Pointless networking at JPM?

Applied for a lateral analyst position at JP Morgan and have heard on here that the bank is a non-networking bank. Does this mean they’re instructed not to reply to people who reach out? Or whomever I network with has no power to move my app up? Will it hurt me to reach out?

Any clarification is greatly appreciate. Thank you


Based on previous WSO threads, here are some insights regarding networking at JP Morgan:

  1. Non-Networking Bank: While some users have mentioned that JP Morgan is considered a "non-networking bank," this doesn't necessarily mean that employees are instructed not to reply to networking attempts. It might indicate that networking alone may not significantly influence the hiring process compared to other banks.

  2. Power to Influence Applications: Networking with individuals at JP Morgan might not directly move your application up the ladder. However, it can still be beneficial to build relationships and gain insights into the company culture and expectations.

  3. Potential Risks: Reaching out to network is unlikely to hurt your chances. As long as you approach it professionally and respectfully, networking can still provide value, even if it doesn't directly impact your application status.

  4. General Networking Advice:

    • LinkedIn: Engage with potential contacts by liking their posts and making positive comments. This can help you establish a connection without being too forward.
    • Warm Contacts: If someone can refer you or assist in making a connection, it can be more effective.
    • Persistence: Even if initial attempts don't yield results, keep trying. Networking is about building long-term relationships.

In summary, while networking at JP Morgan might not have the same impact as at other banks, it is still a valuable practice that can provide insights and potentially open doors in the future.

Sources: Is this a crazy idea to help land a job?, Want to get me on the phone? Here's how - a networking overview., Networking 101 – 8 tips from a “non-target” school student, Don't Throw Away Your Shot - Networking with Senior Professionals as an MBA, Networking Pet Peeves

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no it’s definitely worth it for full time laterals. The no-networking thing only applies to intern spots


I've noticed networking helps if you reach out to someone more senior like VP+


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Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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