Drug Tests for incoming SA/FT analysts in midst of corona?

Can anyone lend insight into how drug tests will be performed for the incoming summer and full time analysts. (Obviously, this is only relevant for banks and offices which mandate drug tests). If they are traditionally slated to occur in early May, will that change/not be required this year?

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ignore this guy, drug tests are illegal in NYC starting May. Smoke it up my g


Actually ignore this guy, he’s trying to get you hooked on the devil’s lettuce and fired. Say no to drugs kids.


Not for companies that deal with the federal government that are still subject to federal law, and weed is (sadly) still federally illegal. Most BBs are G-SIBs and deal with the federal government, therefore, not illegal to drug test.

HOWEVER, without naming any banks, a few of the top 5 BBs do not drug test from talking to my friends that incoming FT.


I am of the opinion that anyone who does drugs is a loser. I am shocked that you guys on this forum use drugs. Now, I look down on all of you.


I am incoming full time BB IBD analyst in San Francisco and was informed today that previously mandatory drug test is postponed for the time being.


The question you need to ask yourself is: is it really worth the risk? We all have our own ways of kicking back, but is it that difficult to stick to the drink for the next couple months? You do you man, but corona or no corona, you need to weigh up in your mind the risk/reward, the probability vs the payoff and make your peace either way.


Man....this forum really highlights the embarrassing drug problem so many people have. I always thought that blue collar workers who are less educated are more likely to use drugs, but this forum makes it seem like it is simply not true.


Here in the UK use rises at each end of the spectrum. I lived with a bunch of medics in undergrad, none blue collar, all pretty posh upper middle class, and these guys hit the drugs harder than anyone I know. Same people now pulled into hospitals to help with covid.

My personal opinion is that the same people who need high pressure, high paying, competitive jobs need to get more fucked up. It’s not good enough to make 60k, they’ve got to make 300k. It’s not good enough to go for 4 beers, they’ve got to say up till 4 getting obliterated. Everything has to be more extreme.


I just had a call today with HR reps from my MM that I am doing the SA program at. They expressed that the onboarding components including drug testing for both SA and FT hires are extremely delayed and that the drug screen we will eventually complete before the delayed start date will not include cannabis. That being said, best bet is to just stay clean.


If you're in NYC you can't be tested for THC unless your employer works with the federal government (don't know how banks are related unless you're including helping the Fed in the repo/treasury market). Nonetheless, I know of people who are REFUSING to get tested out of fear of going to clinics in the midst of a pandemic. If you have immunocompromised parents, is it really worth the risk (especially if you live in a major city or corona hotspot)? Doubt they'll force you to get tested if you feel your safety is at risk.


My bank is testing for incoming FT in NYC. Given that most large banks are G-SIBs, can they still test for THC? They are not under contract with the federal gov and no not receive federal grants, so it seems like there isn't an exception. However, you never know and I wanna be 100% sure.

Btw all of y'all who still consider weed a "drug" need to double-check that poison you've been drinking and lmk what has a more harmful effect.


yea they def can test for weed i think. Just double check, it should tell you what type of test you are giving. For example a five panel test , etc.. This will tell you what they are testing for


Oof it's a 9 panel. Every panel seems to test for THC though so idk, probably not worth the risk tbh. Any chance I could ask HR without making it sus LMAO (any other circumstance I wouldn't, but the fact that there is a law has me curious how banks are exempt from it)


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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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