Major GPA vs Cumulative GPA Question

Why is it that people think its a good idea to put their major gpa on their resume when the majority of the time it is higher than the cumulative. If you major in finance or economics and your major gpa is 3.8, but your cumulative gpa is 3.65, doesn't it make you look even worse because it probably means you didn't do as well in classes that don't relate to your major. It's like saying hey, in my hard classes i do well, but when i take my general education classes like history or geology, I don't do so hot. And if you are taking harder classes than what your major requires, then that also proves my point. Can anyone explain so I can understand?

Best Response

>it probably means you didn't do as well in classes that don't relate to your major.

Why would a company ever neg you for that? I mean, IB is far from a "general case" but in general, companies want to see that you're proficient in the material that is actually relevant to the work that they do. Showing a greater proficiency in major specific classes shows that you understand the important material that they actually need you to understand. This also makes sense, as most people probably put more effort into their major specific classes (otherwise why would they even be in that major?)

>hey, in my hard classes i do well, but when i take my general education classes like history or geology, I don't do so hot.

Major classes only include program specific classes. For example, I am in Petroleum Engineering so any non-Petroleum Engineering classes are non major classes. Statics (C- class average), Thermodynamics, all the Chemistry courses I needed to take (my worst subject), my absurdly difficult Differential Equations class, along with others are all outside of my major. Now I've done relatively alright so far and I don't personally list a major GPA, but non-major classes are not necessarily "easy." They're only easy if you take a major with an easy flowchart and take easy electives, and I don't know why you think that would look better to employers.

>And if you are taking harder classes than what your major requires, then that also proves my point.

See the last point


For most people on this site who do that it's because they take other "harder" courses (I put the quotes around harder because it depends on the person). For me it's the same. Much of my first 2 semesters were composed of engineering lower divs which really brought my GPA down. Now why would it make sense for a bank to ding me on my knowledge of C++ when they should instead evaluate my proficiency in financial accounting or econ. It doesn't so instead I list my major GPA and my overall GPA.

Most people who want to major in STEM while also majoring in finance or business don't want their STEM GPA to be their downfall so listing the major GPA really makes it easier to tell the difference.

In my case 3.6 overall and 4.0 major...pretty significant difference.


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I would put it as "Business GPA."

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