FTI Capital Advisors / Delta Partners

Hi guys,

Wanted to ask how is the culture, pay and life as an IBD Analyst in Delta Partners (now FTI Capital Advisors) in Dubai. Would love to know also some anecdotes, details, etc. 

How is FTI CA seen in Europe and US? Are they middle market, or upper-market? How is pay?

They seem to be growing a lot.


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Take my info with a pinch of salt as this has been second / third hand info that I got from multiple people.

Delta used to be a great place to work at and apparently not anymore. A lot of good people left after FTI acquisition. An acquaintance who spoke highly about the firm around in 2019 asked me to stay the hell away from a few months ago. Another friend interviewed there and hated the attitude of the people there. This was similar to what people have posted on glass door recently. I probably think it is because the people who interview hate working there so much, they do not even care anymore. 

They also used to pay very well (comp was similar to or higher than tier 1 consulting firms). But FTI used covid as a reason to lower the comp of these people last year. Now they are trying to bring it down to the Big 4 salary levels, which is like a 40-50% haircut of what Delta's used to be. And this is just the base comp.

Hope this helps a bit :) I have another question for you. Would you have any idea about what the BBs/ EBs pay in Dubai for Analyst 1? Any split by base, bonus and other perks would be useful too. Thanks. 



First of all, many thanks for your info. If what your friends told you is 100% true, then I'm fucked. I interviewed them, and they seemed ok to me (Spanish background). I have no idea about salaries, but WSO Database in 2020 showed similar salaries to before date. Since I'm interviewing for the IBD business line, maybe it's different. But really appreciate your insides.

If I'm not mistaken, BBs/EBs pay a little bit higher than in London. I would say 80K base + bonus. But since firms are increasing pays, I really have no idea. A lot of friends wanted to move to Dubai (thing Roland Berger, Bain, etc) because they paid better, and the cost of living while higher, seem to be compensated fare by the pay. 

For IBD, I think it will depend a lot. Hours seem better than Coverage teams but have no clear data points to give.


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Architecto optio rem enim sed ullam magni adipisci quas. Repellendus maxime est id voluptatem deleniti. Omnis sint laboriosam vitae sed corporis blanditiis voluptatem. Non quisquam voluptate in animi perferendis esse earum. Illum occaecati repellendus ea ut sequi ea. Qui reiciendis beatae qui.

Vel est earum ratione. Deleniti ipsum ut laborum eos. Optio voluptatem est sint nihil. Id voluptas ullam iure architecto rerum fugit atque. Enim iste numquam non accusantium autem tempora recusandae.

Dignissimos dolor veniam laboriosam veniam facere alias ut quo. Veritatis perspiciatis voluptatibus ut aperiam natus dolorum. Hic sequi aut nisi cumque. Qui est labore soluta minus atque totam dolorum. Quia accusantium sed non assumenda sunt.

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