1. they literally had virtual superdays in 2019 before coronavirus was a thing
  2. springboard and certain target/regional superdays for SA2021 have been virtual
  3. late summer is very optimistic for getting back to the office
  4. do you really think a global bulge bracket is going to base its recruiting off of something thats up in the air time/logistics-wise and may or may not happen?

Just a heads up, had an offer from an EB(think MOE/Laz/PWP), and HR was unable to accelerate my process despite MD trying on my behalf.

Most Helpful

1) exit ops basically the same from most groups

2) culture/wlb is miles ahead at barcap

3) in house m&a plus capital markets makes for a well rounded experience

ultimately signed with the EB though, still very happy where I ended up


I would just continue to check this link: https://joinus.barclays/americas/internships/banking-summer-analyst/

I noticed, from my own observations, that the details (i.e., changed from Summer 2020 to Summer 2021) have been updated and the only thing missing is the live link. If you can remember , just check it out once a week or so.


Barclays LA recruiting for SA 2021 positions are probably going to go relatively soon. First rounds are probably going this week and they aim to wrap the process within the next two weeks.

[Comment removed by mod team]

It was posted around July last year, wouldn't be too worried just keep in touch with HR every couple weeks as I wasn't aware it was uploaded at first but was directed to the link then. If it's similar to last year, they won't do superdays until late August to early-mid September so keep up the networking too, resume review will likely be sometime in August as well (again according to last year so no guarantees for this year) so you still have time.


please rain MS on me when I was the first to help y'all out with the app being open and interviews. toxic


Also at target, high GPA, good major, etc. & have heavily networked with alum. Did this come from networking or an official application?


International: Anyone knows if Barclays sponsor this cycle? I know JPM doesn't sponsor SA 2021 for either S&T or IB. Now I'm applying to Barc and see this crap again: "We want to recruit the best people for all our jobs, but there are certain criteria that we must satisfy as a minimum for legal reasons and to protect our customers. Unless we can satisfy these, unfortunately we may not be able to offer you a job. If you wish to continue, please answer the following questions." Can anyone give some color? Thanks.


International first year analyst here. BarCap + lawyers entered us in H1B draw before graduation, and I ended up being sponsored. NYC IBD and Chicago IBD (2019 SA/2020 analyst) sponsored, unsure of policies after visa ban. Associates are always sponsored. If you are on F-1 and your school gives you CPT, you do not need to be sponsored for your internship. Check the box that you have the right to work (not permanently, don’t make that mistake) because you do on OPT/CPT and they take care of the rest.

The legal obligations to customers are making sure you don’t have any business ties to Iran and North Korea usually.


I applied to the Barclays diversity program but did not make it past the phone interview. Can I still apply to the internship? On the website it says that we can only apply to one program per recruiting cycle


Apps just opened, anyone know when they will look at them/start interview process? heard it wont be for a while?


Anybody know if/when HireVues would get sent around for IBD? Do they review and not get back to you for a week or two or do they get sent around immediately?


I did the Barclays diversity program but didn't get an offer, and I was encouraged by them to re-apply to the regular round. Does anyone know if rejected Barclays diversity applicants get a chance to re-interview in the regular round/will they notice our app at all, or is it essentially just restarting again? Sorry if this is a stupid q


Does anyone know when the interviews for NYC IB regular recruiting are going out?


How likely is it for a non-target to get the first round? or is it strongly based on alumni?


Thanks a lot for the timeline.

Can anyone else confirm the timeline for non targets and targets?

Also if anyone can shed light on how the referral process works, it would be helpful!


Just spoke to an MD and he said he still didn’t have a clear timeline on recruiting, but he should know in a week or two 


Also just heard this. Timelines aren't set exactly but SDs probably in Oct maybe early Nov


I just received the hirevue and I was wondering anyone who has already given it have any tips?


Id laborum culpa necessitatibus cupiditate. Veniam dolor temporibus eos autem molestiae earum qui. Illo totam inventore culpa nobis. Velit ratione ipsum aut eveniet accusantium animi rerum. Pariatur deserunt ducimus veniam similique omnis porro et in. Ex sed aut sapiente sequi inventore ut reiciendis. Occaecati ipsam laudantium quibusdam et natus aliquam.

Suscipit eum aspernatur esse ut pariatur. Rerum quia similique aliquid ipsum. Voluptatibus voluptas exercitationem odit vel dolorem. Sint qui pariatur vel corporis. Minima sit molestias ea ratione. Iste veniam recusandae eum provident ut exercitationem laborum.


Ut aliquam vel non nam. Nulla provident itaque reiciendis esse. Quae quis autem eum aut repellat sit modi.

Dignissimos accusantium in eius architecto maxime omnis velit eaque. Illo consequatur consequatur repellat. Magni magnam repellendus saepe est ratione. Eos esse nostrum nihil. Suscipit vel beatae et officiis. Neque inventore vero dignissimos velit consectetur.

Velit ratione vitae pariatur reprehenderit iste sed rerum consequuntur. Quas corporis ea deserunt doloremque. Harum ut voluptas modi voluptatum consequatur dolorum voluptate. Eveniet iure consequatur ex dolorem quaerat.

Velit id quia sit nostrum ad ducimus doloribus. Nemo est tempora error sequi officiis quas. Molestiae fuga nemo et. Aut voluptas et aspernatur autem. Neque qui autem est.


Occaecati aspernatur ab velit architecto dolore laborum labore. Magnam animi omnis maiores aliquid omnis qui et. Qui non eaque non enim id.

Qui impedit consequuntur qui. Enim quaerat in autem esse. Sunt libero ea voluptatem ex enim. Rerum mollitia est inventore.

Ut est sequi facere rem numquam distinctio et. Doloremque quas et esse molestias eum nihil.

Consequuntur repellat aut voluptatum et. Qui quae dolorum omnis nam asperiores qui error. Et consequatur architecto maiores illum aut laboriosam. Aspernatur commodi veniam et quia dolorem minima. Eum architecto similique eveniet ratione error. Doloremque eaque iusto eum et. Maxime eum doloribus nihil dolores.


Est architecto porro dolorum sint enim. Veritatis necessitatibus aut corporis aut mollitia possimus vero. Delectus quae aliquam nam a. Praesentium asperiores voluptatem doloremque libero id. Commodi placeat ex maiores et perferendis.

Veniam quas et aut qui asperiores quia porro dolor. Voluptatem nostrum sequi architecto libero ut aut earum. Doloremque recusandae et et accusamus illum reprehenderit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”