Is this boutique firm a scam/not legit?

i can't find any info about them from a google search? No deals listed on their page?

Also interesting: they have the same type of firm with a lot of the same people under the name

What do i do to figure this out/can someone please help me out?


Firm is at parity with GS and MS. They make it their business to keep their dealings private.

Ok. When researching their LLC Filing it shows inactive/formed in WY. Do you think the posters above me were reffering to it being legit or me being stupid for not realIzing its BS?

Legit serious here lmao.


OP -- Have you recently been stabbed in the head with a screwdriver?

Also, legit serious here.

Legit serious, did you ever have an assistant rail a line off your wrinkly cock?

Why can't someone give me an answer. I'm not involved with finance. I have no fucking idea. How clear do i have to make it? Im just asking for help.

Best Response

I doubt anyone's heard of them tbh. I never have and I used to live in Miami and know, or at least know of, most of the legit players (and came across a lot of not legit ones) in South Florida up through Boca. Lots of shady shit goes on down there. Their websites look odd, especially that second link (I'd say bad 1997 website design). And the language is generic BS (although I only skimmed it). It also says one of their strategies is a $100MM minimum. I highly doubt that.

Not saying they're a scam but it looks odd. Google their top employees. I'd bet you'll find some weird shit about them.


I doubt anyone's heard of them tbh. I never have and I used to live in Miami and know, or at least know of, most of the legit players (and came across a lot of not legit ones) in South Florida up through Boca. Lots of shady shit goes on down there. Their websites look odd, especially that second link (I'd say bad 1997 website design). And the language is generic BS (although I only skimmed it). It also says one of their strategies is a $100MM minimum. I highly doubt that.

Not saying they're a scam but it looks odd. Google their top employees. I'd bet you'll find some weird shit about them.

The Chairman and General Counsel Greg lustig was a former NFL agent. He has since been involved in a number of consulting/banking things, although they are all boutique/never heard of them.


If they aren't FINRA, run away...that is always the first sniff test.

Also, a quick google search revealed this:

AJ Faigin left Lustig Pro Sports in 1987 but was nonetheless later drawn into a lawsuit against the firm and its founder Greg Lustig over investment decisions and tax shelters recommended by Lustig. Faigin was voluntarily dismissed, but sought monetary sanctions. The Federal Judge held AJ Faigin the victim of “a frivolous suit” awarding $13,000 in Sanctions from Kelly and his attorney for joining him in the first instance, and having knowledge that he was not involved with client investments

Sports agents don't just leave to become investment bankers...that is trending the wrong direction.


Also, this: " having executed 300+ deals worth more than $6 billion"

That's a lot of singles and doubles...not exactly big shot territory, plus he's mixing M&A and sports agents deals, which isn't exactly right. I could have claimed $6B in deals closed as a second year analyst.


Macrotrend is a total scam. They claim a readiness to fund with $1B HSBC backing. Sounds great but document has been forged. Search "mlm aladincoin" and you will see it there. Aladincoin is a ethereum based cryptocurrency issued bt Aladin Capital llc which is a subsidiary of MacroTrend Capital. Similar team members. Stay away from Greg Lustig and Kevin Gluckstal.


They are a fraud. They scam legitimate businesses for documents. then they "shop" these documents pretending that they have an investment portfolio already invested. along with fraudulent bank documents they then try to dupe investors into giving them money for various schemes. they never invest money and they defraud investors using all kinds of forged documents. Very scary group - greg lusitg, kevin gluckstal, rick jordan.

they use aladin coin as another one of their ponzi schemes.


Alias et ut blanditiis iste voluptas. Recusandae pariatur dolorum ex rem. Qui autem saepe autem qui error. Sed ut voluptatibus optio quam consequuntur ut. Labore ut repudiandae voluptas iure rerum minus aut.

Provident ad dolore laudantium voluptas sequi quia eos. Consequatur accusantium numquam possimus voluptatibus omnis quia eum. Sapiente et sequi reprehenderit aut porro nulla doloribus. Sed et sit quia doloribus mollitia.

Perferendis sunt et magni possimus id autem. Facilis neque nesciunt cumque quam. Possimus vitae voluptates corrupti earum unde.

Hic possimus temporibus odio. Tenetur et excepturi quo et aliquam. Repudiandae aut hic explicabo hic nihil.

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