Not taking MM return?

Currently an intern at one of the big4 pods and am in bit of a dilemna. Have been learning a lot but not sure if this is the path I want to take. Wanted some input on what I should do. 

  1. I absolutely love investing and am pretty sure it is what I want to pursue. However, my investment philosophy and what I enjoy is pretty much the exact opposite of pod style (18-24mos+, high conviction, high concentration ideas, prefer the generalist approach vs specialist.) Obviously, I can and will learn the pod approach and think I can be good at it - but it isn't something that would be intuitive and something I necessarily enjoy.

  2. Stress/WLB. Not really concerned about job security risk, but more so the though of having to be plugged in 24/7 at the pods. Also think I will get burned out quickly if I do not end up enjoying trading Qs (as mentioned above).

  3. Difficult to switch later? If I ending up wanting to exit, it will be relatively difficult as I will have developed a very niche skillset and specific investment style. MM to SM perception has been improving, but the switch to SM/LO will still be challening? Correct me if I am wrong.

In a lot a confusion right now, as this is obviously an incredible opportunity and am even grateful to have to even consider this. Would it be crazy to not take a return in the event I get one? Thanks for any guidance - really appreciate it.


I would start recruiting now for LO or SM L/S. It sounds like your interests are not aligned with the MM style, and I don't think pods are a good place to take your career unless you are really drawn to that style of investing.  

I interned in IB and moved to a LO fund full time when I realized that would be a better fit. It is not easy to do given the extremely limited number of seats available, but it is possible if you are a strong candidate (you are) and cast a wide net.


Why would you not take the return? You can recruit for SM/LO from a pod, the only thing that will improve your chances is top tier IB/MFPE analyst for the top SMs. And even then you’re taking a massive risk tbh.


This isn’t even a joke to be clear. As a college kid everything you “prefer” is all hypothetical and you don’t actually know what you’d like. I’ve seen people who initially wanted to be LT concentrated investors embrace the pod style as well as the inverse - you have no idea what you want yet just do your best and don’t be dismissive of any path


Unless you have a good IB offer lined up or something in another field, take the offer.

If you want public markets, I’d take the offer. You can move to some good SM later.

If you’re not 100% sure on this career, do IB. You could turn out to be an amazing operator, or distressed investor etc and IB will give you the optionality to explore that. 

Most Helpful

Heard anecdotally that a good # of SM interviewed MM analysts (recently in the SF offices) and pod shop kids who start through the training program out of undergrad are increasingly attractive candidates for SM. Would consider emailing some of the known funds that have historically hired out of undergrad (Samlyn, Abdiel, Matrix, BCM, Baupost?, Silverpoint?, Starboard?) but at the same time focus on returning to a pod, treating it like a 2 yr banking program to ramp up understanding of the market (fundamental vs non fundamental movers of a stock) before looking to recruit elsewhere to a shop that shares your style. Notably, Holocene, Walleye and other pod shop spin outs that follow multi strategy setups are another option if that interests you. 


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Professional Growth Opportunities

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Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Hedge Fund

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  • Vice President (23) $474
  • Director/MD (12) $423
  • NA (6) $322
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (25) $287
  • Manager (4) $282
  • Engineer/Quant (71) $274
  • 2nd Year Associate (30) $251
  • 1st Year Associate (73) $190
  • Analysts (228) $179
  • Intern/Summer Associate (23) $131
  • Junior Trader (5) $102
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (254) $90
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