Cornell vs. USC vs. Michigan

Hi guys - looking for some advice here. I was admitted to Cornell University (School of Hotel Administration,) University of Southern California Marshall School of Business (I was admitted as a Sping Admit,) and the University of Michigan Ross School of Business (Pre-Admit.) I am completely torn and would love to hear pros/cons of each program.

I am a high school student and was accepted into all of their undergraduate programs for the upcoming fall, (spring for USC.)

I plan to work in Investment Banking upon graduation, preferably in NYC.


I'd recommend Cornell by a long shot. It's technically an ivy so you get a huge benefit of nobody looking down on you for attending a state school (not that the snobbery is necessarily valid, but it does exist). Additionally Cornell runs a bus that takes you to the city on Fridays. Use it and networking in person as opposed to just being on the phone will pay massive dividends for recruiting.


Please tell me you can change majors after you join the school. If you can hop over to finance/Econ do it, otherwise Michigan.


what about those cash cow , random degrees, particularly Masters, that are being introduced at certain Ivy's?

Surely the Ivy prestige is more for undergrads and more for traditional degrees.


The concentration I would pursue at Cornell SHA is "FARE" - Finance, Accounting and Real Estate. Both USC and Ross would be more general, Business Admin focusing on finance.


I am in the Hotel School at Cornell and I would say Ross is better. Yes, Hotel does place into IB (top BB and EB in fact), but your overall experience will not be suited for IB. There are finance courses in Hotel but you'll have to take ridiculous courses like Intro to Food Operations, which can be quite a pain if you're more into numbers/finance. It seems that those in the Hotel School that got into IB had to work a bit harder than those in AEM to get there. However the Hotel School does amazing in terms of placement at top REPE firms and REITs. I personally am more interested in real estate which is why I came to the Hotel School. Our alumni are very loyal, and probably the most loyal out of any individual college at Cornell.

Best Response

Why no love for USC? Coming in as a freshmen at SC is going to give you the opportunity to hustle early into any region you want when it comes time for IB recruitment. We place in NYC, LA, SF, Asian Pacific, and any other place your heart might fancy working in. Concerning college life, you can't beat the weather or the culture. We just won the Rose Bowl, which was pretty dope if your into sports. Do you really want to live in Ithaca NY? I am from the Northeast and that place has long winters and little sunlight, but maybe your into that. We have an alumni network that is global and rivals the Ivies. Also, did I mention your going to be near downtown LA, which means two things. The night life is great if you get tired of on campus activities. Also, the internship opportunities especially during the school year are abundant. I have been working a spring and will be heading into a summer IB internship as a sophomore. You could probably get a PWM internship or maybe even a IB internship at a boutique freshmen year if you learn the industry. If you care to talk more about USC feel free to private message me. Enjoy the college process and you won't go wrong with any of these schools. Find the school that fits you the best because you are going to be there for four years and it will be the foundation of which you begin your professional career.


I'd suggest Cornell for IB or high finance in general for NYC and other global regions, though there might be some bias given I graduated from Cornell a couple of years ago. While hotel school is not as IB focus as AEM major at Cornell, it does have its niche. I have seen ~1-2 fresh grads per year from Cornell placed to BX's real estate PE team in HK and recall more placed to BX's NY team during the year when I graduated. That being said, if you want to focus on getting into IB first, AEM at Cornell would provide better chance. Ross is good in IB but if you already prefer NYC as a starting location, I think Cornell can at least be the same if not better, not to mention having the ivy halo in the long run.


If you want to be on the west coast go USC. if you don't know then go Ross. Hands down Ross is amazing. Great IB placement, buyside recruiting, and national brand. I actually know SEVERAL Ross guys in LA. Cornell if you only want NY and are a gunner


In Ross and doing IB. If you want IB anywhere besides Cali in this situation you take Ross. Don't know too much about Cornell placement but Ross sends kids all over in large amounts. The alumni network is absurd and nearly every bank will come on campus to network as long as their is not another pandemic. Ross is the easy choice IMO. USC and Mich are pretty similar schools except weather but if you want IB in NY that's my 2cents


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