Major GPA instead of Cumulative GPA background check

I have accepted an offer from a BB for this coming summer and on my resume I have listed my major gpa but only have mentioned it as GPA.( I know it’s stupid but I did this because and associate who was my mentor told me that i should do it and will be fine and I genuinely didn’t know it will be an issue) My major GPA is 3.8 and my overall is 3.4. Is this going to raise red flags for HR to rescind my SA offer or can I explain that it was a genuine mistake that I didn’t know I had to clarify the GPA? I would appreciate some thoughts since it is really stressing me out.


You’re truly an idiot. You know that putting your major gpa as “GPA” on your resume was deceitful and now you’re going to get fucked for it during a background check the minute they ask for your transcript and it says a 3.4.

Someone in my class did the same last year for SA and got his offer rescinded, that’s why they tell you not to do shit like lie on your resume. Should’ve put “major GPA” would’ve saved you all this trouble.


Do you recommend reaching out to HR and mention its my major gpa and send an updated version with major listed or that will make things worse?


Seconded, I know of someone who did some stupid shit like this before making it all the way to a super day at JPM. HR or whomever somehow found out about it and actually canceled his interview midway through. OP and to anyone else - put both 3.4 cumulative GPA and 3.8 major GPA. 3.4 isn't even that bad tbh


I guess you gotta be hunting for backups because it's very unlikely, I repeat unlikely, that BB won't rescind.

It is a lie, very unprofessional. Unless HR has amnesia or sth or you're a chick and HR is a guy and banging you, otherwise I don't see how you can maneuver from this situation and still safeguard your offer. 

I know kids often do stupid shit but here's the thing, HR at big corp loves to fuck you up. Oh boy they love it, especially if you give them reason to. 

If you're junior, gear for a boutique stint and try FT recruiting next year. Or if your recruiting at other BB/MM are still live, then go for it and don't make this fucking stupid mistake. Please don't tell me you used that same resume with 3.8 GPA to apply for every bank on resume drop / online application. 

If you're sophomore, then you can still do SA next year. 


Would it help at all if I reach out to HR with an updated resume before the background check or will that make things worse?


Feel like people lie about their GPA often on their resume. Do firms always rescind offers after discovering a discrepancy even if it is minor (.1/.2 off)

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You will be fine, but I’d recommend not doing in the future. When HR asks for transcripts, you’ll give it and if they ask to explain, you’ll say you messed up and put your major gpa vs overall. Other people who posted are most likely trolls, and unless this is for a FT roll, you’ll be fine. Someone two years ago in my group had his gpa tank to a 3.4 from a 3.9 and he was fine, so you’ll be fine as well


OP here. Lost the offer and now work as an unpaid FT intern at a regional boutique.


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