I'm Leaving This Shitty Country

I fucking hate the US. Wages lag behind even stagnant economies such as the UK and Australia, taxes are sky-high with no infrastructure or social benefits to show for it and the quality of living has fallen immensely in relative terms compared to China or other up-and-coming countries. This country is also dangerous as hell (China has 11% of our crime rate, Canada has 15%, EU has 19%, we have had 288 mass shooting in schools alone in the last decade). 

Is there a country that I can illegally immigrate to (I'm willing to forego social benefits, as long as forged documents can pass background checks)? I'm thinking Switzerland/Hong Kong because of how developed they are and their stratospheric salaries compared to NYC, even before tax, or maybe China/Indonesia for the lucrative opportunities to set up businesses in heavy industry, software or white-shoe services given their eye-popping economic growth and massive markets.

Any advice for a soon to be ex-American monkey?

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I would be careful what you wish for. As someone who has lived in over 10 countries (and visited many more), the US is actually a pretty good place. First, your comment on the comp/salary is way off, US is one of the highest paying countries (for finance professionals). I agree that the recent political environment and crime, etc in the US is not ideal; some other countries definitely seem more attractive, but having lived in a few it’s a bit “the grass is greener”. You are just much more informed on the US landscape, when you live in other places you see all the faults and annoying parts about it. But, I agree that certain places (Switzerland being one) do sound pretty nice and I could see being a better lifestyle. 

I would reach out to firms in these locations or firms with international presence. It isn’t the easiest to land these jobs but I’ve had a few colleagues that have ended up abroad and enjoyed it. 


Emotions are clouding your judgment. If you think you're going to waltz into China and set up business, live there, and have any ounce of freedom again or possibly even be able to leave the country to somewhere else without having to pay your share to the CCP by becoming an international spy of some sorts, you are sadly mistaken. Especially if you're in high finance with the knowledge you possibly have of the US or other international markets. Good luck

There have been and are presently, high ranking American businessmen or regulatory folks who have defected to the Chinese government whilst staying in the US by working for their international lobbying efforts but it’s essentially selling your soul as well as your life. They own you at that point. And they can get you here if they want. There’s lot of Chinese spies here currently. Look it up - FBI


have any ounce of freedom again or possibly even be able to leave the country to somewhere else without having to pay your share to the CCP by becoming an international spy of some sorts

I think you might have bought the anti-China propaganda a bit too hard. You're essentially saying "all immigrants/expats in China must become spies for the CCP or be killed."


Look at the lockdowns in Shanghaii currently. There’s expats there from all over the world that are being locked and barricaded in their apartments. “That’s just covid” though right? All I’m saying is if you think China is the best place to go as an American trying to start business there and export to the number #1 economy currently (USA), as well as other nations, I don’t believe you’re thinking clearly. Very unwise. Unless you have fuck you money and serious ties to the US gov’t then yeah you’ll prob be straight over there


What a joke. UK pays half as much for the same job, and Hong Kong or China really? That attitude is gonna change real quick when you see how xenophobic those places can be. They were good places to make money maybe 20 years ago but CCP rhetoric for the past 10 years had been very anti-foreigner, especially Americans. You will never be treated as a citizen there, ever. That and your job and life will always be at risk if you piss off the wrong person and turn it into a he said she said where they're a party member and you are some dumb foreign spy. In the grand scheme of things, the US is pretty good.


Yeah Australia is a good one. I like Spain or Italy as well.

I traveled so much and lived all over and really appreciate the US - I’ll always have a home here.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

In addition to what others have said- try to test the waters first. If you work fully remote, you can work anywhere (assuming your company is cool with it) legally for under 3 months. Try to get an Airbnb (or hotel for the first week, then Airbnb or similar) and see what it’s like. 

Your biggest hurdle is your job. Either your boss is super cool and you just get your work done OR you suck it up and work odd hours. 

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb


I fucking hate the US. Wages lag behind even stagnant economies such as the UK and Australia, taxes are sky-high with no infrastructure or social benefits to show for it and the quality of living has fallen immensely in relative terms compared to China or other up-and-coming countries. This country is also dangerous as hell (China has 11% of our crime rate, Canada has 15%, EU has 19%, we have had 288 mass shooting in schools alone in the last decade). 


Is there a country that I can illegally immigrate to (I'm willing to forego social benefits, as long as forged documents can pass background checks)? I'm thinking Switzerland/Hong Kong because of how developed they are and their stratospheric salaries compared to NYC, even before tax, or maybe China/Indonesia for the lucrative opportunities to set up businesses in heavy industry, software or white-shoe services given their eye-popping economic growth and massive markets.

Any advice for a soon to be ex-American monkey?

Obviously, you live in a strange area. The USA is a great country to live. It is not perfect but a great country which I am proud to be able to live here as an foreigner.

SafariJoe, wins again!

Hong Kong? Do you watch the news?I've seen your other posts complaining about diversity quotas and contemplating getting gender reassignment surgery. You want to be handed things. I don't know what you think is going to happen but anywhere you move either A) won't let you move there or B) won't let you access their social safety net.You're also just flat out wrong about wages. Maybe if you're super low income, but there's no better place to be a professional than the U.S.


Who cares about a social safety net? Am I a poor? Besides, the HK news are mostly anti-China propaganda. 

Also no idea where you got the impression that the US has high wages, HK has higher pre-tax comp for IBD seats, add in the fact that their tax rate is 15% and you're making probably double what you'd make in NYC.


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Atque qui voluptas ab accusantium. Dolor magni perferendis et voluptas. Dolorum laborum et dolor libero inventore. Ratione deserunt ut alias ad earum iure magnam deleniti. Sed repellat magnam voluptas doloribus optio ab labore.

Quis maiores culpa perspiciatis consequatur. Quia voluptas eum magni id esse qui est velit. Et nobis nihil praesentium autem facere. At aspernatur unde neque. Molestiae eveniet eveniet amet qui et nobis.

Quidem et occaecati ipsum beatae. Sequi eveniet voluptatem adipisci dolores. Qui quisquam laborum debitis dignissimos modi non et. Sunt sed in quis consectetur. Doloremque qui aut quae esse sed qui.

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