Hedge Funder on dating: “the dumber the girl, the better”

It’s Saturday, monkeys. And while I normally regale you with my highly ineffectual wrap ups at this time, this piece from BI has compelled me to write about something a little different…

Let’s talk about chicks, man.

Some of you guys may know that Business Insider is on the hunt for Wall Street’s most eligible bachelor/bachelorette right now. Well, during their hunt, they came up to an anonymous, supposedly attractive, hedge fund employee about being on the list and, this is what happened:

During our conversation, he told us he only dates models.
Naturally, we pressed on to understand why besides their good looks.

First, the hedge fund employee said he only dates women who are really, really tall. He said 5'9"is the minimum height.

Then, he said they have to be super skinny either a size 0 or 2, no exceptions.

Finally, he added the dumber the girl is the better.

The reason, he explained, is because after a long day of work he'd rather be around someone who would talk about "breaking her nail" than someone who could carry on an intellectual conversation.

This dude’s probably trolling, but oddly enough, I actually see the wisdom here. Given how demanding our industry is, especially for the new analysts, is it actually better for them to date dumb girls?

Personally I’m in the smart is sexy camp. No matter how tired I am, I’d rather have a pleasant conversation than listen to bimbo-talk. Plus, most the smart girls are kinda f*cked in the head anyway; dama en la casa, puta en la cama, anyone?

The smarter ones could be a problem though. Coming home after a 14 hour day, I doubt you’d even want to read a book, much less a Faulkner, so why would you subject yourself to that day in and day out?

I realize that it isn’t that simple, but nevertheless, I’m curious what you – especially the younger guys – have to say.

Working in finance really doesn't give you the time to do some serious searching, so in the meantime, are dumb girls really better?

I think that shit could get real old real soon.


I guess I'm in the league of the younger guys here, and here's what I have to say -

For me (as well as most guys my age in college) quantity > quality >>>>> intelligence. It's a natural animal instinct to try to have as many ladies as possible.

I guess,though, that in a couple of years it will be quality > quantity >>>>> intelligence, as the the hedge fund guy said in the interview.

However, In the long term, you are ultimately choosing a mother for your children, and different stuff comes into play, doesn't it?

"Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old"

Dumb bitches are great for a week or two fling. However, once the attractiveness of a dumb bitch wears off, your going to rather have the smart woman that knows how to take care of a man and who is going to be able to raise children that will be capable of getting into an ivy. Marry a dumb bitch and your son might end up majoring in pysch from a state school. Legacy OVER...

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid"
Dumb bitches are great for a week or two fling. However, once the attractiveness of a dumb bitch wears off, your going to rather have the smart woman that knows how to take care of a man and who is going to be able to raise children that will be capable of getting into an ivy. Marry a dumb bitch and your son might end up majoring in pysch from a state school. Legacy OVER...

Yeah... I always had a thought in the back of my head - what if the child's intelligence is the average of his parents? Makes me worried.

"Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old"

In the league of Evelyn Williams?

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]

quantity > quality? rofl.If that chic is below a 7 on a 10 scale im not hittin, and the 7 better make it easy and come to me. As for intelligence, that is hard to find among the 8s, 9s, and 10s of the world but when I do, it makes them that much hotter. Just my not-so-humble opinion.

quantity > quality? rofl.If that chic is below a 7 on a 10 scale im not hittin, and the 7 better make it easy and come to me. As for intelligence, that is hard to find among the 8s, 9s, and 10s of the world but when I do, it makes them that much hotter. Just my not-so-humble opinion.

I don't think we are prepared to consider anything below :) Unless it's for a charity of course

I completely agree with your post though

"Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old"

I already feel bad enough after hooking up with a 7, fuck quantity over quality. I would never be able to live with myself. They have to be hot, and if they're also smart.. sweet.


Its simple. Dumb girls dont require "game" and smart girls do. I have always refused to get into that "gaming" bullshit. Its made for 1) minorities, 2) the proletariat, and 3) losers. Its the whole survival of the fittest thing. If these ppl didnt study "gaming" like they studied for AP European History, they wud stop reproducing and go extinct. Theres a reason these are the top pick-up artists in the world Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Wow that image is so huge it completely messed up my WSO.

I am guilty of reading "The Game" about those guys. Must admit its quite well written, but yeah, I still think "gaming" is a bit of an insult to yourself.

"Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old"

IMO, a real smart one would know when to play 'smart' and when to play 'dumb' Sure it isnt always spot on and she'll be the bitch and I'll be an asshole once in awhile. But that sure beats a monotonic one-dimensional 'dumb' girl who doesnt know how to play both sides.


Exactly mb666.

Good thing with quality females is that, once it is over, they don't harass you. On the other hand, low quality females will hunt you down and ruin your life until they find another guy to smash 'em.

Stick to beautiful females. If they're overachievers too (i.e. smart), that's a bonus.


i lol'ed at how that img fuked up the whole pages formatting, hahahhah. imma try 2 fix it

Edit: the edit comment option isnt there anymore. my bad, i tried

Best Response

Real dumb isn't bad for a few hook ups and partying with.

There are different kind of dumbs.

Dumb but social - can be fun - not very smart in general but understand how things work socially and great to take to places (especially when super hot) and introduce to people and even spend a slow night with- nothing intellectual unless it's you teaching her something...which can get old

Kind of dumb - not that dumb, but not very smart either - this girl is fine as long as she is nice and not a bitch

Super dumb - retarded girl, no personality, brings nothing to the table except her banging body and beautiful face....wow....it's hard to stay away from her...because she is so f*cking hot!....but after you've had enough sex with her...you want something more.

Dumb and a bitch - worst kind of person in general

Not-dumb but kind of bitchy - this girl you view as a challenge because she is hot and smart. She is acting like a bitch to protect herself. You want to conquer her...

Anyways, you get the point, lots of kinds of dumb out there.

I'm attracted to funny/smart girls (I think there is a correlation). Being hot/cute is a given so I don't mention it in what I look for in a girl.


Really dumb and really good looking is fun to play with short term--think Kelly Bundy, but hotter. Would you really want to date a girl that dumb for a long period of time? I would be embarrassed every time you took her to a party and she would open her mouth! ahahahha

Kinda dumb and street smart, but really good looking= Now I can live with that for at least a few months...

Dumb=fling. Smart=Marriage. Simple.

I agree. I need a lady who can hold a good interesting convo. with good vocab. and all the other good attributes that comes with a "smart package".. not to mention HOT! But these really don't come into the equation when it's just a little fun! (except the HOT part!)

Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful..

Somehow, I cannot help but think it's a somewhat redundant conversation. I'm off to a club.

Competition never sleeps. Then again, chances are that neither do you.
Somehow, I cannot help but think it's a somewhat redundant conversation. I'm off to a club.

That's the spirit!

"Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old"

I'm ok with my girlfriend not being a MENSA candidate...I am far from a genius myself. For the sake of any children we may have, I hope she has a good 20 IQ points on me. Nurses/Teachers really are the perfect wives for guys in finance: smart, likely willing and able to raise the kids, and (usually) nice.

But I would hope that she is informed. Like if I heard her parroting Diane Sawyer's views from that other thread, I would be concerned.


I think people are confusing smart with boring/pretentious/douchy. The fact that your girl is smart doesn't mean you are going to come home to have a discussion about Nietzche's philosophy or Monet's painting style every day. I hate those kind of pseudo-intellectuals who can't talk about "normal" stuff like sports, or what phone do you like, or a new ipad stupid game or that kind of shit. But the possibility of a serious conversation, and her knowing more than me about some interesting things has to be there. So I disagree with the article, women HAVE TO be smart. They just have to be fun too.

Maximus Decimus Meridius:
I think people are confusing smart with boring/pretentious/douchy. The fact that your girl is smart doesn't mean you are going to come home to have a discussion about Nietzche's philosophy or Monet's painting style every day. I hate those kind of pseudo-intellectuals who can't talk about "normal" stuff like sports, or what phone do you like, or a new ipad stupid game or that kind of shit. But the possibility of a serious conversation, and her knowing more than me about some interesting things has to be there. So I disagree with the article, women HAVE TO be smart. They just have to be fun too.

Spot on mate !

It's funny how everyone on this site thinks they are a 10.

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. -Tom Hardy, Inception


Voluptate et quam tenetur dolorem. Doloremque et expedita laboriosam eum. Voluptatem maxime enim soluta autem minus. Quidem aut debitis corporis ut.

Optio adipisci et iste ut minus id labore. Enim impedit culpa illo eum officiis temporibus corrupti. Officiis ducimus magnam voluptas occaecati aut quae vel. Sit fugiat eaque deleniti qui consectetur.

Dolores possimus voluptatem animi et. Doloribus nostrum est rerum alias sed et alias asperiores. Quod exercitationem suscipit quam at et iure.

Excepturi ullam labore fugit. Tempore voluptatem nam sed doloribus.

couldn't let go of my pair of aces...

Vitae ullam cumque aliquam modi nemo illum suscipit. Rerum corrupti corrupti provident dolor cumque error. Illum ipsa rerum aut facere. Voluptatibus ratione ad dolorem vel voluptas id in autem.

Ex consequuntur ducimus quia reiciendis voluptas nobis commodi. Et dolorum eum accusamus iure occaecati eos laborum. Ut et voluptatum enim omnis et in. Perferendis alias quia doloribus amet a.

You know you've been working too hard when you stop dreaming about bottles of champagne and hordes of naked women, and start dreaming about conditional formatting and circular references.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

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  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

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July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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