the following come to mind:

canaccord adams (old adams harkness)

harris williams

brown brothers

revolution partners

....will post more if they come to mind

also, the info below was posted awhile back

Boston Area by aspiringmonkeyi... (Senior Orangutan, 409 Points) on 2/19/07 at 2:09pm Screening Criteria 1) Geographic Location: Boston Area 2) Industry Classification: Investment Banking and Brokerage 3) Business Description: investment bank Bear Stearns Companies Inc. (NYSE:BSC) The Blackstone Group Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. BDO Seidman, LLP Keefe, Bruyette, & Woods, Inc. Thomas Weisel Partners Group, Inc. (NasdaqNM:TWPG) RBC Capital Markets Corporation Babson Capital Management LLC First Albany Companies Inc. (NasdaqNM:FACT) Advest, Inc. Gordon Brothers Group, LLC First Southwest Company Needham & Company, LLC Friedman Billings Ramsey Group Inc. (NYSE:FBR) Jefferies & Company, Inc. Harris Nesbitt Corp. Valuation Research Corporation Canaccord Adams Barclays Capital ThinkEquity Partners LLC Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. BTMU Capital Corporation Leerink Swann & Company, Inc. Fechtor, Detwiler & Co. Inc Advest Group, Inc. America's Growth Capital LLC Baldwin & Clarke Corporate Finance, Inc. Boston Capital Advisors, LLC Boston Consulting Group, Corporate Finance Catalyst Group, The Colchester Partners, LLC Consensus Advisors LLC Consilium Partners LLC Converge Capital, Inc. Copley Browne, Inc. Covington Associates LLC Custom House Equity Partners, LLC Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown Inc. Duff & Phelps, LLC FAC Equities Ferghana Partners Group First Healthcare Partners, LLC Fleet M&A Advisors Game Plan LLC Global Business Exchange, Inc. Gryphon Management Company, Inc. Harris Williams LLC Headwaters MB Ironwood Capital Ltd. Kaufman & Company, LLC

Isn't BDO an accounting firm?

but their "investment banking" arm is called Trenwith securties (or something along those lines).

primarily a PIPE player, from my experience.

You know what capitalism is? Getting fucked.

------------ I'm making it up as I go along.
Best Response

Not a ton of banking in Boston. Lazard has an office here, as does Harris Williams. Jefferies had a technology group here, but not sure if that is still the case. Other banks include BMO, BB&T, AGC, Capstone, BBH (not 100% on having a banking group), Cowen, Needham & Co., MHT Advisors + others. I'm sure there are some solid industry focused banks I am leaving out.

Some of the larger banks have a presence here (BAML, Barclays, DB, William Blair), but I can't confirm which groups have a presence (my impression is that it is mostly ER/PWM/AM/S&T).

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

BBH is research in Boston, I thought? Lazard office is teeny tiny, 20 people tops.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

BBH is research in Boston, I thought?
Lazard office is teeny tiny, 20 people tops.

Yea, I was just guessing on BBH. You're probably right.

20 people is pretty substantial for a satellite office. I'm guessing Harris Williams is in that same range.

Not sure how I forgot Blackstone.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

Anybody know anything about C.W. downer? Dealflow, bonus, comp, culture, etc? Didnt really find much on the web or here. Thanks.


Anybody know anything about C.W. downer? Dealflow, bonus, comp, culture, etc? Didnt really find much on the web or here. Thanks.

I interned there. Dealflow is really good - always things in the pipeline. They do a lot of industrials and materials, along with some healthcare (I worked a really big healthcare deal while I was there - basically some European conglomerate was sitting on a pile of cash and said, "Hey, find us some targets to acquire!" Seriously.) The people are AWESOME and you don't get shit on. Latest I've seen either of the 2 analysts stay is midnight. Office is about 15 people but they also have international operations in Europe and Asia. Comp is pretty much street but I think bonus is lower.
Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

Most firms don't actively recruit for fall internships which means you have to take the initiative. Compile a list of the banks in your area and start calling them up. Your biggest concern at the moment should not be which one is the 'best' bank, but which one you can get an internship with.


Buttercup you are the most useless girl I've seen on here, with your countless posts about Nico holdings and AXA Advisors, its quite obvious you live in Chicago, I get it. ( // //

I couldn't even post in the AXA advisors thread because of how utterly worthless that firm is. Go to NYC if you ever want to do finance, though I doubt it'd help either you or the OP much considering you are both lazy women with no real skillsets. Chicago is horrible for everything except FOREX trading and unlike you, most people on this site have greater aspirations than being a "trader's assistant" at a 3rd tier shop like nico.


1styear is cracking me up tonight haha.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:

All jokes aside, I know two girl's who do "finance" in bean town & both suck more cock than Andy Dick on a three day ecstasy binge; and one got shipped to another office because her boss overheard her telling her male co worker that she wanted him to pound her out in the bathroom before lunch. Thats a true story.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:

1styearbanker, it's sad how you're out here to demoralize people, more so women just cuz they probably don't have or didn't get the best opportunities as you did. I'll even refrain from commenting on half the things you said simply because it'd be a waste of my time to tell you what skillsets I have or what my career aspirations are. It's pretty pathetic how you waste your time telling people they're good for nothing when I have my doubts on how capable you really are. Sexist retards like you really shouldn't have a place on this forum where people come to seek genuine advice than get meaningless insults. And FYI, I live in NYC.



you seem to be a bit of a pretentious snot.

like buttercup, i've heard many people say that chicago is second after nyc for IB.

i don't see why you are so anti-chicago, it's a beautiful city with a significantly lower tax burden and cost of living than nyc. not to mention the fact that when i get off the plane at laguardia, i'm convinced I got misdirected to a haitian refugee camp until i get my bearings straight.


Why would you apply to crappy 3rd tier firms in chicago, there's plenty of 3rd tier crappy firms in NYC.

Also, Chicago is forex trading and prop trading decent only, anyone who works and has a job knows this. Banking centers are concentrated in NYC, San Francisco, Houston for gas/energy/nats, and Charlotte.

The city itself is a shithole, as is Boston. Both are festering toilets that anyone in IBD should avoid. And as enjoyable as it is making fun of monumental failures like buttercup that don't get any of my jokes, I believe I'm done with this particular thread.

To above idiot: Yes, my schtick is to be a pretentious snot, thank you for pointing that out. By the way, maybe there is a reason you fly la guardia.

Why would you apply to crappy 3rd tier firms in chicago, there's plenty of 3rd tier crappy firms in NYC.

Also, Chicago is forex trading and prop trading decent only, anyone who works and has a job knows this. Banking centers are concentrated in NYC, San Francisco, Houston for gas/energy/nats, and Charlotte.

The city itself is a shithole, as is Boston. Both are festering toilets that anyone in IBD should avoid. And as enjoyable as it is making fun of monumental failures like buttercup that don't get any of my jokes, I believe I'm done with this particular thread.

To above idiot: Yes, my schtick is to be a pretentious snot, thank you for pointing that out. By the way, maybe there is a reason you fly la guardia.

Henry Paulson (and many other notable bankers) would have something to say to you about banking in Chicago.

Btw, your flamboyant snottiness is only matched by the Sex in the City commercials that interrupt my Seinfeld reruns on TBS.


Fly laguardia as opposed to having your personal helipad 1styearbanker? how much more shallow do you get anyway? As far as jokes go, you've only made one on this thread and a pretty lame one at that. I think we've got better people on this forum to take advice from than getting lashed out by a pretentious incapable loser like you.


1YB -- hilarious. Keep up the good work.

I'm located in Boston. Pretty huge difference when it comes to work-life balance, but the experience is no where near the same as it was (or could be) in NYC (or other finance hubs, like SF -- not Charlotte, 1YB only mentioned Charlotte because he works at BofA and wants to feel like his bank's HQ is actually important).

As a city, Boston is phenomenal. Everything is reasonably close, and the scene at most bars is great. Not quite as good-looking as NYC, but what it lacks in looks it makes up for in straight booze....iness (?). Not sure that makes sense, but Boston is extremely enjoyable when it comes time for a Friday/Saturday/Tuesday night on the town.

westfald.... Where do these girls work and where may I get in touch with them? Sound like my type of women (or at least I can hook my roommate up with them).


westfald.... Where do these girls work and where may I get in touch with them? Sound like my type of women (or at least I can hook my roommate up with them).

JimU, I would be happy to. PM me, I may have a certain consulting firm's cocktail mixer that you would end up having a good, wait scratch that, mediocre time at.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:

fembot -- no Wall Street here. Most banks are going to be pretty spread out. International Place (on High and Oliver Streets) house a few offices of the BBs and some MM banks, but there are a lot of banks mid-town in the Copley Square/Prudential area.

Honestly, it really depends on which bank you're going to. If it's a Harris Williams, you're fine -- and if the bank is HQ'd in Boston, which some MM/boutiques are, you'll be fine. But if it's a BB or a satellite office, the experience can be less than spectacular. Rarely will you get a situation where you work 60-70 hours a week and only work on live deals (that's my life, but I don't know many other bankers in Boston who share the same luck).

When are you coming and where are you looking?


lol at first year. if you fly into jfk you have to deal with driving through the length of that third world country called queens. please don't tell me you fly into newark- that is just too declasse for a man of 3.5 gpa prestige.

anyways, i doubt you have the balls to perform your so called shtick at the office or even off-line. enjoy being an internet tough guy.


"I'm located in Boston. Pretty huge difference when it comes to work-life balance, but the experience is no where near the same as it was (or could be) in NYC (or other finance hubs, like SF -- not Charlotte, 1YB only mentioned Charlotte because he works at BofA and wants to feel like his bank's HQ is actually important). "

Fine, I'll take off Charlotte. However, NYC and SF are the only banking hubs in my eyes, one for each side of the coast. There's no way chicago or boston even apply.


you do know that while san francisco is definitely important, chicago is the second most important financial center in the united states, right?

what about houston for energy? do they count in your eyes, or does the fact that the banks there are full of those ratty UT-Austin state school kids make you throw up in your mouth?

you do know that while san francisco is definitely important, chicago is the second most important financial center in the united states, right?

what about houston for energy? do they count in your eyes, or does the fact that the banks there are full of those ratty UT-Austin state school kids make you throw up in your mouth?

HEY MAN, cool it.

u might meet the all omnipotent jeffrey chiang at one of those banks. that's a huge perk for being in houston

========================================= We are excited to formally extend to you an offer to join Bank of Ameria

Jeff Chiang would definitely refer to himself as all omnipotent, since only a UT-Austin state schooler could stoop to THAT level of utter redundancy.

he would probably say something like, "irregardless of where i went to school, I am all omnipotent, watch me turn white rice into fried rice"


"you do know that while san francisco is definitely important, chicago is the second most important financial center in the united states, right? what about houston for energy? do they count in your eyes, or does the fact that the banks there are full of those ratty UT-Austin state school kids make you throw up in your mouth?"

Like I said many times, chicago is fine for FOREX and prop trading. Not really for banking. Houston's a piece of crap, so no they do not count in my eyes considering energy is sort of for losers.


Chicago? Boston?

IQ and wealth resides in New York.

Only plebes who are content with their meager existence would ever consider those laughable wastelands.


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Aut ea ea labore doloremque explicabo. Qui ipsam minima omnis voluptates. Autem aut inventore quia labore consequatur voluptatem nisi. Quae consequatur consequuntur quisquam quo. Reiciendis quibusdam doloribus consequatur amet ipsam. Fugiat consequatur occaecati quo qui eaque libero aspernatur quia. Tempore saepe ipsum rerum ab quasi dicta necessitatibus.

Sed adipisci id quo aut. Iure aut et nulla ipsum. Exercitationem autem omnis sed excepturi. Incidunt veritatis nisi aut vero tenetur.

Hic qui esse autem dolore dicta. Ea officiis numquam et cumque eius dolor sequi. Blanditiis cum quia est quas est. Eos consectetur quas aut magnam atque ea cumque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • Credit Suisse 04 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (154) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”