Duke MMS for non-target grad with finance major


So basically, I'll be graduating relatively soon from a non-target (2 years, maybe sooner if I decide to try and finish sooner) and I'm exploring some other options in case banking doesn't work out. I've been looking online, and Duke MMS seems like an interesting option in that it doesn't seem ridiculously difficult to get into compared to the top MSF programs, and it would give me the Duke name on my resume, and maybe another shot at banking or at least give me a boost when applying to corporate finance positions (I'm open to other jobs in finance besides banking).

The thing is, when looking at the coursework, it just seems like a bunch of the same stuff that I'd be doing in undergrad, and, especially if I go back and get an MBA, I'll basically be learning the same stuff 3 times and not really adding any new skills. Cost isn't too huge of a concern, so given that and my background, do you think its still worth looking into the program for the purpose off adding a brand name?



The Duke MMS is basically MBA lite. It would really benefit non business undergrads. If you want a top name on your resume why not just get a masters in econ from an Ivy school. Shit, get a MS in whatever from a top school if all you care about is the name.

The Duke MMS is relatively new and I am waiting to see placement stats from it. I am unsure of it right now.


I don't know a whole lot about Duke but a friend of mine graduated from a good school in NC and is going to Duke for grad because he couldn't find a job in banking. I also know that Duke brings in some really good speakers from time-to-time including Jamie Dimon (his daughter is undergrad there).

Best Response

I just started the MMS program send me a pm and i would be happy to answer any questions you have about the program.

Just a few quick notes, first Fuqua is really investing a lot of money and energy into the program and quite frankly for me you can begin to see the results. If your goal is to get into banking you will most certainly have to opportunity to do so if you choose Fuqua MMS ( we have Morgan Stanley and Blackstone coming on campus tonight).

Also, if you are applying thinking the program will be easy to get into or the courses you will be taking would be like your undergrad then you are in for a huge surprise. The average GMAT for our class is somewhere around 670 and I know a lot of people who scored in the high 700's. I got into the MSF programs at U of R, Mckenna and Washington St. Louis before choosing Duke. I right now 1 term in I am confident I made the right choice.

Anyway like I said pm me the questions you might have and I would be glad to answer them.


PM sent. Thanks for helping me out

I just started the MMS program send me a pm and i would be happy to answer any questions you have about the program.

Just a few quick notes, first Fuqua is really investing a lot of money and energy into the program and quite frankly for me you can begin to see the results. If your goal is to get into banking you will most certainly have to opportunity to do so if you choose Fuqua MMS ( we have Morgan Stanley and Blackstone coming on campus tonight).

Also, if you are applying thinking the program will be easy to get into or the courses you will be taking would be like your undergrad then you are in for a huge surprise. The average GMAT for our class is somewhere around 670 and I know a lot of people who scored in the high 700's. I got into the MSF programs at U of R, Mckenna and Washington St. Louis before choosing Duke. I right now 1 term in I am confident I made the right choice.

Anyway like I said pm me the questions you might have and I would be glad to answer them.

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