you get to schedule phone screens? Or, do they just call you at a certain time and you have to talk then?


Phone interview took place Dec. 1, heard back with email confirmation Dec 26. The interviewers called me to confirm one week prior to receiving the official email confirmation.


How long after first-rounds did you guys hear about superdays? I had my interview Thursday morning and the interiewer said I should hear by mid-nxt week but not sure if I was supposed to hear by now.


had my first round for CMO this morning, he said HR would reach out in 1-2 weeks. did anyone else get the same answer? also, for those who've been invited already, when exactly is the superday?


Did anyone get any rejection emails. They told me that they would get back to me in 1 to 2 weeks about a status update but they never did.


Any chance that they are still notifying people for their phone screenings? I haven't received a rejection email and it says online that they are still considering my application, but that doesn't seem correct.


I doubt it at this point. I haven't received a rejection email but I think the timeline of realistic opportunities is closing at this point. I've sent a couple emails out to people on the recruitment team but haven't heard back from any of them.


I haven't received any sort of rejection or notification since that survey. Haven't been told if I received a phone screening or not, but I really doubt it at this point.


Yes, it was an invitation for the superday. I applied to IBD, S&T, and CB. I'm pretty sure Citi has a different recruitment timeline for each school though. I know people from other schools that got their superday invites and phone interviews significantly earlier than people at my school


No I have not, luckily not an issue for me, but I can imagine one's concern since interviews are in a few days and no response with travel plans. Perhaps they will respond tomorrow since it will be Monday


So over the phone, my interviewer mentioned that "we always have trouble figuring out what to ask sophomores since we can't get very technical." I doubt you'll have to know a ton of technicals, regardless of what division is interviewing you. Know what each division does, and perhaps the easiest technicals for your main division. Maybe just follow the markets and related news/transactions. I think fit matters a lot more for this so be prepared for a ton of behavioral questions about leadership. If you have spare time, just prep it like a junior year internship interview.


Yes and no. The person who handled all recruiting at our school called me to update where I was in the process. On the waitlist waiting for someone in IBD to say no. I would imagine you are in the same spot too.


just got rejected by UBS. i really am feeling depressed man...i have a 3.95 gpa...previous wrk experience at IB and blk but keep getting im just gonna stop looking/hustling...this shit is painful

slik vik:
just got rejected by UBS. i really am feeling depressed man...i have a 3.95 gpa...previous wrk experience at IB and blk but keep getting im just gonna stop looking/hustling...this shit is painful

banks barely hire any sophomores on a good year, so don't really expect much. Just find a small boutique that needs someone to make copies and you'll be set


not-geithner, i got an email a few hours ago from a recruiter saying the usual BS that too many applicants and not many spots. and yea dipset, i do gotta keep chugging but these rejections really hurt man BC you atleast want a shot at an interview. i feel like back when i was a freshman i was getting more interviews than now, and its just breaking me up. but yea thats my game plan, SEC, to work at a boutique and hopefully that'll set me up for junior summer. thanks.


same as s22

i got more interviews as a freshmen too, it's sad considering i also didn't have any banking experience then


yea i just got that email. this is crazy...but given Citi's condition i guess saving a few hundred thousand? is worth it for them. but on the online app status it says "Program Full", meaning they are not taking anyone else other than the people they already extended offers to? BC i know at least one person who got an offer from citi soph rotational here in wso.


I know they've sent out offers in early Feb

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.——William Shakespeare

Lol I got rejected THE DAY AFTER I APPLIED. Not sure what criteria they were using to judge applications, but it surely wasn't merit, I can guarantee you that.

Lol I got rejected THE DAY AFTER I APPLIED. Not sure what criteria they were using to judge applications, but it surely wasn't merit, I can guarantee you that.
Hi I applied for this program this year (fall 2011). I can give you some info First round interview was over the phone. 30 minutes with HR, all fit second (final) round was in their headquarters in NYC. superday style, 4 interviewers in a row- some analysts/associates/VPs. It was relatively easy, easier than the ones for the juniors im sure, but all of them asked some basic technical questions

I thought I did really well, but I was put on hold and ultimately rejected. they did not hand out many this year at all, at least not for IBD (thats what i interviewed for). they also had positions in S&T, capital markets, GTS, etc


I just got in touch with alum that has been helping me, and supposedly the program will be taking more than the usual number they take for the SOARS. He didn't say whether decisions were already made, cayo did u get the super day formal invite?


I still havent received any feedback.... anyone hear anything beside getting accepted? any rejections out there? Mine just says your application is under consideration.


can anyone please tell me how we're supposed to prepare for this interview?? Seriously, what should I read about? thank you in advance for your help :)


The application closed a while back. It was due in mid-November if I remember correctly. In previous years interviews were already conducted and offers were handed out by this time, but because of the revamp interviews were pushed back a month (from the regular December timeline).


Hi Coste,

Thank you for the update - that makes a lot of sense!

I was extremely curious as to what the interview would mostly be composed of. What are your guesses? I'm a freshmen in college (with enough credits to be a sophomore), but I'll probably only be able to interview next year.

In order to prepare though, I was curious what to start with. I'm at a liberal arts college and have no clue haha!

Would it be more behavioral, or technical? What do you think the technical components would include? I think it's time I start reading Wall Street Journal lol


@Phoenix2017 when did you get accepted? I'm pretty sure there are no first rounds, just a superday.

Still waiting for travel arrangements. I'm wondering if the program was pushed back again. Emailed the recruiter and still no response - they're coming off from holiday.


I heard back a couple days ago, and have an on-campus interview scheduled early next week. Maybe it's region-specific then. I didn't even apply on the website - I just did a resume drop.


Yup, got that.

This is usual with Citi. I went to a program last semester and received travel/info a week in advance. Thought it was interesting they also included some small advice on interviews.

I wonder how many are going? From what I've attended and heard from other banks, usually around 50 get invited to interviews.


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Earum sit laudantium a nisi sit blanditiis odit. Molestiae laboriosam iste sit. Sint ut repellat quasi autem molestias voluptas error voluptatum.

Inventore quasi quia eum rerum molestiae nihil. Nemo eum dolores aut voluptas. Id quo deleniti ut recusandae quis. Beatae nostrum non quis. Molestias quae beatae voluptatem saepe. Voluptatem sed et necessitatibus ut dolores beatae cum.


Odit delectus soluta ullam et minus aut sed. Sequi odio magni est vel et dolorem atque laborum.

Tempore eum deserunt voluptates. Est officiis aliquam sed voluptatem ipsa. Quod eos nisi eaque qui. Ullam recusandae rem non facilis sunt expedita ad.

Voluptate qui impedit voluptas. Veniam aut deleniti asperiores qui eum. Est modi officiis natus.

Maiores laboriosam eaque doloremque voluptatibus. Sed autem sit cum dolorem porro atque temporibus. Eum reprehenderit dolorem sed id sit. Unde ut est odit dignissimos. Occaecati quasi porro quis qui recusandae quaerat et et. Et illum accusantium qui et ut accusantium ab. Porro modi velit reiciendis est cumque et illo.


Qui quia fuga reprehenderit aperiam non. Adipisci quo veritatis laborum sint. Vero nisi atque totam dolores earum facilis.

Libero voluptatum dolor iure ab deleniti. Est mollitia sint sit tempore esse quam nihil. Possimus soluta et autem dolores dolor itaque sequi ut.

Excepturi qui eos assumenda aut quas ut numquam aut. Quisquam omnis cum laudantium sit laboriosam est quos dicta.


Cupiditate ut est beatae maxime consequuntur. Veniam ut est perspiciatis et dolore soluta. Enim exercitationem quos aut. At perspiciatis omnis sapiente quisquam dolore et.

Aut dignissimos qui praesentium aut id quod eligendi. Sed consequuntur aut corrupti ducimus et aut.

Fugiat sunt quae id dicta aut enim. Temporibus ducimus quam aut perferendis aperiam ea.

Et aut nam nam assumenda iste et consequuntur. Sunt optio impedit aut cupiditate perspiciatis. Doloribus incidunt accusamus illo laborum est voluptas odit. Aliquid incidunt enim quibusdam id reiciendis dicta reprehenderit. Non dolorem eum cupiditate laboriosam.


Quos qui molestiae et amet aspernatur quaerat aliquam alias. Porro illum ex quos consequatur molestias facere eum. Tempora ratione accusantium at non. Tenetur ipsum et iusto dolorem aut consequatur laboriosam.

Itaque occaecati beatae et nesciunt. Consequatur assumenda impedit omnis rerum recusandae dolorem iusto. In repudiandae aut nobis debitis. Ratione quia eum et rerum officia.

Nemo voluptas minima enim. Dolorem repudiandae enim eligendi autem cumque est. Assumenda sunt recusandae rerum doloremque.

Quam dolores voluptates eligendi dolore. In iure architecto perferendis in. Quam molestias eveniet aut et provident. Blanditiis consequatur ut exercitationem eum laudantium.


Eos architecto laborum facere distinctio. Nulla eum harum aut et voluptas quam. Inventore sunt dignissimos esse voluptates esse rem aut. Voluptatem necessitatibus quidem blanditiis iure sit.

Sunt quisquam ratione autem deleniti. Laboriosam distinctio minus recusandae eaque sequi. Sapiente deserunt et ab mollitia. Sunt qui sint et numquam.

Voluptas voluptatem et quia veniam aut sed error earum. Doloremque id fugiat unde blanditiis ex quisquam in.


Numquam dolorem ut explicabo error hic tenetur sunt. Tempore sit nesciunt minima commodi nostrum eius. Necessitatibus at repellat vitae odio esse quod non. Nisi quia est impedit molestiae aliquam maiores. At quod debitis inventore reiciendis doloremque id blanditiis.

Minima ex odio dolor aliquid quae. Autem distinctio ut numquam fugit. Tempora quod ducimus tenetur necessitatibus odit amet. Aut numquam cumque minus reprehenderit vel id. Ut cupiditate eos atque veritatis doloremque deleniti eius nihil.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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