HL RX is going to be the best group there; HL also has a solid power and utilities team based there. HW has a consumer team. Lazard is only MM and should not be compared to other LAZ offices. Also a few smaller regional shops to consider (Hennepin, TripleTree, Cherry Tree)

Culture is going to be better at these offices than most NYC counterparts. Have heard the HL team is a very chill office (shorts and t shirts), but quite sweaty so you'll work for it. 


What’s Lazard’s reputation been like the last 10 years? I heard they have lost some senior bankers there. Is the amount of talent at Lazard MPLS the same as a houlihan per se? What direction do you see those firms going in in the next 10 years?


For Laz the reputation of the MM group is quite a bit different. As I mentioned it's a completely different business model. They seem to do fine and compete with most MMs you've heard of. Would give HL the edge on talent, especially for RX

Most Helpful

All grind on people and certain groups are frequent 90-100 hour weeks (Piper HCIT, Laz Food)

HL - best overall office in terms of deal quality, reputation, etc. Rx and Industrials.

Piper - largest office with some major teams (Medtech, HCIT, Industrials) that compete well in the MM and beyond (Medtech competes against BBs)

Laz MM - still have some very strong senior bankers, but lots of recent turnover and that office is bound to get wound down in the next few years based on who else is likely to retire. Laz parent has no interest or commitment to sub-$1B deals.

HW - competitive in consumer (mostly Food & Bev) and seems to be growing its presence, though not rapidly. Seems like a good long-term place to be.

BMO office is basically dead at this point. Will likely be shuttered within a year or two. Then you have boutiques after that.


I’ve heard good things from friends at TripleTree (Healthcare-focused). They get worked like a mule but have great exit ops (mid-top tier PE, UHG Corp Dev, UHG CorpFin, etc.). Their Avg. deal size is ~$700m with a few per year exceeding $2-3bn. They recently (in past 2 years) have had a $7-8bn transaction.


Not to put down TT in any way, but if you wanted UHG corp dev why would you not just join as an analyst? The whole selling point of that group is (or used to be) that you’re part a true executive fast-track program where you are promoted at an insane pace, and joining early would presumably give you a better shot being noticed by senior folks. Maybe this has changed in recent years though. 


IB Intern Monkey

I’ve heard good things from friends at TripleTree (Healthcare-focused). They get worked like a mule but have great exit ops (mid-top tier PE, UHG Corp Dev, UHG CorpFin, etc.). Their Avg. deal size is ~$700m with a few per year exceeding $2-3bn. They recently (in past 2 years) have had a $7-8bn transaction.

That's skewed heavily towards deals they are Co-advisors on. The ones they lead are lower, particularly on a median basis. They are a solid shop in HCIT, but have struggled with the downturn, similar to others (e.g., Blair, Piper). I've always felt comp was below street, but no idea how that's changed after Capital One. Talk about a weird relationship - TT gets literally nothing from Capital One, but provides a lot. I'd be shocked if MDs stuck around more than another year or two.

Also, UHG Corp Dev is atrocious. You work banker hours for half the pay. Not a place anyone should want to be unless you can't make it in IB.


Outside of laughing at the UNH exit opp comment, someone did give good perspective around a lot of MPLS IB groups being a grind across firms. Probably a testament to the strength of the groups across all the banks that have people sitting up there.

Healthcare groups in particular see a lot of activity. Minneapolis is underrated relative to all the large cap strategics that have a heavy presence in the metro (3M, UNH, Medtronic, CAH)


Incidunt et alias commodi quia autem eveniet. Provident eos nostrum quis ut eveniet expedita iusto. Quis distinctio ipsum dolorum inventore.

Repellendus cum quam in perferendis voluptates et. Nam totam rem cumque nihil eos sunt. Voluptatem non ut maiores nihil architecto ipsam. Placeat sit ut deleniti commodi aut repellat sequi. Illo dolor adipisci aliquam aut. Saepe repudiandae cupiditate excepturi odit id non numquam.

Cumque reprehenderit voluptas nisi facere officiis fugiat maiores. Vel et qui vitae ut quo. Labore cupiditate corporis dolor eos aut. Possimus quisquam non est voluptatem eveniet vero.

Ut maiores quia expedita veritatis autem et. Sapiente laboriosam ea ea temporibus voluptas sed cupiditate. Maxime ipsum pariatur dolores sunt perferendis sint. Enim cupiditate odio et quis. Animi maiores recusandae eius perspiciatis et nobis praesentium. Accusamus et qui nihil et.


Laboriosam quis hic non. Provident et totam beatae doloremque natus. Id odit voluptatem repellendus ut vel asperiores nihil eum. Velit quis quas et fugiat.

Ut accusantium vel amet blanditiis est mollitia voluptas. Maiores vel et sit quia soluta modi. Consequatur voluptas optio ullam impedit unde. Nostrum quo et delectus quia necessitatibus facilis. Eos et molestiae explicabo quaerat. Dolor dolorem quo aut ut. Nam nobis accusamus nesciunt aut enim voluptates.

Facere quia vel nobis voluptatum eum. Dignissimos debitis cum occaecati ex.

Quae quisquam quam enim quas ullam maiores. Magni magnam rerum dolorem temporibus quos temporibus nisi provident. Eos nisi accusantium voluptas explicabo. Doloremque porro et dolorem eius omnis molestias. Molestiae non voluptatum voluptatum et voluptatibus incidunt. Quam voluptatum vitae voluptatem.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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