Is Canada Really That Bad ?

Long term bf lives in canada and likely won't be moving out for a while (waiting for his citizenship etc), is canada really that bad? I'll be doing a masters in the US and will hopefully have the chance to stay there but I'm wondering if canada is really as bad as everyone on wso says it is? 

Edit: would be in Toronto 

Edit 2: thank you for all the comments! Does anybody have any positive perspectives (would really appreciate some) 


Yes, it is. I came to do masters here after studying in the US for my long term girl as well.

Worst place you could be: career wise, weather wise, taxes wise, standard of living wise. Nothing. There is nothing. Large-scale gatekeeping and blatant proud nepotism ruins your career. Government and oligopolies screw consumers over and over, nothing is affordable. 

Do not come here. If you are a US citizen you could come, learn by yourself, and still return.

But if you are an international student in the US, absolutely do not make a mistake of leaving the US for Canada.

I have verbally landed a couple banking/PE positions in the US but for the firm to not sponsor H1B cause of the lottery to start (not Canadian, no TN). Cannot work there and have been unemployed for a few months post graduation here. 

I repeat: DO NOT COME!


At least they acknowledge the lands which constitute the present-day City of Mississauga as being part of the Treaty and Traditional Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, The Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Huron-Wendat and Wyandot Nations and recognize these peoples and their ancestors as peoples who inhabited these lands since time immemorial and that the City of Mississauga is home to many global Indigenous Peoples.

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It's even worse than you can imagine. Growing up as an American, I've always thought that Canada was just like the US but colder. Maybe that was true in the past, but nothing could be further from the truth now. I've visited Toronto a few times in the past year and it's just fucked beyond recognition. It's New York cost-of-living with Mississippi tier salaries in a city that's far worse than New York (or Chicago, or LA, or even Dallas or Houston). Imagine paying New York prices to live in a Minneapolis tier city. Although I would much rather live in Minneapolis than Toronto, hell, I'd rather live in Tijuana or El Salvador than Toronto. Investment bankers can't even afford to live comfortably in Toronto anymore. The Canadian economy is stagnant, run by oligopolies, and real estate and cost of living is out of control.


And salaries go lower every year, and housing goes higher every year, because Canada has the most inane immigration policies in the developed world and they've let millions of people in (mostly from India) while the housing supply has remained the same. And despite all the immigrants they let in, there's no corresponding increase in economic growth or productivity. You think that's just being racist or anti-immigration (which I'm not, I think letting in a certain number of skilled immigrants is good for the economy) but its objectively true. And now you can't get a mortgage unless you make $300-400k+ a year in Toronto and Vancouver.


And the Canadian government under Trudeau is massively authoritarian and is cracking down on freedom of speech online, violated the Canadian constitution by freezing protestors bank accounts, and oh yeah, the 4th leading cause of death in Canada is MAID which is a euphemism for the Canadian government literally killing it's own citizens via assisted suicide. The cost of living in Canada is so high that Canadians are literally killing themselves to escape. That's how bad it is. 


Just imagine a bunch of frogs boiling to death in a bucket, with some of the frogs electing to kill themselves (and the government helping them do so). That's Canada. As an American it makes me so angry to see how fucked Canada has become. You think all of this post is hyperbole and insane but no, its 100% true and Canada gets more fucked every day. 



I think one of my cousins is still in banking at a big bank in the Toronto office. Last I spoke to him pre-pandemic, he hates his income cap and feels severely underpaid. Got a sick loft downtown though.


I have lived in Toronto for over 35 years and am finally moving with my wife and kids down to the U.S. permanently. Toronto 20 years ago was not like it is today - people are really struggling.

I would rather live in Detroit (which is terrible) than live in Toronto.


No matter how many times you edit the post expecting positive experience, it won’t happen.

You are clinging on any hope, let me tell you. There is none. 
Maybe 5-10 years ago, it was alright.

It is neither affordable, nor does it have any good career path.

The teller dude above literally explained your future, moved for a partner and figured out how fucked up it is.

If you still want to suffer then that’s up to you. Regret a few years later.

I guess we all need some big regrets in life.


If you are not connected to the Toronto establishment, it is a bad time. I say this as someone who is and have seen the contrast between ease of finding roles for folks on both sides of the curtain.

In general though the cost of living is crazy, and high finance opportunities are few and far between. If you are a Director in IB you are moving into areas and houses today that were middle class as recently as the early 2000s. It is MATERIALLY worse than it was 10+ years ago. If it was not for personal reasons, I would have left for another job market.


Also what people need to realize is that... smart Canadians could see the cracks forming in 2015-2020. And if they did nothing, like 99% of them did, their lives are much worse than if they had left to the US or elsewhere. Now, it's obvious to even the most normie blue-pilled Canadian what the trajectory of the country is. Where will Canada be in 2030? 2040? My guess is a mixture between San Francisco's Tenderloin and the slums of Johannesburg and New Delhi, with crime rates and desperation and food insecurity and drug overdoses and suicides in Canada surpassing the US or the rest of the developed world.  

Canada is not a good place to have a career or raise your kids anymore, and it never will be again. If you have assets like real estate, sell them and use the capital to go elsewhere, like the US or even places like Europe or Southeast Asia. If you're broke and want to build a life, go elsewhere. Canada is not a place for that. 

If you're a Canadian there right now, wake the fuck up. Get out. 


And this isn't hyperbole: 

Canada's population is 1/9th that of the US. Canada's current homeless population is half of the United States but will be close to the US homeless population in the next 5 years. 1 million Canadians are expected to be at risk of homelessness by 2030.

r/CanadaHousing2 - Canada's Estimated Homeless Population Is Half Of The United States But Will Be Close To US Homeless Population In Next 5 Years! 1 Million Canadians Expected To Be At Risk Of Homelessness By 2030! End Immigration Scam Now!


Yes, it is bad.

Taxes are insanely high, cost of living is insanely high, government actively gatekeeps everything and funds oligopolies to screw consumers over, Toronto doesn’t even have a good subway system, the list goes on.

I grew up in Toronto but I don’t see myself staying here unless a lot of things change.


Don’t need to speak French, plenty of IB roles, cheap cost of living, good subway, aesthetically pretty city with pretty women (not applicable for you I know), and arguably one of the most fun cities I’ve had the pleasure of visiting—and I’ve been to most of the major cities in NA and EU. Only downside is I hate French Canadians, and they hate you too.


Nowhere else in Canada is really ever gonna get as bad as Vancouver and Toronto. If you view the entire country through the lens of those two cities alone, sure, it’s a hellhole. But idk, Montreal, Calgary, Saskatoon, etc. are still good cities, actually decently affordable housing, not terrible places to live. We definitely need to change things as a country to ensure that these remain good places to live. Would help if we didn’t let in a flood of immigrants that don’t actually contribute to the economy. Sure, let in doctors and engineers, but why are we taking on a million Indians to work at McDonald’s and Tim Horton’s? Not a recipe for success. Vancouver and Toronto are lost causes at this point, only hope is to salvage the rest of the country


Am in Montreal, don’t come to Montreal.

Montreal is only good for visiting, not for living.
For Montreal IB, you need a MD uncle if you won’t speak French. 

Yeah chicks are hot and shit, but you’ll be screwed. 
You’ll be discriminated like crazy. My friends who grew up here get told in interviews that their French isn’t fluent. (Chinese/Haitian friends living here since they were 4-6 YO).

You can’t access any government offices, if you need to be in court for any reason, judge won’t speak English, the lawyer will mistranslate your shit. Have heard experiences from people who got screwed.

I re-iterate. Do not come to Canada unless you want to visit Alberta or Montreal. 


LOL Canada sucks ass. I used to have coworkers that lived in Toronto who shared all of the above points from FEINFEINFEIN and more. Their weed also blows compared to the variety of stuff we have in the US so they don't even have that as a selling point yet it's something Canadians will constantly bring up when they're stateside as some sort of justification for how they're better (because that + "free" healthcare is literally all they have).

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Toronto is a small city, maybe a tier 2 or 2.5 if you look North America wide but pretty diverse and international. TLDR: don't come here for career opportunities or or NY like comp, come here for a decent mix of hustle and chill. 

My life is pretty chill man, though I probably wouldn't have liked it as much if I started my career here, the trajectories and comp are nowhere near what a New York, London, Hong Kong etc. can offer (see my comment above about being tier 2 or 2.5). I would know having worked in two of those cities. I'd say the most talented finance Canadians head to the US, and most of the bitterness you'll see here comes from those who just don't have the talent/ability to make the jump from a tier 2/2.5 to a global. 

I enjoy what a fairly young and diverse city it is. I live on the lake, bike to work in the summers, play rec soccer and beach vball over the week, depending on the time of year catch a hockey/basketball/baseball game. There's a lot of green space, and summer is really chilling by the lake with friends grabbing drinks or whatever. Lots of biking options if you like that, and I love going to the islands in the summer to bike and chill on the beach.

Nightlife is decent, very bougie in the King/Queen West strip and a bit more varied in other parts with a pretty thriving indie/local music scene (hip hop, jazz, blues, rock blah blah). The food scene downtown is more Instagram than palate friendly but we have tons of really good ethnic food. Not as much variety as say New York, but a surprising number of options.

My Cons: real estate is very overpriced, taxes are high, the job market right now is super soft, travel distance (everywhere is far - Europe, Caribbean etc.) but probably not much more so than New York, the politics are becoming very US like (the loudest voices, grifting etc.) which I really dislike.


Agree with everything. Except part of the bitterness also comes from international students who can land stuff in the US but then firm doesn't want to directly apply for your lottery visa just to start.

You have work authorization in Canada but cannot land anything here, and you can land things in the US but do not have work authorization there. So what can you do?


Cumulatively, your cons should be considered a dealbreaker for most people.  

Trading in nice scenery for insane cost of living, high taxes, and a soft job market is exactly what people are doing here in the Bay Area, and I'm watching the place go to shyt in real-time.   

The winners all love it, sure - but there are hardly enough of them to fight off the decay.  It's palpable. Hopefully I can join the exodus to Texas.  But to be fair, we also have a serious petty crime and drug and homelessness problem to deal with in addition to the economic climate and the $70B budget deficit about to hit the state. 


Very interesting comparison, appreciate the comment. and 100% on the winners part. 

Feels like the diff between SF and here is that the situation there is due to heavy handed government and here city/province govts are dysfunctional af. Not to get political, In both cases, voters are short sighted and we have brought this on ourselves. 

I had to come back and add this because your winners comment really struck. The “haves” in Toronto really gatekeep the have nots and a lot of our current situation is in part due to this gatekeeping. 


Yes Canada sucks. Crazy cost of living with pathetic salaries, cold weather, terrible public transit and traffic (in Toronto). You get paid like you are in Europe without having all the great food, cheap travel to so many different countries, history and culture etc.

Most people with any sort of real aspirations end up leaving- the ones that don’t are either not capable of leaving Canada, or are unwilling to do so just for family reasons. Nonetheless, from a pure career standpoint it’s a no brainer to move.


Honestly, I think people are blowing things way out of proportion here / bitter with their lives. Toronto is the 4th biggest city in North America (bigger than Chicago) and honestly offers world class city amenities.

Food / Nightlife: Lots of extremely diverse food (you can find amazing cuisine from every pocket of the world), great nightlife on King and Queen St W / Ossington, and tons of access to music, art, museums.

Transit: Toronto has a rapidly improving transit system - its ridership is the 3rd most in North America, only behind NY and Mexico City. Subway, streetcar and bus system can get you everywhere; and if not, it’s a quick Uber ride away. On top of this, there is a very robust regional rail system called the GO, which could get you anywhere around the Greater area. New subway lines and extensions are advancing everyday.

Pay / Compensation: Yes, this is ultimately where there is a disparity in Toronto. I would say high finance jobs probably see a 20-30% discount vs. NY and SF. But then again, it’s the nature of the job market.

Taxes: While we do pay a shit ton of taxes (30-40%), I just did a quick comparison vs. NY and the delta on a $250k comp is $20k less in NY. The one thing people don’t account for is healthcare, in the States, I’ve heard of people contributing an extra $500 per paycheque for private insurance (employee portion) when that isn’t an expense in Toronto.

Cost of Living: While owning real estate in Toronto is extremely expensive (2 bedroom condos cost ~850-950k), renting is much more affordable than people think. You can get a 2 bedroom for around $3200 / month, when a comparable apartment in New York will be well over $6000-7000. Food is similar to other top tier cities, but nothing substantially above LA / NY / SF (think $15-20 for a lunch bowl)

Weather: Honestly it’s manageable, summers are amazing (not too hot), there’s lots of parks and green space in the city, and the winters have gotten milder over the past few years. Other than 1-3 weeks of very cold weather, it is quite similar to New York. And winter is really only 3 months. Autumn, spring and summer are very manageable and moderate.

Homelessness / Safety: people are blowing this way out of proportion… compare homicide rates / 100k people, Toronto is lower than SF, LA, NY, Chi. Homelessness isn’t even close to levels in SF, or LA, I would say it’s similar to NY.

Overall, Canada is more of a left leaning country, likely between Europe and the US. And there are issues (influx of low wage immigration, expensive real estate prices, higher taxes), and the job market isn’t as robust as NY / SF. But honestly, which place is perfect and isn’t experiencing any of the same issues listed above? There are still tons of finance / consulting / tech / law jobs that will pay lots of money, and overall you’ll definitely have more opportunity than the people who say they would move to tier 2/3 cities in the US.


This post is pure cope… You can get a 2 bedroom for $3200 in UWS between w 96 and w 110 / morningside heights or top of UES or in Harlem and be 20 minutes away from a job in midtown. And I’m pretty sure I only pay like ~$3k a year for healthcare, which I don’t need or use because I’m in perfect health. 


Let's compare $$$ in Toronto with a city that is similar in size and weight it punches on a financial scale: Chicago.

For example, a 3rd year associate at a Big 5 bank in Toronto can expect to make at the higher end 375k CAD all in. This is due to the fact that Big 5 banks keep associate base stagnant throughout all 3 years, only increasing bonus %. I'm pretty sure it was 135k a year or so ago but i'll be generous and say its 150k now (150k + 150% bonus = 375k).

In Chi, 225k is street base. Let's assume a less than 100% bonus (80%) for a total comp of 405k USD. Here is where comp deviates considerably:

1.35 is roughly current USD/CAD FX rate. 405k USD = roughly 545k CAD. 

After tax (no deductions) Toronto comp = roughly 210k CAD.

After tax (no deductions) Chicago comp = roughly 350k CAD. 67% difference in post tax income (140k).

Now let's discuss COL. Let's say we're looking at 2bd 2bth properties in each city, within walking distance to the downtown core/financial district (and not shitty areas like Dundas/Jarvis in TO where crackheads run the streets like warlords)


Toronto - All new construction + nice amenities, much smaller (v. unlikely to find 1k sft+) - 3200 CAD/m

Chicago - Less new construction (older buildings), more spacious (all 1k sft+) - around 3400 USD/m = 4600 CAD/m

Over 12 months, = 17k premium in Chicago. So on a yearly cost basis, the 140k you save in comp/taxes = (rounded) 120k CAD ish on an associate salary.

The BIG BIG difference is home ownership. In the same areas, it flips drastically.

Let's say you're in Toronto and looking to buy a 1.35M CAD property (1M USD). 

Toronto - Similar to the units renting for 3-3.5k CAD/m, 2b 2bth maybe 2+den, v. unlikely over 1.2k sft, no chance for v. high end buildings except for 1b/1+den

Chicago - easily 2-3k+ sft even in v. high end. buildings, 3-4b 3bth, v. high end buildings at 2-3bd 2-3bth & 2k sft+ at this range on the water/80th floor, etc.

The difference in how far your dollar goes respective to home ownership is MILES apart. This is not even considering the impossibility of buying anything at the 250k USD/340K CAD level where you can buyer a 1b 1bth (not studio) in the same area in Chicago in an older building vs. not even the cheapest 350sft studio in downtown Toronto on its best day. The difference in value on the other end 1.5-2M CAD+ is even more enormous when comparing these cities.

So idk. You make 60-65% more and can afford twice as nice (at least) of a property for the same cost... plus you can buy housing earlier in your career and the value you get at the higher end is additionally more significant. 

Oh and Toronto's public transit infrastructure has deteriorated so poorly in the last 5 years that it is in no way more efficient or safer than Chicago's. The TTC (streetcar & subway) is dangerous af vs. what it used to be and there is much more limited than the loop's system. While violent crimes are definitively higher in Chi, it's much more concentrated in a few areas that are very easy to avoid vs. the shit show in Toronto. The homelessness and violent random druggies is not limited to ANY place in Toronto, I have friends and family members who work in IB/PE etc who have been attacked with needles and/or sucker punched by drug addicts on Bay St. while the police do nothing. So let's call it a wash at best when comparing quality of living as someone making a few hundred K. 

Truth is: Toronto is a BAD DEAL. Everything I just said was not the case 10+ years ago. COL was WAYY lower in Toronto especially in respect to RE ownership. Crime was low and things were generally great. Now its a devolved into no better than the worst of any major US city. Again, it's a BAD DEAL cuz you're losing half or more of your income for no benefits whatsoever vs a comparable city. Not gonna touch on politics cuz its subjective but lol if you know you know.

Canada (Toronto specifically) has lost its edge.


Agree with the comp math. Interesting way to look at rent too, I would’ve thought TO would be higher. 

disagree with the home ownership math. Anyone paying 1.35 for a 2b condo with many ever dens deserves to be robbed. I paid around that much for a 2 story semi, 3 bed 2 bath with a backyard and it’s def much bigger than 1200 sft.

Also, idk why you’re painting this like a crime hellhole. I take the streetcar everyday to work in FiDi and other than sporadic incidents and the guy who posts up permanently on York and Welli, I haven’t heard a siren in ages other than during leafs games. 


My property tax in Toronto in midtown for my 5 bedroom house is just over $7k a year. The property tax for my 3 bedroom co-op in Lincoln park was almost $70k a year.

IB MD, Group Head industry coverage

Public transit sucks ass and the city planners in Toronto are complete dopes putting bike lanes and extra lights everywhere and causing massive traffic jams. Toronto is a commuter city with poor transit and the municipality makes it as hard as possible to drive here, it’s dumb as hell



I don't even work in finance and I don't even live in Canada but I got extended family in Toronto.

Trash pay, trash tax, socialist healthcare, some of my friends have described it as worse than Gotham city. When i was there in the downtown i heard sirens once every five minutes. Crackheads roam the streets. Government is dysfunctional and is actively trying to ruin the country with liberalist policies so left Im surprised they don't just rename Vancouver "Left Toronto" and Toronto "Left Quebec". Absolutely terrible economy and trash safety, seeing some crazy things happening on the TTC. Absolutely terribly underfunded public services. It is a really unique place where everything is terrible but tax is 50%, and the literal only benefit is crappy socialist healthcare, and this is honestly something I cannot even begin to understand.

Going to Canada is basically the equivalent of career suicide, tbh. I have lived in the UK and HK and visited many places of the world, but Canada stands alone in that it is an absolute joke of a country & would be better served through US annexation.

Yeah all jokes (well I'm half joking only) aside you will probably find happiness there with your bf and hopefully establish a decent career there. I will give this to Canada - the air is decently fresh (as in, there is less pollution).


Dual Citizen, with parents that grew up in a completely different country, before immigrating to both Canada and the US. 

Canada is not a 3rd world country.  Anybody who thinks that should visit where my parents came from, or any of Pakistan,Bangladesh, or Afghanistan lol. 


1.  It's probably the anglo country with the worst future prospects (or tied with NZ), and most likely the anglo country with the worst QOL. 

2.  Professional opportunities pale in comparison to the US, which is the same case with Australia, but Canada is right next door.  

3.  Housing is fucking insane in the major cities, and more importantly, it became bad at an astonishingly fast pace.

4.  Healthcare is not like what It used to be with crazy wait times, among other issues.  IMO, for me, this was the only selling point that Canada had over the US.  With it gone, Canada doesn't offer anything that america doesn't already offer in abundance.  

I like Canada.  More slow paced than the US, but its def a more blue collar vibe, and being a professional isn't the move there the same way it is here in America.  If Canada doesn't change course however, expect it to be a nation where generational wealth will decide your destiny.  Native anglo canadians at this rate will also stop breeding, so Canada will likely become the first post nation state in existence (at least as a modern construct, I'm aware such polities existed in the past).


Lots of good comments here with a mix of hard data and anecdotal evidence to support the position. Fundamentally, I believe that GDP per capita is the best measure to compare growth and it takes nothing more than a glance at the chart to see how poorly Canada has done over the last decade. Over the last 10 years, GDP per capita in Canada grew overall by an impressive 4.4% or at a CAGR of 0.4% while in the US, it grew overall 46% or at a CAGR of 3.9%. In 2014, GDP per capital in Canada was only US$4K lower than in the US, the gap has now increased to US$27K. 

The underlying reasons for the lack of wealth creation (lack of innovation / productivity growth, over reliance on real estate as a growth engine, change in immigration system, housing unnafordability) are well known and explored at length , but it's also clear that those are not going to get better any time soon. I struggle to see how the wealth gap with the US doesn't continue to expand over the next decade or two. The comment above using Wayne Gretzky quote about skating where the puck is going is absolutely bang on, it's crystal clear that the Canadian environment is not going to be a positive one for the foreseeable future, especially for younger (ish) people. And yes, Canada is still a better place to live than the vast majority of the world, but it's also incredibly frustrating to look at the mess that was created over the last 10 years given all of the main problems are self-inflicted (and 100% foreseable). 

GPD Per Capital


Here are my thoughts...I grew up in Canada and just moved back and spent ~7 years total in the US probably over time. My wife is American. Here are some things to thing about, and why we chose to live in Canada.

  • I would not live here if I was young and looking to progress quickly career wise. The fact is, the US is simply MUCH larger and has the world's best cap markets. Nothing comes close to it. Your surface area for "luck" is much higher in the US.
  • Cost of living in a *good* city like Vancouver or Toronto is indeed high relative to jobs available. This is irrelevant for me because I am self-employed. Almost all of my NW is in Amercian private companies, so I guess that says something about Canada lol.
  • Taxes are actually very, very good if you have ~$8m - $12m and do not derive income from a salary. Probably not relevant to most of this forum as the forum is mainly young people making salary-type income as opposed to being late in career and deriving income from equity/not needing cash on an ongoing basis. Taxes are so good here that Canada is known as a bit of a tax haven. In effect, we can compound income much much more cleanly without tax interference. You probably need ~$8m+ for the math to math here though.
  • I can go to events and not feel like I'm going to get shot. When I lived in the US, there was a shooting at a mall literally ~15 min walk from me at one point! This is insane to me. We also had things like people having guns/threatening to shoot up the work place etc VERY often. Far far more than you would in Canada lol. Given this, I really didn't feel like having kids in the US.
  • The healthcare stuff is hilariously overblown. I have used the Canadian, Mexican and American systems now extensively. In the US I run a maxed out plan that covers everything and costs me ~12,000 USD out of pocket per year. It was good/fast but probably not worth it if you make less than ~$300k - $400k USD per year. The Canadian healthcare system is fine. My grandpa just had a mild heart attack and we used the public system NP. I could easily go private or take him to the US if I thought it was worth it, but it's not. I have an ongoing health issue, and looking at the time to get a specialist...was about ~1.3x longer in Canada. Not bad at all. I still have my US insurance active and if I felt it was a big deal, I'd just...go to the US, but I don't think it's worth the drive/flight. 
  • The city I live in is very nice and walkable. I love walkable cities. I will never live in a non-walkable city again! 
  • Love the available of high quality food/stuff in general here. I am really into watches for example, and the local watch meet up group has a ton of great collectors I've quickly become friends with. The local YPO + EO groups are strong too. 
  • I didn't used to think I cared about "diversity" much, but having interacted with and lived in some middle of nowhere type places with 90%+ of one race...I absolutely do care. Those people end up being so fucking stupid it's mind blowing lol. I really did not comprehend how nice it was being able to instantly connect with people because I am familiar with their culture. For example, I grew up in a neighborhood with a TON of chinese + korean people. Now when I speak to my suppliers in China, I "get" their culture and dont do the dumb shit people usually do when they visit them or try negotiating with them, etc. 
  • A weird amount of $$$ is here. Mostly foreign money parked here. But with that, a lot of our LP $s are from Canada.
  • My whole extended family is here as well and has been since  the 1970s. Having kids soon so this is helpful lol
  • The political environment and crazy nutjobs are simply not a problem in Canada. Common sense things like allowing abortions, gay marriage, etc are non-issues here. There's no insane republican/democrat political garbage here and it feels way way less toxic. Yes we have some lame politicians, but nobody is saying crazy unhinged things and our leader is not some old man 3 coughs away from death. Do I like the super liberal spending as of late? No, it bugs me a lot. But it's way way better than the US. There's also no stupid ass woke stuff here b/c the immigrant density is higher and they tend to be socially conservative.

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Dolor voluptatum est rerum id assumenda aut qui. Sed excepturi quam qui repellendus.

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Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


redever's picture
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Betsy Massar
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CompBanker's picture
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numi's picture
From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”