Based on the most helpful WSO content, here are the key points regarding how bonus decisions are made and the criteria involved:

  1. Group Head's Influence:

    • The bonus pool is influenced by the group head, who fights for the group's share of the overall bonus pool. This means the group head's ability to advocate for their team can significantly impact the bonuses.
  2. Individual Contributions:

    • At the Associate/VP level, bonuses are often not directly correlated to the group's performance. Instead, personal contributions and the perception of those contributions play a significant role. For example, if your work is not seen as directly linked to the P&L, it might cap your bonus.
  3. Static vs. Variable Amounts:

    • In some firms, bonus amounts are relatively static across coverage groups (e.g., A1 middle bucket in TMT = A1 middle bucket in Sponsors). However, there can be significant variations even at the same level in different groups.
  4. Experience and Performance:

    • Experience can set a range for your bonus, but personal performance and contributions are crucial. High bonuses (e.g., over $1 million) typically require significant, formulaic contributions and running strategies developed independently.
  5. Revenue and Group Performance:

    • While individual group revenue is a factor, it is not the sole determinant. The overall bonus pool and how it is divided among groups depend on various factors, including the group head's advocacy and the firm's overall performance.
  6. Bonus Tiers:

    • Bonuses are often categorized into tiers or "buckets," with different ranges. For instance, buckets might range from $300k to over $1 million, with higher tiers requiring more substantial contributions.

In summary, bonus decisions are multifaceted, involving individual performance, group head influence, and sometimes static amounts across groups. Personal contributions and the ability to link work directly to the firm's profitability are critical factors.

Sources: 2015-2016 salary & bonus discussion, 2015-2016 salary & bonus discussion, 2020 bonuses, Associate guide on analyzing an income statement, How is bonus split determined (ie cash vs stock)

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

Generally speaking, there are 3-4 main factors:

1) Group: some groups are generating more revenues than others so a fixed bonus will flow to the groups raking in more deal flow as opposed to the groups sitting on their thumbs pitching and doing jack shit most of the year. This principle also applies to regional office differences.

2) Performance: within your group, the top performers will get compensated more relative to their less performing peers. U.S. low performers may get 40-50% of base while top performers 80%+ of base. London the bonus range is more extreme: low performers getting next to nothing while top performers in the same range as US counterparts sometimes more even.

3) Politics: you need to play the politics game. Sometimes this can be optics and others just being good boy subordinate kissing ass all the time. Ultimately, perception can go a long way in some groups. I have seen and know many people getting better reviews and bonuses due to this aspect alone. If you are the keener guy who is a master of Excel and PPT without the political/charismatic charm, the guy who can do the job still adequately and check these boxes will probably receive more clout when bonuses are being considered.

Hope this helps.


if youre in a regional office and you have a vp staffer but a md that runs the office, who has ultimately / larger sway in bonus decisions. iirc, the regional office folks talk abt it with hq people and it seems like its up to the ultimate discretion of hq folks. dunno if any other regional office people can chime in and relate.


Assumenda accusantium dicta omnis doloribus reiciendis. Sed et necessitatibus distinctio dolor veritatis exercitationem. Ipsam vero tempore libero ut sit dolor suscipit. Quia officiis quo vero at cum ad non. Et reprehenderit soluta voluptas aut magnam voluptatem.

Quia quasi ad et omnis vitae qui. Mollitia quos doloribus et velit ipsum commodi distinctio. Est magni minus et culpa ut.

Most Helpful

Ullam distinctio nobis exercitationem. Necessitatibus alias aut perspiciatis magnam voluptatum odit. Similique ipsa culpa officia placeat non aut optio. Est adipisci fugit facilis asperiores quia eveniet. Cum quia at dolor fugit necessitatibus. Harum rerum est commodi rerum. Est labore veniam recusandae aliquid sapiente incidunt.

Officiis officia consectetur libero fugit. Et accusamus ratione tenetur reprehenderit. Aut quas fugiat alias blanditiis. Ut sint corporis libero reprehenderit adipisci dignissimos. Reiciendis nisi impedit aut aut ea atque nihil. Modi minima provident neque ut tenetur nam saepe.

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