I am at Barclays and can confidently say the majority of the new MDs are much weaker. A lot of the MDs that left were the rainmakers of the firm, and it has materially impacted deal flow. Still don't think Barclays will be exiting US IBD and strong MDs still remain, but it's false to say that the bank right now is as stong as it was the year before.


A bunch of us are at the elevator gates and our key cards no longer work.  Security is confused and no one knows what going on (including a staffer that we talked to)

Think IT might have cut access before HR could notify people (didn't coordinate the timing).

It's a total mess.


What country is this in? Would Asia be affected as well? 

The country of Asia probably won’t.


I'd assume the front office cuts will virtually all be in NYC and London. Venkat has previously said Asia will be spared from the cuts and Barc's presence in Asia is already pretty small by BB standards. I could be wrong, of course.

Most Helpful

Just saw a girl by the elevator bank crying

Fake news. Girls don't get fired regardless of performance.


Least unexpected layoffs this year after the Citi & UBS ones. Barclay's big deal makers were the ex-Lehman guys... a quarter of whom just left for UBS. Of course, layoffs were going to happen, especially since the quality of the new MDs is terrible as they hired a bunch from downmarket/MMs.  


Not sure what Barclays would've done other than picked Valla as head of IB. It was a political battle and the senior ex-Lehman IB guys lost and moved firms. The real problem isn't the losing of the MDs as that's bound to happen with these political battles, the main issue is their lack of reinforcement of their ranks and the quickness of how they lost their MDs. I don't think Barclays expected their rainmaker ranks to be decimated this quickly and made some terrible senior hires from subpar banks, which just caused further distress leading to even more rainmakers joining UBS. UBS/Barclays are both being run by ex-Lehman guys and Barclays is prob equal to them in IBD(UBS has been 1 spot above them globally for 2023 and now H1 2024 per FactSet data but it's been a negligible difference). Ultimately, Barclays definitely lost out from this but can recover if they decide to invest in their IBD division and actually hire dealmakers and not random MM bankers.


This is always such a silly question on these threads... get you guys are worried but obviously layoffs are not a good thing to have happen, especially when IB has been such an earnings drag for Barclays recently.

Banks do not typically pull offers, but they've been more willing to get rid of tenured analysts in the last year or two than they were previously. Don't obsess over it.


Not helpful at all. If you read OPs post, you’d see that juniors are getting cut, which is why mostly analysts are in this thread. These are recent college grads who worked their asses off to earn a spot in IB only to get laid off in this horrible job market. Fuck off man.

yes moron, my point was that existing analysts defend these banks vehemently when prospects are comparing them against other banks - its not the incoming analysts fault, who have my sympathies, it's the unobjective pumping up of their bank by existing juniors who led them astray.  I was also reached out to by one of these but it's been clear for awhile now where this was headed so I stayed away.  every time I suggested the same, I was completely drowned out.  but do your thing boo-boo


Blood bath on the third floor (equities) today. Started by getting the bbg article sent to me...then called up to 20th floor for hr meeting. People screaming in lobby on way out. 

Wasn't there for super long but saw more and more people leaving to go to BMO, UBS, and MS from equities sales & trading. Culture is way off


The scavengers at DB and UBS are going to continue to hire from this 


Very unlikely UBS is going to hire anymore given that UBS took a large chunk of the Lehman rainmakers and Valla brought over the people he wants/has relationships with. Some of the tech/sponsors/healthcare(UBS publically stated growth industries) MDs may get brought over, but even if it happens it'll be a very select few. DB is much more likely especially now that they seem to want to grow their IBD. I think Jefferies/RBC is a very possible landing spot alongside Santander since those 3 banks have(alongside UBS) been the main banks hiring a bunch of MDs and want to grow their investment bank. I am in FIG IB and am pretty interested in banking, so have been keeping track of the banking hires.


Did European banks do something to you? Just consistent hatred of Barclays/UBS. Weird for you to not hate on DB, are they just not good enough to deserve your hate or do you just need to get your game up?


Was corporate banking affected as well or to a lesser extent compared to markets and ib? Considering a potential lateral opps so curious


Can only speak on the NY office, but within CB, the impact was minimal compared to the bloodbath in markets and IB

Source: I work in CB at the blue eagle


Any impact to the Sustainable Impact team?  I heard an I-Bank head was in Houston just the other week telling staff O&G is coming back and they f’d up how they handled the space. 


Nemo molestiae veniam officia. Nesciunt necessitatibus impedit rerum sunt et. Sit facere nihil quaerat vel. Et iste ipsa architecto itaque sint sit. Nostrum et recusandae ipsam et neque.

Laborum exercitationem maiores earum fuga iure culpa iste. Voluptas suscipit amet illo quo. Magnam repellat error omnis in rerum ipsum. Dolorum placeat similique qui aut.

Expedita architecto unde quae ut aut et. Tempore fugiat rem quidem eum officiis itaque. Quis necessitatibus aut quibusdam ea. Est accusantium illo vero qui omnis. Quaerat sed et qui necessitatibus quibusdam qui.


Voluptatem nam odit quidem aut aliquid quia modi. Veniam rerum earum accusamus autem similique quam consequatur sint. Ullam accusamus dignissimos fuga. Nihil error veritatis voluptatem sit vel. Cupiditate dolore sunt mollitia quasi quia sequi sequi. Aspernatur quibusdam ut aspernatur. Magni ab quis autem qui.

Autem et neque necessitatibus dolores sed. Soluta eum asperiores laborum deserunt ipsa. Nesciunt asperiores rerum deleniti voluptas distinctio enim.

Iure voluptates sit aut fuga sed. Earum autem ut qui voluptatibus officia. Laboriosam expedita odio dolores. Sed quos aut a voluptatum recusandae saepe sit.


Eaque deserunt nisi pariatur qui et sint tenetur. Unde quia quos quidem facere excepturi sed. Velit ratione fugiat facilis repellendus architecto.

Neque est consequatur repudiandae distinctio temporibus cum. Pariatur qui maiores et est. Consequatur adipisci adipisci aspernatur rerum totam nihil.

Laboriosam tenetur qui repellendus animi. Deleniti voluptatem dolores aperiam odio.

Voluptas quasi fugit minima aut dolorem. Necessitatibus velit sit minus. Minima eveniet reiciendis voluptatem aut. Possimus consectetur et sed eius non et.


Totam voluptatum excepturi quos ut. Adipisci dolore ipsum consequuntur quos soluta. Temporibus sunt iure labore maxime rerum dolores enim. Eligendi soluta ea amet. Quo quia rerum et in veniam ea veniam.

Illo eum numquam consequatur numquam. Modi vero ea est enim sunt. Iusto ipsa et consequatur vero consequuntur.

Facilis nobis consequatur tempora rerum. Cum nam dolorem illo ut. Accusamus consequatur rem delectus suscipit asperiores vitae. Explicabo amet sit aperiam beatae et rerum magnam.

Iure ut ut maiores in soluta temporibus. Harum autem magnam aliquam est quia. Voluptatem quaerat blanditiis sit unde ipsum et omnis.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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