How do I politely ask interview travel coordinator to not seat me in a Boeing 737 Max? Preferably any Boeing, but I think that's probably a tough ask.


I have an almost cross country flight, how do I politely ask interview travel coordinator to not seat me in a Boeing 737 Max? Preferably any Boeing, but I think that's probably a tough ask. I would prefer an AirBus, not for comfort or anything, but before and during COVID (before flying instead of Zoom became more common again), 737 maxes were completely grounded or rarely in service by airlines since they were just rolled out, so it was really easy to never have to fly one. Now, I am across the country from hubs in my area of work, and I can't just have a seat on a regional plane like I used to for interviews. And I can't just select the plane like when I am buying the ticket.

Perhaps this is an "bad" question to ask, but some travel sites allow users to filter out 737 Maxes when planning a trip, so I figured why couldn't I at least ask. I could just say I prefer JetBlue or American.


Based on the most helpful WSO content, here's a tactful approach to requesting a specific aircraft for your interview travel:

Subject: Flight Preference for Upcoming Interview Travel

Dear [Travel Coordinator's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to discuss the travel arrangements for my upcoming interview with [Company Name]. I am very grateful for the opportunity and the assistance in coordinating my travel.

I have a particular request regarding the flight arrangements. Due to personal preferences and past experiences, I would be most comfortable if my flights could be booked on an Airbus aircraft rather than a Boeing, specifically avoiding the Boeing 737 Max if possible. I understand that this is an unusual request and that it may not be entirely within the normal protocol. However, if it is feasible, I would greatly appreciate your effort to accommodate this preference.

If this request can be met by booking with airlines such as JetBlue or American, which typically operate Airbus aircraft, that would be ideal. I am flexible with travel times and layovers if it helps in securing the preferred aircraft type.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I am looking forward to the interview and am happy to provide any additional information if needed.

Best regards, [Your Name]

This approach is polite and shows understanding of the potential difficulty of the request, while clearly stating your preference. Remember, it's always better to express your concerns upfront rather than feeling uncomfortable during your travel.

Sources: Tell me a joke., Tell me a joke., Caught interviewing and asked to leave, Never Been on a Plane Before - Please Help!, Share the Strangest Interview Questions You've Received

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Search up flights yourself and see what aircraft that particular route has. This is typically available months in advance, and you can just provide the flight number to the person scheduling


If your company has a policy that all bookings be done on carrier xyz, and xyz only flies the aircraft model you dislike, then you are out of luck and will need to pay for your own travel so that you can pick the aircraft model you like. With that said, call the coordinator and ask what are the airline choices. Once you have the carrier names, do your research and give the coordinator a few itinerary choices. Keep in mind that equipment can malfunction and an aircraft model can be switched even after boarding a plane. Low probability, but it happens.


Type in FLY <go> into your Bloomberg and pick the airports and you can see all registered flights for the date you selected and you can se the Aircraft that flies that route. Once you click on the flight Aka Jetblue flies a lot of Embraer on East coast commuter flights you can go to their website to book the flights. 

Most corporate scheduling services through your expense account will also usually list the aircraft, especially if it is Visa or AMEX


Don't avoid all Boeing's, there's a line between controlling risk and going ridiculously overboard & destroying money / quality of life. Just politely ask to avoid the 737 Max's (specifically Max 8 and Max 9) given safety incidents


How Boeingphobic of you OP. I didn't realize this website was such a craven hidey-hole for bigots!!!

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I hate to say this but it's not completely being phobic but just really wanting to kind of avoid the company because of their management decisions. I actually do this a lot with other kinds of brands.


Idk if you're a junior trying to get a job, this is probably a super weird request. Unless, as other have said you do it proactively and don't get into the specifics just say hey hr I'd this flight works best for my schedule.

Regardless, to reiterate there greater chance of dying driving to the airport than on the boeing max, so its basically just in your head. 


first, i also agree that it's weird and why i wanted help with wording it, the suggestion made by you and another commenter, to ask for a specific flight because it works well for my schedule is what i did and it worked pretty well.

second, i agree that the risk associated with even a 737Max is insignificant. however, as a consumer, if i can, i cannot support brands whose values don't align with mine. by doing so, i'm doing my part and creating demand for brands whose values do align with mine, which in this case, are well principled companies.

Most Helpful

There isn’t a good way to ask this question without it coming across poorly. Fair or unfair, this question will likely make you seem high maintenance. However, all is not lost. I have had great success in suggesting certain flights to travel coordinators.

“Hello John,

I have a quick question about my flight scheduling that you can probably help me with. Due to a personal matter it would be best if I could take one of these outbound and return flights below:


Just list your preferred flights. Everyone has a personal life and by doing a bit of the work for them on the front end you can both make suggestions for your preferred flights and avoid causing any unnecessary issues for your interview schedule.

"Everybody needs money. That's why they call it money." - Mickey Bergman - Heist (2001)

I've had a travel coordinator accidentally let it slip that she couldn't book one of the flights I wanted due to large discounts they get with an airline corporate account. They were open to only booking really cheap connecting flights that logistically made it really tough with unforseen delays etc. One of the worst experiences I've had and this was a Fortune 50 company.


My friends survived this plane crash. I think they got $150K each (which was a lot more money in 1989). They were in the back of the plane. 


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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Reiciendis cum velit omnis delectus voluptas quidem autem. Aut aperiam sit quia nisi veniam illum odio ex. Velit eum veritatis in doloribus. Quam aut sit ut nihil facilis inventore dolor.

Id distinctio aut nostrum doloremque tempora cupiditate mollitia. Modi fuga molestias repudiandae dolore sunt possimus consequatur. Possimus laudantium maiores est voluptas dolor quos quaerat. Ad in ut dolores sit blanditiis est. Exercitationem totam quis ut deserunt in quam consequuntur commodi.

Id corrupti et dicta saepe. Quis nisi doloribus esse dolorum ipsum in.


Praesentium velit expedita est molestiae atque sed. Aliquid vel minus ipsam rerum. Ut incidunt sed qui cupiditate. Maiores vitae doloribus occaecati dolores sint. Veniam dolor excepturi quia. Nemo voluptatem velit amet velit voluptatem fuga.

Rerum qui id ut excepturi inventore voluptatem. Doloribus voluptatibus velit exercitationem. Alias deserunt illo maxime facilis nihil voluptatem. Est blanditiis vel inventore harum aut aut.

Iure dolores omnis laboriosam et aut totam. Architecto dolor facilis sit qui qui iste dolor. Neque dolorum minus voluptatum animi magnam.

Sit omnis voluptates omnis consequatur mollitia dignissimos. Eum earum labore sint quo. Et odio est rerum facilis possimus beatae esse. Quibusdam dolores animi in voluptas repudiandae deleniti quam.

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