SF Tech Banking Updated Ranking 2024

My thoughts, lmk what you guys think and why. Also any firms you see particularly rising to success in the coming 2 years (I think UBS and Guggenheim are promising imo).

Tech IB rankings (SF in order):

Tier 1: Q, MS Menlo, GS TMT (alot of core team left for Q and Evercore), JPM 
Tier 2: Evercore, Lazard (the Dolins show), Moelis (Could be top of tier 2.5 but see everywhere with new build out, Auerbachs a real guy)
Tier 2.5: CVP, William Blair, BofA, Jefferies (picked up Ron Eliasek), Citi, Tidal*
Tier 3: LionTree, Raine, UBS (Basically now Barclays ex Freeland)
Tier 3.5: RothschildGuggenheim (More ERP deals recently), FTP, PWP , Barclays, RBC
Tier 4:  PJTGreenhillDB, Piper/DBO, Harris Williams
Tier 4.5: Union Square Advisors, Oppenheimer, Lincoln Intl, Enfluence Partners, Cantor, Houlihan (Order is Irrelevant Here)

Where would you place ? : 

  • Lincoln Intl

  • Union Square Advisors 

  • Enfluence Partners 

Credit : turbo578


Speaking from an ECM perspective, Barclays has been underperforming in the last few years. You will often see them in joint / passive bookrunner roles , alongside the likes of global balance sheet banks and strong tech middle markets.

Keep in mind, ECM positioning is particularly relevant when looking at the strength of healthcare and technology coverage teams.


What about all the discussion with the top MDs leaving (to UBS I think) ? And people saying Barclays is a mess on both coasts. 

A note from 4mo ago said 3 Semiconductor MDs left. They've retained their Software/Internet guys but what deal flow are they having?

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Tech IB rankings (SF in order):
Tier 1: Q, MS Menlo, GS TMT (alot of core team left for Q and Evercore)
Tier 2: Evercore, JPMLazard (the Dolins show), Moelis (Could be top of tier 2.5 but see everywhere with new build out, Auerbachs a real guy)
Tier 2.5: CVP, William Blair, BofA, Jefferies (picked up Ron Eliasek), Citi,
Tier 3: LionTree, Raine, UBS (Basicaly now Barclays ex Freeland), Tidal 
Tier 3.5: Barclays, RothschildPWP , Guggenheim, FTP
Tier 4:  PJTGreenhillDB, Piper/DBO, Harris Williams

Tier 4.5: Oppenheimer, Cantor, Houlihan, 


What is MS Menlo Park good at? Curious because I'm aware of a few post MBA tech founders who did their summer internships or pre-MBA IB stint there.


I’m looking at this from a sell side m&a perspective with a bias towards software as that’s where I work and have spent last 8 years of my career. Blair out competes Citi and BoA in this area. Chris lane is a solid banker and they have robust sponsor market share. The big deals that boa or Citi get on, they aren’t leading and are just getting a tip for financing. Really don’t see houlihan SF anywhere but could be wrong as I don’t compete in that area of the market that often


Agree with this. BoA lost some team-members to CVP (who are also struggling incidentally).

  • I can see Moelis constantly trying to pick up the "mid-market" share that EVR really thrives on (particularly sponsor focused), particularly after the SVB swoop and Jason has strong credentials here
  • I would rate Tidal with an astrix in Tier 2.5 (they can arguably pick it up after Cisco deal but then Handler had been a Cisco man since CVP days - so curious to see if they can build anything out beyond that)
  • I don't see HL being that active ever (either on deals or in recruitment)
  • GUGG just hired a MD out of GS to head software- but is still too niche (they have also been trying to recruit the whole of last year)
  • PWP is not what its ever made out to be here (Tier 4 probably based on alumni feedback in SF )
  • PJT is building out a team in software, and would be curious to see how that pans out

To your question on Barclays being successful. Freeland is a great security banker but they have struggled to build a team around him. The truth is that any bulge bracket bank will be decent in the future as it’s probably one of the most stable MD positions in banking if you are looking to make 1-2m a year with a bit of upside. These banks have huge financing relationships that basically provide them some level of m&a fees but outside of GS and MS and a couple of JPM guys the real M&A bankers don’t stay at these shops cause the tax is too high if you are a real producer.  


Non-existent. The MDs they had are there no longer (Kratus runs KeyBank, Lee at Deutsche, Talwalker at BofA etc. etc.)

BMO in SF is the Christopher Marlowe, FSG show


Citi definitely made a few strong hires over the past year for their software group and has picked up some major sell-side mandates, but have heard they're extremely understaffed at the analyst level with basically a 1:1 MD to analyst ratio. Their broader TMT team is verticalized down to the analyst level (software, internet, semiconductor, IT services, fintech, comms), so would imagine the software analysts getting some great deal reps but horrible WLB if they maintain this team structure.

Nonetheless, their software group is much stronger than the other sub-groups like internet, semiconductors, or IT services so should try your best to place into the software group if you're a new analyst there. Will get you much better deal experience and PE exits, but expect to get absolutely crushed in terms of workload assuming they maintain the same MD to analyst ratio. 


Have a friend in the tech group and heard much of the same about Citi's software team. They've grown their presence significantly in software M&A over the past years especially after poaching some rainmakers from JPM/CS/BAML, but can't say the same about their semiconductor or internet teams.

Citi's IBD as a whole has shifted their focus from traditional, asset-heavy industries like industrials and P&U towards growth sectors like software. They now have ~10 MDs in the software group, whereas the other TMT teams like semiconductors or IT services have only 1 MD. Don't think they even have 10 analysts on the software team so agreed that they're very much understaffed at the analyst level, but the software analysts are definitely getting great deal experience. Yet again, very different story for their tech teams outside of software. 

If you're an incoming SA / FT looking at their tech team, would note that your experience and exit options will be extremely group-dependent based on which sub-group (software, internet, semis, IT services, fintech, etc.) you'll verticalize into. Their software group is by far the best in terms of deal-flow and exits, as 90% of Citi tech's M&A deal flow comes from their software group. WLB is horrible at the analyst level for software just given the lean deal team structures, but they've sent analysts into top buyout shops like Silver Lake, Thoma Bravo, Elliott Management PE, Hg Capital, TA Associates, and Permira, as well as value-oriented PE funds like STG, HIG, and Platinum Equity. The internet group, in contrast, does almost no M&A and is more focused on ECM, with much better WLB if that's what you're looking for. The semiconductor and IT services teams have only 1 MD and don't seem to be the group's focus. Don't know how the verticalization process works but would try your best to place into the software group if you can.


Definitely. But i think the goal of these rankings would be to provide a perspective the prospects looking for the best company overall when considering :

Comp, exit opps, and deal flow within tech.

Each bank has their own unique set of pros and cons for sure though


CVP should be around tier 3 or 3.5 since they seem to be struggling since the shakeup with seniors to Tidal. But even with those seniors I wouldn't compare Tidal to LT or Raine given how new they are. Would move LT to 2nd tier if basing on the other TMT banks. PJT could be moved up to 3.5 if the software group works out


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Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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