Marshall vs Ross Undergrad

So HS senior with admittedly two great options.  At this point thinking strategy/general consulting is likely my interest area, but very analytic/STEM focused so not 100% sure.

I am getting a decent amount of money from USC so there is an 80k delta over the four years.  But Ross is generally better ranked, seems to have higher number of consulting hires and since I probably want to be in Midwest or East Coast in the future seems a good bit stronger.  USC seems strong regionally but not as much national.

There is also a bit of,very similar so just take the savings and go to a darn good school.  But I can't shake the feeling that Ross is still viewed as a more "legit" school for consulting - or that USC still has the spoiled nepobaby aura. 

Thoughts or advice - particularly from USC grads in consulting super helpful!

USC $80k less or Ross - Better Ranked

USC and save $80k
52% (24 votes)
Ross - Reputation and Rank matter for consulting
48% (22 votes)
Total votes: 46

USC for sure. Ross has a lot more internal competition than USC. USC is in an amazing area, has excellent business school and alumni and is 80k cheaper, that’s big.
If you end up choosing ross, choose it because you fit there more in the culture not because of a negligible consulting recruiting difference.
This is coming from someone who graduated from penn last year and is at MBB.


i go to usc - would note that the vast, vast majority of our mbb placement is for west coast offices


Misread - got it - thanks - that is in fact a bit of my concern.  For first placement no issue but if longer term or full time I want to go Mid or East depends on hwo flexible they are I guess.


Generally when the economy is good MBB is decently flexible with transfers after a couple years (sometimes even just 1) if you are a good performer. NYC will be the hardest to transfer to but if you are a good performer in LA or SF offices and the business is doing well I’d be surprised if you weren’t able to get to Chicago/Boston/DC office. NYC transfer still possible just probably the hardest one to do.


Helpful thanks.  So a bit of a crapshoot depending on my office choice and my performance.  But definitely doable.

So if I can just predict the economy four years out I'm set.  :)

Most Helpful

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