Are the people at Ducera/Moelis/sweatshops beta males?

You have to be a real loser with no hobbies or interests outside of banking to :

One. Sign (willingly) to come back and work 90+ hours every week after being abused more than a rented mule during your internship.

Two. Agree to become your MD's bitch for 2 years for marginally better compensation, exit opportunities, or deal and modeling experience. Won't be surprised if you end up in the same shop as an analyst from UMich at a middle market with significantly more free time.

Three. Work closely with other losers whose only outside interests are eating and sports betting. Regardless of the go-getter culture at these shops, you have to be a real beta to spend your prime years never leaving the office and reading legal and sponsor docs for - once again - marginally better compensation, exits, and learning. No point in having the 'stige if you can't go to Monkey Bar every now and then.


“Marginally better comp” oh sweet summer child, if only you knew 💀 but nah my friends there are chillers and fun ppl who just rly love RX and that side of the industry re: exits. Granted I could never do the hours. They also learned way more than most of us probably will in the vanilla analyst stint just in recruiting and reading Moyer lmfao. Stop putting other people down to make yourself feel better about our shitty choices, that’s the real “beta” cringe shit


Most people on WSO haven’t worked in the industry yet and it shows. I work at one of the two firms above and the people are actually chill, normal people, just very diligent workers.

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those threads make me remember one of Munger's observations: "They're just screaming to try to convince themselves" the idea being that something about those guys triggers you - inferiority, envy, etc. - and by making public some thoughts you take a forced position from where you see them as losers (or any other negative way) and you convince yourself that you don't want to be part of it; because someone that really believed what you said wouldn't even lose time attacking some guys that he sees as living an inferior moral life to him.

Anyway, to answer your 3-point-shitpost (also with 3 points to make it more poetic):

1. no one at Ducera, etc. gives a fuck about your opinion

2. kids don't care about those points, they will still aim for those shops because $ is good and that's what they prioritize above hobbies 

3. wouldn't be more accurate to call beta someone that writes about others being "beta" meanwhile they don't even give a fuck about your existence? (just sayin', king)

in reality, you must have some type of severe inferiority complex to decide to stop your fun life full of hobbies to shit some guys that will just read this and think "yh, whatever kid"

I just feel sorry for you 


Agree he probably has an inferiority complex, god rejected or is somehow triggered

What make me laugh in this forum is also how people seem to think others “chose their banks” - you just go with what you have. If you have 2 choices, you go for the better one. But it’s not like uni students pick and choose the bank they will work for 


laughable, they debate and discuss bank rankings like they have 34 offers on the table 

someone totally foreign to the type of BS around WSO may believe that 80% of users around here are MIT STEM D1 athletes + 4.0 GPA + ex-Navy SEALs + NASA Award Winners considering how intensive the BX vs. Citadel debates are


No they're actually alpha as fuck haha. I was at a totally average bank and was taken aback by my one interview with an EB back in the day. Just like super cut-throat and sharp guys that don't miss shit. 

Now don't get me wrong, I could NEVER keep up with that and imagine it can be hellacious trying to compete with that many Type As for facetime, reps, etc. But I respect the shit out of those that can.   

Yinz in the flesh

It’s their choice; there’s no point shitting on them just because you chose a different path. We all have different goals and trajectories. 

Not everyone wants to have a life - I chose to take an offer at a “sweatshop” and I personally think it has paid dividends. Those f*ckers at Moelis / Ducera are ridiculously scrappy and sharp. 


Don’t worry about it bud, go get that fed gov’t job, rack up that sick leave and top out at 180k in your 40s and 50s.  Talk to your coworkers about how your HSA keeps ballooning…True alpha shit. 


Not working for Moelis/Ducera = working for the public sector? I’m at a BB coverage group but thx for the input, you fuckin’ Biden.


Nice shit post bro… I’ll bite

For background, I’ve worked at a middle market shop and one of the commonly known “sweatshops.” Yes, the comp and exits are better at these places but one aspect of it is surprisingly overlooked. To me, the starkest difference between the two types of banks is the intangibles you learn at a Moelis/Ducera. Disclaimer: this is largely anecdotal from my personal experience and peer conversations. I was also was comparatively dog shit when I first hit the desk at my sweatshop so no pretense intended. But at a high level everyone at a sweatshop (or the majority of people) is/are so sharp and hard working that it forces you to be the best you possibly can be to just survive whereas the caliber of people is more of a mixed bag at a mm. These sweaty people create an atmosphere that not only produces better work product / work experience but also forces you to improve the way you speak, act and carry yourself generally. My problem solving abilities, technical skills etc etc have improved a ton and I’m way more confident. You are right on one thing - you do get your ass grinded and you have to make some sacrifices in your personal life but I view it as an investment in my career. You also have your fair share of 90 and 100+ hour weeks but it’s not every single week cmon. You slip some 30, 40 and 50 hour weeks in every now and then.

Also small segue and I think I speak for most normal people working at boutiques but the “stige” thing doesn’t matter at all. I’m not disappointed that my grandma thinks I’m a stock broker at a no name firm or the girl shooting me down at the bar doesn’t know what a ducera or a moelis is. My wiener was/is still small at both firms.

In sum to end rant, breaking into investment banking regardless of firm is a huge accomplishment, and the job is tough wherever you go so let’s take a seat for just a sec. For my gen z audience your post is giving closet beta vibes and is mad cringe :)


In the middle of a tough recruiting season rn so what you wrote clearly makes sense. Any tips on what to change when networking with these folks? Just not able to gel well with some bankers at Moelis-esque places, it’s like they’re working away at something while on a call with me and I can’t seem to build a “connection” as they say. To be honest not sure how I can make a connection. Not sure what I’m doing wrong


Knew 3 people from my school who went to Moelis. Worst people I have ever been around. Lame asf at club meetings. Pitches were crazy, but they were absolute dweebs. Most bitchless men alive. One was actually cool and would come out every once in a while, but the others sucked.


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Sed non ut illo. Possimus cupiditate est id qui assumenda et aut. Deleniti ut non quo dolorem. Eius labore corrupti vitae officiis ea. Aut sunt dolorem maxime earum voluptatem laudantium. Sit sunt qui libero optio. Tempora quia corporis mollitia quia.

Earum dignissimos delectus sint earum et perferendis. Ut omnis voluptates doloremque aperiam cum unde eveniet occaecati. Laborum nesciunt molestiae sit rerum dolores laboriosam neque. Nisi dolorum nulla dolorem quis perspiciatis quia.

Non mollitia laborum dolor minus modi atque omnis. Voluptatem ducimus asperiores consequatur sed ducimus neque doloribus. Delectus corporis laborum pariatur nisi reprehenderit. Aut laboriosam voluptatem est. Vero eos eos fugiat tenetur vel illum excepturi. Esse ut non voluptas sed quia voluptas incidunt est.


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Minima illo vero amet ut. Nemo et nemo fugit sit molestias est nihil. Ea et ut dolor sed omnis voluptas.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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